View Full Version : I'm not sure.....

03-08-2005, 05:44 PM
....but I think I got ripped off.

I decided to trade my Classic SmartMag to jlnann68 at www.paintball-guns.com for a VSC Phantom. I thought that he was going to go to a local store and pick up the gun and then send it to me, but he says that the store didn't have one. He then told me he ordered what I wanted from White Wolf Airsmithing. That was around 6 weeks ago.

Now I realize that WWA takes a while to get products in stock, but 6 weeks? Thats 6 weeks of miserable paintball, watching my friends play or renting (which is expensive!) that I didn't think I would have to go through.

Does anyone have any ideas? Or jlnann68, do you have a account here?

03-08-2005, 06:30 PM
Well, I think you may have. Hopefully not though, email WWA ask him if any phantoms have been ordered etc.

03-08-2005, 06:57 PM
Well, I think you may have. Hopefully not though, email WWA ask him if any phantoms have been ordered etc.
They said that due to privacy issues they cannot tell me.

03-08-2005, 10:28 PM
If it helps any,I have some Phantoms on order right now and at last check,Mike at CCI told me he was about 100 guns behind so I don't think 6 weeks is to far off.You could always call CCI and see if he'll give you a status on guns ordered through WWA,he may not but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

03-08-2005, 10:44 PM
What did you get?? :bounce: WW will generally run about a month behind as a general rule for a Black or silver with 6 plus weeks for any anno jobs. He ( I believe) explains that at the top of the page. Again what did you order!!!!! :bounce: :bounce:

03-09-2005, 01:52 AM
The problem is not with WWA the problem is with CCI. A year or 2 ago the phantom really jumped in populatity and CCI has been behind ever since. just because mike can't produce enought phantoms fast enough. just keep waiting. I had to wait close to 10 weeks for mine to be made and sent to me. now if it doesn't come in the next month. go find that guy and talk to him.

03-09-2005, 05:19 PM
What did you get?? :bounce: WW will generally run about a month behind as a general rule for a Black or silver with 6 plus weeks for any anno jobs. He ( I believe) explains that at the top of the page. Again what did you order!!!!! :bounce: :bounce:

I'm getting a black stock phantom, hopefully with 15-round horizontal feed and 12 gram quick changer, and .45 frame.