View Full Version : More air system questions :)

03-12-2005, 01:34 PM
I am trying to decide whether I should go preset or adjustable for Nitro.

I am currently shooting a MiniMag and am considering buying a Tac One. The MiniMag was upgraded with everything hot when I bought it about 7 or 8 years ago like the reactor valve, foamiless bolt, expansion chamber and so on. I have not really added or done anything to it in many years and it still works like a champ when shooting CO2.

Will I get much value out of going for something like an Apocalypse 2K adjustable over going with a preset. The cost of the adjustable is about double the preset.

When/if I get the Tac will it make a difference on the adj vs preset?

Can I still use my current remote with the Nitro or is the size of the screw different?

When I do go to Nitro should I remove the expansion chamber or will it not affect the Nitro?

You guys are a big help to all of us and we really appreciate it!!


03-12-2005, 01:49 PM
I would reccommend a crossfire preset. The only reason you would get an adjustable is if you wanted to get your mag to rapid fire, which isnt really worth 100 extra dollars if you ask me. Expansion chambers dont do anything to nitrogen, but you might want to gut it for better flow. You can still use a remote with nitrogen. The screw in tanks will fit where the co2 tanks used to screw in, but if you get an adjustable, you'll have to rig it up because they will not screw in. It wont be hard though.

03-12-2005, 02:13 PM
ok it would be expensive but try to hunt down an old flatline reg and tank then just buy a bigger tank back if you need it