View Full Version : NEW AGD GUN!!.....kinda :-\

03-08-2005, 07:31 PM

contact your local AGD dealer for pricing info.

here they are finally...

i dont really know what to think about these things....

guess agd is clearing out its stock finally...im also curious as to how many they have left to get rid of...

my guess is ...ALOT!

--edit i like the "bullet-proof desighn" :rofl:

03-08-2005, 07:37 PM
That classic actually looks really sweet. I miss my old classic. I wonder how much they are?

03-08-2005, 07:40 PM
yeah I saw those the other day and thought "wow, this is a great deal!"

I definately want to buy one in the next month or so.

03-08-2005, 07:40 PM
That classic actually looks really sweet. I miss my old classic. I wonder how much they are?

$215 at whitewolfairsmithing.com

03-08-2005, 08:49 PM
I did NOT see that one coming!!!!


I like it, but I don't think there's a market for that.

It's $200. Too expensive to be truly "entry-level" but too slow to be even a deal for a mid-range marker.

Even if it was cheap, it can't run on CO2 very well, so there's no point in newbies buying it, or even for fields using it as a rental.

As a mid-range entry level gun.... Kingman makes $100 electros, Tippmann has a $150 electro. For a little more than the new classic, you can buy an Ion which is electro and has ACE.

It just doesn't have a big market in my opinion.

03-08-2005, 08:52 PM
so this is the gun everyone was conspircyizing about in the other thread.Got my hopes up for nothing. Good price though. (i know conspiricizing is not a word) couldnt htink of a better word.

03-08-2005, 08:58 PM
i really hope this isnt the plan to save agd...

50 cal
03-08-2005, 09:01 PM
i really hope this isnt the plan to save agd...

Looks more like a bunch of old parts made into complete guns. Enough parts to make a run of guns that are alike.

PBX Ronin 23
03-08-2005, 09:03 PM
FSU, I respectfully beg to differ. Like you and I, there will always be people who will put an emphasis on quality and are willing to pay a little more for it. This is the move that I was hoping AGD makes.

Now people will look at the Mag being a little bit more affordable with an upgrade path that can only be historically matched by the Cocker.

In the future, you'll be seeing players out there with ULE bodied Agg Mags w/ eyes with the ROF to match more expensive guns. Now add the ability to easily converted to a mech if the conditions dictate it so. Watch as the plethora of funked-out 5-axis milled bodies hit the market. Let me see Kingman, Tippmann and SP come up with something to counter that versatility...... ;)

Target Practice
03-08-2005, 09:13 PM
I would buy this. I think it's a little expensive, but I'm not going to nickle and dime it.

I like it.


03-08-2005, 09:20 PM
so.. why such a crappy add?. also why no agd symbol on it?

03-08-2005, 09:23 PM
FSU, I respectfully beg to differ. Like you and I, there will always be people who will put an emphasis on quality and are willing to pay a little more for it. This is the move that I was hoping AGD makes.

Now people will look at the Mag being a little bit more affordable with an upgrade path that can only be historically matched by the Cocker.

In the future, you'll be seeing players out there with ULE bodied Agg Mags w/ eyes with the ROF to match more expensive guns. Now add the ability to easily converted to a mech if the conditions dictate it so. Watch as the plethora of funked-out 5-axis milled bodies hit the market. Let me see Kingman, Tippmann and SP come up with something to counter that versatility...... ;)

if you know someone with a 5-axis machine DONT hold out on me ;)

i agree 100% ex with the pneumatic triggers possibly for upgrades too as well as that devil-mag thingy...

and for $215 it seems you could buy the gun and a 47/3k and still be cheaper than an ion...or about the same.. :cool:

03-08-2005, 09:24 PM
so.. why such a crappy add?. also why no agd symbol on it?

i see AGD USA in the pic...and AGD on the grips...and how many mags say AGD on them anyways :confused: :rolleyes:

03-08-2005, 09:24 PM
ya i agree with mag007 or whatever his name is. and i would be willing to dish out some extra cash for this thing. would be nice just to have it there. extra parts, you know what i mean.

03-08-2005, 09:36 PM
Ronin, glad to see ya. Hope PBX is keeping up with developing the coolest goodies around :)

Anyways, I agree with you that there are people who put a premium on durability and reliability.

But I see two problems with that:

1. Those people can find what they want in a 98 Custom Pro-E for $150... just as durable and reliable, MUCH faster, and can run on CO2.

2. I feel that the people who would STILL elect to buy this new Mag over the 98C Pro (or something else) are becoming increasingly rare.

I'm definitely not debating that there are people who will buy this... I just don't think there's enough of them, and AGD isn't giving the vast majority of players enough of a reason to choose this gun over anything else in the price range.

Of course, I'd like to be proved wrong.

03-08-2005, 10:32 PM
I did NOT see that one coming!!!!


03-08-2005, 10:40 PM
I'm not so sure about there not being a market. There are several people that I know that would be willing to spend $200 on a new classic over say $250 for an A5. IT comes with a front air thru grip that helps people who only have CO2 as an air source. I think it totally rocks!!!!! :D :headbang: :D

03-08-2005, 10:40 PM
im saying, that add is not AGD spec, nor does it have the agd crest any where on the ad, thats all

Mr. Mouse
03-08-2005, 10:52 PM
so thats what they did with the old valves :wow:

03-08-2005, 11:06 PM
im saying, that add is not AGD spec, nor does it have the agd crest any where on the ad, thats all

who cares it says agd in moer than one place...do you really wanna see a lion on there too?

btw checkout the tac-one and ules they dont have the crest either.....that thing hasnt been sued in while..

mr mouse- i think these are BRAND new valves..the old ones are prob still sitting somehwere.

i think this is tuff thats been sitting in a warehouse(attick) forever and they deciced clear it out now while its still somewhat worthwhile before they have zero value and theyr lsoing more $ than making..

if anyone has more insihgt into agd and the plans LMK or let us ALL know PLEASE

03-08-2005, 11:09 PM
Yup, I was just going through tom's "secret lair" and seen that he mentioned something about this a few years ago. Guess I should have waited a little longer to get my first mag :p

03-08-2005, 11:11 PM
mr mouse- i think these are BRAND new valves..the old ones are prob still sitting somehwere.

The only reason I wouldn't think they are new is because the engraving on the valve. If they were new valves, they would have said something like "Pro Classic" and not the old "68 Automag Classic".

03-08-2005, 11:13 PM
I'm not so sure about there not being a market. There are several people that I know that would be willing to spend $200 on a new classic over say $250 for an A5. IT comes with a front air thru grip that helps people who only have CO2 as an air source. I think it totally rocks!!!!! :D :headbang: :D

Why would they do that?

Classic is $220. The A-5 is $230. That's only a $10 difference, and the A-5 *always* works on CO2, and will *never* outrun the hopper that it comes with. Also, you'd have to spend $35 on a Revvy with the mag, making your total cost higher.

I just don't see a good reason for people to buy this gun considering what else is on the market.

03-08-2005, 11:37 PM
those are not being sold by agd. they are being sold by Whitewolfairsmithing.com
the ad was created by whitewolfairsmithing. my thought is that it is probably just some old stock being assembled and sold for the last time. I havent heard of anyone else selling them but whitewolfairsmithing.

03-08-2005, 11:42 PM
Why would they do that?

Classic is $220. The A-5 is $230. That's only a $10 difference, and the A-5 *always* works on CO2, and will *never* outrun the hopper that it comes with. Also, you'd have to spend $35 on a Revvy with the mag, making your total cost higher.

I just don't see a good reason for people to buy this gun considering what else is on the market.

some people like different types of guns. I personally think that a "starter" mag at this price point is still a great marker for the beginner and would make for an excellent backup gun for the experienced player.

03-08-2005, 11:43 PM
those are not being sold by agd. they are being sold by Whitewolfairsmithing.com
the ad was created by whitewolfairsmithing. my thought is that it is probably just some old stock being assembled and sold for the last time. I havent heard of anyone else selling them but whitewolfairsmithing.

agd IS/WILL be selling them

the official release wil prob come tomm.

since it was past 1200am AO time i figd it was ok to post ;)/sell

03-08-2005, 11:47 PM
Umm.. isn't this what we all wanted, what some of us begged for.... like a year ago?

How much has the marketplace changed in that year?

03-08-2005, 11:48 PM
having those as field markers would be awesome.

03-08-2005, 11:54 PM

The only thing missing from that ad is a Delorean car and Michael J. Fox. If you get it up to 88 miles per hour do you get to go back to 1996 and win paintball tournaments too?


03-09-2005, 12:24 AM
Chrono, you are missing the point completely. Look at the Ad, does it look one damn thing like an agd ad? thats all im saying. its a crappy ad. Admit it.

When have you ever seen anything like that come out of AGD?

03-09-2005, 02:13 AM
this is very good for me to know, i've had lots of people at my work who are wanting to sell their A5's and get a good old classic mag just cuz with a cheap as all hell barrel (like my $12 boomstick) its alot more accurate and cheaper to shoot.

03-09-2005, 02:27 AM

The only thing missing from that ad is a Delorean car and Michael J. Fox. If you get it up to 88 miles per hour do you get to go back to 1996 and win paintball tournaments too?


ya, its all about trigger speed.. :tard:

03-09-2005, 02:38 AM
i should have said - don't tread on other peoples preferences.. some people have had to get used to ramping.... others should get used to super-reliable mechs.... lets not trash talk each other. sorry if I am rude.. i mean no disrespect.. I am so drunk right now. :dance:

03-09-2005, 07:10 AM
I don't think the ad was bad, I rather liked it. A touch retro but I found it to be effective and visually appealing. Hmm, interesting, I am normally pretty good at calling a "good" ad from a "bad". Most are just average I'm surprised as many people have a polar opinion compared to mine - not saying I'm right or wrong, just stating it.

Recon by Fire
03-09-2005, 09:46 AM
I plan on getting one so BradAGD can convert it to a pump for me :)

Creative Mayhem
03-09-2005, 09:56 AM

The only thing missing from that ad is a Delorean car and Michael J. Fox. If you get it up to 88 miles per hour do you get to go back to 1996 and win paintball tournaments too?


Bwahahaha :rofl:

While this is a good way to clear extra parts and such, to add more classics to the market may not be a great step for AGD. Then again, what do I know? ;) The price isn't terrible though, especially since it is a NEW mag.

Ole Unka Phil
03-09-2005, 09:59 AM

The only thing missing from that ad is a Delorean car and Michael J. Fox. If you get it up to 88 miles per hour do you get to go back to 1996 and win paintball tournaments too?


...Your oppinion is about worthless to me anymore anyway josh. I expect you will say just the opposite somewhere else if it suits your need for self importance... but anyway...

Yes its an official release but I dare say it was supposed to be released by AGD not a dealer. Most of them knew last week about it. But... some people just can't keep a secret. And it's using the old classic valve so it can run on CO2. Note some other long lost parts are being remade or reused there. Can you list them? AGD trivia time.

03-09-2005, 10:02 AM
ok so its not going to replace the xmag, get over it people. so some of the people here who own 4-5 mags are probably not very intersted. however, it does have a little something to it that i quiet cant put my finger on.

yeah, i too agree with josh a bit on his remarks.

but if its the gun that will get my girlfriend to like and play paintball, there will have to be a new name for the speeds that i'm going to achive in ordering one.

later azzkikr

03-09-2005, 10:21 AM
I really dont see whats so different about it. Its a body similar to a minimags, it ahs a classic valve, a single stock trigger.... how is that a "new mag"?

03-09-2005, 10:22 AM
I'm with FSU on this. I also think AGD may go and shoot itself in the foot with the whole Bullet Proof thing.. because there's used Classics with SS bodies for way less than $220 online.. and they're the same valve, so it's bullet proof too.

Another issue, IMO is going with the single trigger frame. How many people actually use a single trigger frame? People are going to look at that like they look at stock 'Cockers.. OK, $220 for the gun, $85 for an I-Frame, $40 for hopper/elbow, and I'm good... err, look, Spyder Imagine package for $175 plus $35 for revvy and I'm going faster..

03-09-2005, 10:30 AM
...And it's using the old classic valve so it can run on CO2. Note some other long lost parts are being remade or reused there. Can you list them? AGD trivia time.

Classic AIR valve
AM/MM rail
AM/MM CF grip
E-Mag PF HL body
EMag twist-lock barrel

...I think only the foregrip is "new"

03-09-2005, 10:48 AM
so this is the gun everyone was conspircyizing about in the other thread...(i know conspiricizing is not a word) couldnt htink of a better word.

I think you meant "Conspiring". Though I doubt AGD is at the center of a conspiracy (Could be, however! One day 'mags shall rule the world!).

But think about it: You can get an old bone-stock classic mag for about $150 off eBay. It may or may not come with any upgrades at all and the warranty may or may not be good anymore. OR you could get a brand spakin' new 'mag with a decent barrel, BMX foregrip, decent wraparound grips (those stick ones stink!) and bottom line for a shade over $200. And it looks pretty hot! It's a great deal, in my opinion, and I don't see why they won't sell a decent ammount. Good luck, AGD!

As to how it stacks up against other markers, let's not get into the apples vs. oranges debate. Tippmanns are good at what they do and the SP ion has its own niche. A 'mag is certainly smaller, lighter and tighter than a Tippmann. It's also mechanical vs. the electronic Ion. It's also cheaper. We can debate similarities and differences until we turn blue, but the fact is that different people want different markers and for the people who want a 'mag, this is a great one to get.

As to the fact that it can't be run off CO2 - umm, why not? I ran my classic mag off CO2 for years and never had a problem. Sure HPA is better, but that goes for any marker. Ok, it doesn't work so well below 40*F... but I don't know any marker running on CO2 that really does.

Oh, and I use a single trigger frame. And I also like the AGD crest...

Ole Unka Phil
03-09-2005, 12:01 PM
Classic AIR valve
AM/MM rail
AM/MM CF grip
E-Mag PF HL body
EMag twist-lock barrel

...I think only the foregrip is "new"

Pretty good! Plus still got the old SS line and the bottle adapter... but thats still being used so I guess that dont' count...

Anyone wonder what bolt they coming with? I assume the old one? Not level 10?

03-09-2005, 01:03 PM
Hmm, prayers do get answered every now and again!

03-09-2005, 05:24 PM
I think you meant "Conspiring". Though I doubt AGD is at the center of a conspiracy (Could be, however! One day 'mags shall rule the world!)..

yea thats what i meant.

Unka i was wondering the same thing about the lvl10.The add says nothing about so probably not.If it did come with lvl 10 that would help them sell.

03-09-2005, 05:28 PM
sry off subject is unka =cphill?

no lvlX stock...

i think that might been a bad move..they mightve been better off charging anothher $30~ and throing one in...

btw talking to some people it seems they ARE using the valve trade-ins for this but they look new..enough

can anyone confirm this? i figd agd had more bodies and parts than valves...

03-09-2005, 05:36 PM
Heres what I think think AGD should due along these lines(I also think a new electro would be in order) maybe make a vavle that is meant to be run off co2(i dont know how this could be done) make a cheap double trigger frame without intellifeed capabiltys. Put a level ten on it and sell it for 250 and advertise it as a never chopping ultra relible and fast mechanical gun. I know its a little unrealistic but I think it would put AGD back on its feet some.

03-09-2005, 05:47 PM
That looks A LOT like my "backup 'mag". I have a different foregrip. And the hose is routed differently... otherwise, that is sitting in my paintball bag! :wow:

03-09-2005, 11:05 PM
I need 50 classics for my field. Can any of you help me out with some info? I have emailed AGD and nothing. Since, I'm in Japan it's pretty hard to get a phone call in time before the close. Maybe I just need to get up early in the morning and call?

03-09-2005, 11:37 PM
WWA could probably do it. as wella s any other agd dealer.


if you wanna go direct to AGD you can do that too but your gonn ahve to call them between their hrs (store.airgun.com)

there may eb an e-mail on the sire you could use... soemthing like [email protected](not sure if this is it)

and the more you order the cheaper they are ;)

03-10-2005, 03:51 AM
Yea, we are thinking about 50, probably more in the future if they still have them.

03-10-2005, 10:30 AM
Chrono, you are missing the point completely. Look at the Ad, does it look one damn thing like an agd ad? thats all im saying. its a crappy ad. Admit it.

When have you ever seen anything like that come out of AGD?

Hahahahaha......... someone posts a Pro Classic box label and you call it an ad :tard:


03-10-2005, 10:53 AM

03-10-2005, 01:23 PM
I dunno...as much as I like AGD products, I don't know if I'd recommend this to anyone looking to get an entry level marker. I'm not saying it's not a good marker, just that there are other options out there that would out perform this model for the same price. Paintball players, new or old, value their equipment. Whether you agree or not, there's a side of paintball that's all too concerned about "image." This marker won't win you any style points.

It's almost like Ford re-releasing the Pinto as an affordable vehicle for new drivers. Would they buy it?(Sorry, that's the only analogy I could think of...hehe!) :D

03-10-2005, 02:07 PM
I'm not saying it's not a good marker, just that there are other options out there that would out perform this model for the same price. Paintball players, new or old, value their equipment.
there's a side of paintball that's all too concerned about "image." :D

I agree... to a degree. However, what if I remind you that AGD has stated that its targeted audience is the scenario player. This may very well be the player who is not concerned about BPS but wants as close to 100% reliability in 24-48 hours (or even longer) with as little problems with the marker as possible. This may very well be the marker that suits there needs the best, at a competetive price point.

03-10-2005, 02:47 PM
A product's packaging is a form of advertisement, and ought to be treated as such. It's the last chance a marketer has at generating a positive impression, fostering a sale.

Hahahahaha......... someone posts a Pro Classic box label and you call it an ad :tard:


03-10-2005, 02:48 PM
I'm with FSU on this. I also think AGD may go and shoot itself in the foot with the whole Bullet Proof thing.. because there's used Classics with SS bodies for way less than $220 online.. and they're the same valve, so it's bullet proof too.

Another issue, IMO is going with the single trigger frame. How many people actually use a single trigger frame? People are going to look at that like they look at stock 'Cockers.. OK, $220 for the gun, $85 for an I-Frame, $40 for hopper/elbow, and I'm good... err, look, Spyder Imagine package for $175 plus $35 for revvy and I'm going faster..

I bought a mag as my first gun and I love it. It works and it works good :p That's why I bought it.

03-10-2005, 04:52 PM
I bought a mag as my first gun and I love it. It works and it works good :p That's why I bought it.
SWEET! I bet the dude you bought it from put a lot of tender loving care huh? ;)

03-10-2005, 05:03 PM
SWEET! I bet the dude you bought it from put a lot of tender loving care huh? ;)

^^ this guy pointed me in the right direction, yep. :p I'm glad he did!

*waves* Gibby

03-10-2005, 09:32 PM
Geez, you would think the ad or box label was colored with crayons or something the way people are griping about it. It looks fine, it's to the point and has a good picture of the product on it. No, it doesn't have the scantily clad anime women all over it, or say "Super Agg" or something like that, but it's fine for the market it's targeted for.

Also, a WGP Trilogy with a regulator runs $190 at Action Village, so I don't think $215 is too bad a price. Now, I don't know how well these will sell, but I don't think we want a $100 Mag and the quality that goes with a $100 gun. You have to pay a little more for quality, folks. Oh, and someone post a link to this $150 Tippy Electro...the cheapest I can find them for is $369.

Now, when AGD runs out of parts, they could release a "new" marker at the same price point with a stainless black vertical feed body, and a carbon fiber double finger trigger.

Ole Unka Phil
03-11-2005, 10:26 AM
yea thats what i meant.

Unka i was wondering the same thing about the lvl10.The add says nothing about so probably not.If it did come with lvl 10 that would help them sell.

Yep.... ya want to sell it.... ya gotta think Level 10 I would think. I know you can add it. But I never bothered to find out what comes with it. I would guess not.

03-11-2005, 11:05 AM
:D I thought it was a pretty good add. I went to go pay for my new stock class marker saw that & dang near bought that instead. My kid would have been in shock to find a new mag in his bag rather than his 98C. :headbang: I hope they are up for an extended release so that I can get a couple. :cheers: Thanks AGD!!!