View Full Version : [dillema] should i sell my HPA tank?

E r y k
03-13-2005, 02:41 AM
hello AO

i come here in hopes of some good advice...

i started paintballing 3 years ago... i never really upgraded much, bought my tippy and stuck w/ it and poured a little too much money into it. decided to get HPA since i played very often and it offered better consistency and cheaper fills.

i used to play every other week... or every week, but as the time passes, i dont play very much any more... and i have sorta lost interest. i cant seem to find the mindset to spend 40 bucks on some paint filled balls just to be shot out and be wasted.

dont get me wrong, i love the sport to death, but i am more interested in modding/buying things i can use more practically and more often.

maybe making a whole thread to help make a decision is kinda stupid, but should i sell my equip especially my HPA tank to make some extra dough? i can still use co2 on my tippy...

how much $$ could i get for a 68/45 in immaculate condition w/ a rhino tank, nipple cover w/ leash, and bob long minireg?


03-13-2005, 02:42 AM
depends on hydro and brand

E r y k
03-13-2005, 02:43 AM
centerflag 420

03-13-2005, 03:26 AM
130-140 tops...