View Full Version : Lip Balm and Mags

11-18-2001, 02:07 PM
Hey Guys! I heard that putting lip balm (chap stick) on like the body rail of the mag absorbs paint really really well. So I was wondering if that works, or if its stupid and I shouldn't do it. Thank you guys!

11-18-2001, 02:23 PM
Never heard of such a silly thing. Don't do it, petroleum jellies melt quickly, and will only attract dirt like a magnet:cool:

11-18-2001, 02:27 PM
I don't think that would work. But if you're ambitious, you could however epoxy some sponges instead.

11-18-2001, 04:59 PM
uhhh, to absorb paint? wha? we're all interested, what HAVE you been smoking, and where can we get some?

11-18-2001, 09:11 PM
No No, I read it somewhere. Sorrry. But no.. Um.. I don;t smoke.
I'm the goody goody around here Mister!

11-18-2001, 09:13 PM
as long as you dont use the balm after you put it on the mag... :)

11-19-2001, 04:57 AM
Never heard of it absorbing paint, but my brother has heard of it being used in a bushmaster to put it between the tray and the body of the gun to "waterproof" it and deter water from entering.

11-19-2001, 11:46 AM
I suppose as long as it doesn't melt it would make the pant wipe off easier. but a better be would be PAM. you know the stuff for frying pans? ;)

11-19-2001, 01:41 PM
I do know for a fact Bengay will make mine shoot further... And Geritol makes my tank last longer...


11-19-2001, 02:00 PM
Is Preperation H also effective?

11-19-2001, 02:39 PM
Yes, but I cannot actaully say what for... Problem is it always makes my lips burn. Had to quit the stuff.

The Mad Painter
11-19-2001, 02:41 PM
Well, icy hot has always given my gun a little looseness, kept it happy enough to fire really fast. trust me, its great stuff.,

11-19-2001, 07:03 PM
aren you guys kidding about putting muscle relaxers on your gun? and where????? i hate that stuff it just anoys me cause i cant wipe it off me and it burns

11-19-2001, 08:39 PM
Fibercon will give you better flow.

11-19-2001, 09:32 PM

And, no, I use a special kinda lip gloss...
Tastes good...

11-19-2001, 11:39 PM
if my elves are good in my cocker i give them a keebler cookie ;)

11-20-2001, 12:31 AM
Yeah, my gun doesn't like the platic barrel plug, sometimes I just stuff it with String Cheese =D. seriously, lip balm? I usually just leave it to the gun oil, I don't want any stuff accidentally messing up the internals.