View Full Version : This is getting out of hand...

03-11-2005, 02:50 PM
So, i couldnt restrain myself, played with more carbon fiber stuff, did my flex, i think it looks preety nice.
there is a slight flaw at the top of the nose piece that i will fix, but, otherwise, came out smooth, its actually 5 different "sections" of carbon fiber lined up to match, cant really see seams at all.

03-11-2005, 02:52 PM
that carbon fiber knocked off what, a pound of weight off that mask? ;)

03-11-2005, 02:53 PM
Ion and mask came out nice. Don't like the Viking, though.

03-11-2005, 02:55 PM
Soon we'll see tank and hopper covered in carbon fiber wrap. Days later we'll hear on the news about a man who smothered himself in carbon fiber sheets...

Seriously though it looks sharp :) Better then your marker.

03-11-2005, 03:03 PM
yeah, i took the CF off the viking, well, still have the accent pieces (eye covers, data port cover) dont, but, not the ones on the sides anymore. as for hopper, nah, the tourney series i play only allows one 2X4 sticker on each side of the hopper, plus...that would just be overkill, even for me. And as far as a tank goes....it already is carbon fibered.....the majority of HPA tanks are ;)

Creative Mayhem
03-11-2005, 03:06 PM
That looks sweet! The more I see this CF sticker stuff, the more I would like try some out myself.

03-11-2005, 03:16 PM
that looks sharp as heck. I like that alot.

03-11-2005, 03:19 PM
i know me to, i want to get some carbon fiber also. the job on the flex 7 looks really nice and i would like to do that to mine. just need to find some cf.

03-11-2005, 03:24 PM
And some people have a lot of time and skill with installing decals, looks awesome :cool:

03-11-2005, 04:18 PM
I had the understanding that most hpa tanks were wrapped in fiber glass not carbon fiber. Oh well it is a mundane detail. I guess if I had more of a social life I would have better things to do than writing this post. I like the mask though. ;)

03-11-2005, 04:21 PM
I had the understanding that most hpa tanks were wrapped in fiber glass not carbon fiber. Oh well it is a mundane detail. I guess if I had more of a social life I would have better things to do than writing this post. I like the mask though. ;)

Could be worse, most of us are at work. :p

03-11-2005, 04:45 PM
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the new generation of riceboys! from the people that brought you the guys with sky blue civics scraping the ground with gigantic wings and rediculous rims. We proudly present, the FiberBoyzzzzz!!!!111!!!!11!

there is a thin line between tacky and cool


PS!!!! APC just opened a paintball division!!! now everyone can look like a tool both on the field, and on the way to the field! :wow:

03-11-2005, 06:15 PM
...my car is almost as old as I am, and has nothing "cool" about it other than a cd changer. I dont see how this is any more "ricer" like than the hundreds of previously painted flex'es.

Heh, yeah, my mistake on the tanks, just have CF on the mind you know.

03-11-2005, 06:20 PM
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the new generation of riceboys! from the people that brought you the guys with sky blue civics scraping the ground with gigantic wings and rediculous rims. We proudly present, the FiberBoyzzzzz!!!!111!!!!11!

there is a thin line between tacky and cool


PS!!!! APC just opened a paintball division!!! now everyone can look like a tool both on the field, and on the way to the field! :wow:

teh awesome, francis. Please don't flame in PB Talk, there's a whole intarwebs out there.

03-11-2005, 09:42 PM
hey SC, you're from GB aren't you? have you seen the tacky riceboy creations we have over here? lemme give you some linkage, seriously, applying stickers to something never helps :nono:


you MUST visit that last link!!!

thankfully, they havent made another fast and furious movie lately, so the riceboys have lost all their inspiration, and you dont see so many anymore, at least in houston you dont, san antonio either. you do see funny bolt holes on the trunks of civics/focus/budget poocar where the 4 foot tall wing used to be.

anyway, :cheers: to my english brother, my best bud in high school was from northern england, man, that guy was a drinking machine, i gotta look that dude up.....


03-12-2005, 03:45 AM
That stuff is hard to install on guns with no wrinkles/cracks/make the lines match up

03-12-2005, 10:21 AM
looks nice and smooth
good job

03-12-2005, 11:00 AM
hey SC, you're from GB aren't you? have you seen the tacky riceboy creations we have over here? lemme give you some linkage, seriously, applying stickers to something never helps :nono:


you MUST visit that last link!!!

thankfully, they havent made another fast and furious movie lately, so the riceboys have lost all their inspiration, and you dont see so many anymore, at least in houston you dont, san antonio either. you do see funny bolt holes on the trunks of civics/focus/budget poocar where the 4 foot tall wing used to be.

anyway, :cheers: to my english brother, my best bud in high school was from northern england, man, that guy was a drinking machine, i gotta look that dude up.....


Last time I checked San Jose isn't in England :rolleyes:

03-12-2005, 05:13 PM
That stuff is hard to install on guns with no wrinkles/cracks/make the lines match up

shure is, gets frustrating, but, hey, alot of ppl loving on the mask at a tourney today (which we took first in)