View Full Version : So no kidding, there I was, thought I was going to die...

03-06-2005, 05:56 AM
So we had a Scrimmage today, it was good, becuase, well... it was dangit. I ended up playing the majority of the day with my emag, breaking the oh-so-brittle GAP at least once every game. Anywho, on the day there are two complaints, one - 2 hours before we left the Mag decided it had enough of shooting in E mode and wouldn't shoot anymore. I found out later that the magnet had adjusted itself back far enough so that it wasn't letting the HES reset, easy fix with a little lock-tite. Two - the safety decided it'd be a misserable pain in the neck today and it got me shot out at least once.

The day started out great and was frustrating while playing since... well... we were playing against a Novice/Amature team with two Oakland Assasins rolling around. The end of the day was frustrating because of just not enough time between games (we played tons of games back to back) to get gear propperly cleaned up and ready to move again.

Equipment that's never been pushed as hard as it has today failed at inopportune times, guns jammed, chopped, blew chunks, you name it, it broke, the only thing that was still rolling at the end of the day was my mag running in Mech mode. My Ion proved to be a bit testy with one of the gas hoses springing a leak (I was reading on the hose that it's rated to a working pressure of 125psi and the Ion runs at 180, I found that kinda funny) and seriously cutting into the number of shots I could make on a fill. My Egg had a pod of paint with a break sloshed around in it, not to mention when I got shot by a guy on my own team (this is a novice tourney guy mind you) off the break which sent paint all over the inside of my egg. The Mag was, well to say the least a bit on the soupy side with paint all over the inside of it from the many breaks I had on the day (looks like I'll have to re-tune my LX). The Richochet that refused to work so it turned into a gravity hopper. And to cap it all off... We all got some praise from the guys we were playing against.

Now doesn't THAT just sound like a perfect day of hard play? :cheers:

Seriously, despite all that broke and went wrong with gear today, it was still a fabulous day on the field. Lots of good times were had and we're looking forward to being at KAPP next Sunday

So what's your big story from this weekend? :dance: :shooting: :ninja:

03-06-2005, 09:28 AM
I recently had a chance to play paintball. I had some minor repair to make on gear so a few days before I hit up my local shop. Bought the parts, picked up a few new items, installed them and played a few games.

In those few games more parts broke. So after that day I had to go back to the shop for more parts.

I am pretty good about upkeep on my gear so it was just funny how I had to keep making trips for more little things :tard:

03-06-2005, 09:53 AM
You don't know how capable a gun is to piss you off until you played with an e-spyder..

03-06-2005, 11:24 AM
You don't know how capable a gun is to piss you off until you played with an e-spyder..

Yeah, I've had e-spyders draw blood from me on the field.

I have to admit, though, Some of the most fun of on the fly gun-teching I've done has been with mags.

03-06-2005, 12:20 PM
Yeah, I've had e-spyders draw blood from me on the field.

I have to admit, though, Some of the most fun of on the fly gun-teching I've done has been with mags.

I've had a valve apart on field, trying to spit on o-rings to get them to seal... the tank laying at me knees hiding behind a back stand up (been done in scenario games too). For awhile I carried a thing of oil on the field with me

03-06-2005, 12:26 PM
Lowman446: i think i just may do that from now on. that is for woods games.

The Spanish Inquisition
03-06-2005, 12:34 PM
its been raining too much.

there were ducks swimming in the hyperball field.

03-06-2005, 03:34 PM
LOL That's awesome! Ducks swimming on the Hyperball field. I just hope they were playing safe ;)

The Action Figure
03-06-2005, 04:13 PM
played yesterday with my new ir3 (pics below ;) ) and it ripped faces. We played a few 3 on 3's me playing front the whole time. I bukered everyone at least once except for my backman (shot him, but hes freakin hard to bunker)

angel ir3

03-06-2005, 04:25 PM
I had another great weekend with my totally classic mag. The weekend was its best when I ran into a deal on a SWEEEEEEEET ANGEL for cheap. I have been hunting for an emag deal for weeks now - ran into this deal and am very glad I did. I'll be posting pics soon as I can. I look forward to taking my airball/speedball game to another level. :headbang: I've been banging away with a single trigger mech mag for over 10 years now! It will be a welcome change to let this thing rip :D

03-06-2005, 06:12 PM
Me and my friend decided to go to a local field for just a fun day...well no one showed up so we ended up practicing nov cfoa teams, but were rookie cpl*local series) team. Ended up being an awsome day, got tons of elims and everyone played fair. We got sponsored today..