View Full Version : take a look

03-09-2005, 11:59 PM
Ok, i have been an active memner of AO for a long while; just recently i have been doing things i always hated when others have done (created posts linked ebay auctions). Now im tryin to get people to visit www.sendmiatoireland.com its a web my girlfriend made because were tryin go go to Ireland, i have enough money for myself but have been sellin all my gear off to help raise money for her.

We made the page hoping i could hold on to my first Mag (shes old but got some tricks :ninja: and i would be unhappy at best to sell her) . So please go, if you can help please do, if not thats still cool. Anyone who adds the link to their AIM profile or whatever will be my bestfriend (dident think i would still be using that line at 24)

Mods if this counts as spam just lock it, i dont want to cross that line...

03-10-2005, 09:44 PM
Pack her in your suitcase.....problem solved :D Ireland is awesome, just got back not to long ago from vacation. You should try looking in to some Irish programs around town, acouple of my friends recieved free trips there for writing acouple essays along with some cool scholorships. Worth a shot, good luck with the site.

03-10-2005, 10:08 PM
I'll leave it alone, but won't object another mod closing it.