View Full Version : Tired old mag worth keeping?

03-07-2005, 12:42 PM
Hey Guys long time reader first post.... Ive been running a classic on C02 for over 4 years now and its getting tired to say the least... Living in Canada its impossible to get upgrades and a decent HPA system at a reasonable price... Im considering my options now... spend the big bucks on hpa, get an intelliframe and a parts kit for an enormous amount of money or bite the bullet and get an electro spyder... I love the mag but its more and more frustrating every time I go to the field.... Ive been playing for 8 years and would love a new ULE but the cash situation isnt in my favour at the moment.... thanks for the input !!

03-07-2005, 12:46 PM
I've spent quite a bit of cash on my mag lately and feel it's been worth every dime :)

But in your situation I have no idea =/

03-07-2005, 12:56 PM
Just keep in mind.. an electro spyder is going to suck just as bad if not more than a mag on co2 in the winter...

Plus E-spyders need to use the 9.6 volt batterl it has or it gets wonky , if it chops a ball its done for unless you have a stick squeege to force the bolt all the way back.

I guess what Im saying is there are better solutions out there for you just not sure what.

Eatem Alive
03-07-2005, 01:06 PM
buy a level 10 and hpa and you will be just fine until you save enough for the other upgrades, in fact you may find that you won't want/ need any other upgrades.

Creative Mayhem
03-07-2005, 01:38 PM
Hey Guys long time reader first post.... Ive been running a classic on C02 for over 4 years now and its getting tired to say the least... Living in Canada its impossible to get upgrades and a decent HPA system at a reasonable price... Im considering my options now... spend the big bucks on hpa, get an intelliframe and a parts kit for an enormous amount of money or bite the bullet and get an electro spyder... I love the mag but its more and more frustrating every time I go to the field.... Ive been playing for 8 years and would love a new ULE but the cash situation isnt in my favour at the moment.... thanks for the input !!

Hey DiscoD Whre in Canada are you? Unless you live in Nunavut you're within reach of the web, and get good deals of website like this one.;)

Seriously though, I have a minimag that is 11years old, still with the original valve and body(everything else has been changed for looks :D), but it still works like the day I got it. Mags are never tired.. they just keep going and going. You honestly cant beat a mag. The fact that you still have it attests to that. If you are happy with its basic performance you can leave it as is with some minor additions, first is LVL10 anti chop kit (or xvalve w/LVL10) followed by the HPA and Intelliframe. With these additions you will be as up to date, performance wise as you can get. Everything else is cosmetic. Good luck, if you have any questions, feel free to post the here, or hit me up with a PM.

03-07-2005, 01:41 PM
You have come to the right place!!! Upgrade it!!! Check out the for sale trade portion of AO you might find what your looking for at a reasonable price. In truth dirt cheap in some cases. Heck you just now getting broke in to your automag. :dance:

03-07-2005, 01:43 PM
a lvl10 and hpa setup is nice but you still might want a ule trigger kit :shooting:

Duck Hunt
03-07-2005, 01:45 PM
You COULD upgrade it OR... you can start telling us what makes you aggrivated with it. We can help!

You don't seem like most speed demons out there and you know a nice piece of equipment a mag is, let us know and we'll try to help you out.


Eric Cartman
03-07-2005, 01:54 PM
Hit up the buy sell trade forums on Paintball Ontario http://www.onpaintball.ca/forum/
or the TRPC http://www.thetrpc.com/forum/index.php?
Those are both good places to find decent prices on HPA systems. I'd also suggest looking at online retailers in Canada like Canadian Paintball http://www.canadianpaintball.com/main/index.htm
If you live outside the province yopu're ordering from, you only pay GST, no PST. Try to buy in Canada. If you order anything from the US, you can really get slaughtered with the duty and the brokerage fees can be ridiculous *cough*UPS*cough*
Used Mag accesories aren't common, but every now and then they come up for sale and since the demand is low, you can usually get a pretty good deal. Canadian Paintbal carries mag stuff. I've dealt with them a few times and found them to be pretty good.

Good luck with whatever you decide.

03-07-2005, 02:29 PM
Thanks guys... I suppose the main issue with the mag is velocity... I was out a few weeks ago running HPA (rented a tank) and while trying to fire a string of three or more shots the velocity would drop like mad... and of course I dont have a parts kit and the field (largest in ontario... wasaga beach) dosent even have a simple parts kit.... If I could get it working on a more consistant basis Im sure I would hold onto it for a long time... Years ago I had also bought an aftermarket double trigger and installed it having to cut the stock frame... since then Ive put the original trigger in as it feels better... but theres still somthing wonky about the trigger pull.... its just been frustrating..... thanks guys...

03-07-2005, 02:34 PM
If you're getting drop off then there must be a restriction somewhere between the air in the tank and the AIR valve.

Do you have an inline regulator? Was the tank screwed all the way in? Did you put a few drops of oil into the ASA before you screwed the tank in?

03-07-2005, 02:36 PM
keep the classic, its well.....classic. just oil it up, air it up, and play!!

Eric Cartman
03-07-2005, 02:40 PM
Sounds like your air supply is getting chocked off somewhere. I used to have an old ASA that gave me problems when I screwed in my tank all the way. I had to back it out about a quarter turn to get the air to flow properly. Maybe you had a similar issue?
I assume you're using braided steel line or macro line and not micro line? I ran into a guy using micro line at the field last summer. His mag always choked out after any attempt to rapid fire. We changed his line and he was good to go.

I think Premium Paintball Products (Scarborough) and Badlandz (Etobicoke) both carry Automag parts kits, but you might want to call them and check.

03-07-2005, 02:45 PM
No reg... just steel braid from ASA to AIR... I clean and oil everything after every day of play... the only thing I can figure it needs is a parts kit run through it... replace all the o-rings and everything... does the Intelliframe make a big enough difference to justify the cost ?? I havent had a problem with chopping so level 10 isnt a concern at the moment...

Eric Cartman
03-07-2005, 02:50 PM
I had the old chopped single frame with the double trigger and it just didn't hold a candle to the Intelliframe in my opinion. It's just a much nicer grip, it feels great. Whether or not that's woth the money is up to you.

Creative Mayhem
03-07-2005, 02:53 PM
You also need to make sure that the HPA you were using was a high output reg, anything lower than 700psi input and it WILL starve the valve and you will get drop off.

How close to Wasaga are you? You may want to consider making a trip to the Niagara Falls area for the first AO Canada meet.

Click me!!!:D (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=161643)

03-07-2005, 02:57 PM
That looks like a good idea Mayhem... Im in Barrie... 15 mins from Wasaga.... Niagra is quite a trip but Ill see what I can do.... Thanks for the help again everyone... Im leaning more and more into keeping the mag

03-07-2005, 03:08 PM
if hpa is very availiable to you, buy a 47/3k PMI tank for 40 bucks and play with that until you come into some money. Don't buy a spyder, your mag is much much better in all aspects.

03-07-2005, 03:22 PM
I think you'll be surprised to find that the Mags internals are incredibly durable. If you've taken even moderate care of it you can continue using those old o-rings. The internal piece that has the most effect on velocity and consistency will be a tiny disk called the regulator seat. This is the part that will have taken the most abuse, but is also the cheapest to replace. It's a $1.50 part.


The reg seat can be accessed by removing the valve and unscrewing the two valve halves. You should replace the reg seat anytime you disassemble the valve halves, because the reg seat will rarely align between the two pieces in precisely the same way again when reassembled. (In other words, if you've never taken the valve halves apart, don't do it now just to look at your reg seat unless you've got another on hand to replace) :p

Either go to AGD's on-line store and order a handful to keep in the parts box, or contact one of the AO dealers around here. I'll also second the suggestion that you might simply need to open up the airflow or tinker with the screw-in system for your air-source. I had a fanny-pack remote years ago that was very tempermental and exhibited huge shootdown if the valve was opened full. It operated best when opened to about 3/4s of its output.

03-07-2005, 04:10 PM
My opinion would be to stay as far away from a espyder as possible. They just well, give you troubles. Between the circuit board pieces falling off, chopping like a mad man, and the recoil of a shotgun. As well, not to mention they are as Loud as a shotgun ( of course I am exagerating ) my opinion, is get a co2 ready marker, that is not a spyder, or spyder clone.