View Full Version : Warp Feed

11-18-2001, 12:04 AM
Hi everybody. I finally got to play with my warp feed this morning. Wow, did i ever love it. Took me a while to get it working, but i noticed i kept chopping balls in my bolt. Am i shortstroking? I wasnt paying attention to my shooting at all so i have no clue. It took me a while to get the warp working...since i had no instructions, i didn't know i didn't have the warp p/f plug all the way in. :D Anyways, i was wondering if i was doing anything else wrong? I want to get a retro valve, but i can't find one, any clue where i can find one? I asked my local field to order one for me, 275. so i figured i would shop. Also, im not happy with my armaggedon, i want a maxflo, anybody want my geddon? 68/45:D

11-18-2001, 12:19 AM
If the warp was feeding reliably, and you were still breaking balls, you must be short stroking... or you just had some very brittle paint. Oh, and the cheapest place to order a retro online is www.888paintball.com. They sell for $270. If you can get one from your feild for $275, I would do that. Shipping would be more than $5. What is wrong with your AA tank?

11-18-2001, 12:29 AM
nothing's wrong with the AA, i just don't want it, i can't see my input valve with my warp in the way...plus i like the maxflo, i want a 88, it fits exactly like my AA system does.

11-18-2001, 12:53 AM
New warps can have too much friction on the balls. The wheels were designed to become a bit slippery from the oil that covers most paintballs.
If you're chopping on every shot, it could be because the feed pressure is too high. Place your thumb over the feed tube and run the Warp. This is to get an idea of how much pressure there is.
Open the Warp up and break a paintball. Rub some paint over the feed wheels. Then test the feed pressure again. This can solve issues.

Also make sure you have fresh batteries and your ON time is for at least one quarter turn.

The next is to make sure that the parabolic feed plug is set to allow the balls to feed into the breech. Larger balls may get stuck, that's where the set screws in the top come to play. Turn those to pull the plug back a bit.

I know too much and I blame Tom Kaye.

11-18-2001, 01:01 AM
Thanks for the advice guys, i think the warp was working perfectly, except when my feed tube fell off...that was funny...but seriously, i was probably short stroking, i hadn't played in a couple weeks so i was rusty, and i was so excited to have my warp i just didn't concentrate. anyways, thanks again. any other warp tips? i don't think im going to do an intellifeed because i am seriously retarded, i'd like to do a 9v parallel but im seriously retarded. i would need someone to show me in person how to do it, so i guess i'll wait till i have time to visit someone to show me.:D