View Full Version : Dont wait around

03-08-2005, 05:35 PM
A good friend of mine past away last night and I just have a couple things to say about learning from this. Im not so good at words right now so bear with me. Guys dont wait around to spend quality time with your bro's and ladies. If you have anything to tell someone or you just wanna let them know how important they are in your life dont wait around to do it. Death can come at any random day of the week at any random time to the most random people in an unexpected way. I never wouldve guess this guy to be one to die young.(17) People say I will die young, or people say that maybe gangbangers and drug users will die young. The truth is death is totally random and you need to tell people how much they mean to you before it is too late. When I heard this it hit me like a truck. I never thought this would happen. You hear about people dyeing from fighting and they get shot or stabbed to death all the time. And then you hear about people ODing on some crazy drugs and you think that only people like that die young. Well yesterday took the life from a bro who never saw it comming, never done too many drugs, nobody has it out for him, one of the smartest guys I know. He died in his sleep for no apparent reason. All our friends today at school could say is WHY? Why would someone so nice and smart and have so much going for him die like this? And I cant stop thinking about how I wish I could have talked to him one more time. I have so much to say to him that I never got around to because I assumed he'd be hear forever you know. This is just so crazy so all im saying to you guys is dont let any day pass where you dont tell people how much they mean to you. Because a day will come when you really wish you had told that to someone and it will tear you apart.

dont mind my rambling but maybe someone will read it and soak it in. This is just one of those days where you cant decided whether to cry, kick the dog, go to sleep, or beat up your wall.

03-08-2005, 08:15 PM
bummer. Sorry for your loss. True words about living life every day, and trying to not take anything for granted.

Hope you feel better soon.

03-08-2005, 08:20 PM
I am greiving for your loss, and there are no words that can be said to make you feel happy becuase of this, all i have to say is that i am sorry...You shall be in my prayers, as well as the family of the one who passed away. I hope you feel better man, and once again i am sorry.

03-08-2005, 09:04 PM
im really sorry to hear that. i wish it didnt take something so final to make us realize that we are mortal

03-08-2005, 09:44 PM
Sorry to hear it Ryan....Life always keeps us guessing.

03-09-2005, 12:54 AM
thanks guys it always helps to know people care

03-09-2005, 03:02 AM
I know exactly where your coming from Ryan, about 3 weeks ago the same kind of thing happened to me(one of my best friends, I grew up with and went into flight training with), and made me look back and remember the past in regret. It really changed my outlook on life

03-09-2005, 04:21 AM
I feel for ya man.

When I was younger, probably 5th grade, I was good friends with my friends brother, who was 2 years younger then us. When that family was on vacation the younger brother drowned. At the time I just couldn't comprehend it. Like you said, you just never know when something's gonna happen.