View Full Version : You guys are gonna hate me, but i just bought a cocker!

11-18-2001, 04:53 PM
Ok, yes i commited the cardinal sin of a mag owner, i sold my mag and bought a cocker. and all i really wanted to know was how do i time it?>

11-18-2001, 04:57 PM
well tell us what you think. I ve never shot a cocker I ve seen em in action and I thought about getting one when I decided to get back into paintball. But I went back to a Mag, minimag this time. If you have any trouble with it I bet you can get the elves to help out.

DC Nelson
11-18-2001, 05:05 PM
Well, here are a couple links that should help.




And here are some basic info sites that are good sources in general:


Timing isnt nearly as difficult as a lot of people make it out to be. The main thing that helps is when you realize how all the parts interact with each other. When you see how all the parts effect each other, changing timing specifics is easy.

You should think about picking up a mag again... i like the option of choosing which one to play with. :)

If you have any specific questions, you can get me on here or the cog (i only check my email about once a week).


11-18-2001, 05:13 PM
Who cares if you sold your mag and bought a cocker. Just make sure you aren't a jerk about it and everything is cool. I don't even have a mag and I post on these forums...

11-18-2001, 05:51 PM
what gun do u have foo?

11-18-2001, 06:19 PM
'Cockers are cool. My goal is to have at least one of EVERY kind of gun! :D

I bought a video called "Autococker Trix" at the same time I bought the GenX-3. I'm new to 'Cockers, and the video helped alot.

My Kid's gun...

11-18-2001, 06:54 PM
This very thread PROVES that we have some great people on this forum. Even though it is officially an automag forum, the AO community comes out and helps everyone. Good luck with the cocker and let us know how it works for you. I would buy another mag someday to have as a trusty backup though.

11-18-2001, 08:43 PM
I'm about to get a cocker, too....

But I'm keeping the mag.

The mag is for playing and being reliable, and the cocker will be the money hole/tinker toy. :D

11-18-2001, 09:27 PM
My cocker had a problem working the other day. Probably not good that it sat there for a year. Anyway, I had to break out my autococker allen wrench...that's right, a hammer. I figured out that the 3 way was sticking. I wouldn't mind owning another cocker, but I'd really like a different mag or totally upgrade the one I have. The cocker I have just needs some TLC, but my mag gets 98% of that so it's out of luck. I need to have it serviced and then sell it. Anyway, cockers are cool if you can get them to work.

11-18-2001, 09:56 PM
how could u do that to a automag

11-18-2001, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by Russ
'Cockers are cool. My goal is to have at least one of EVERY kind of gun! :D

I have adopted this as my main theory of playing paintball for a while. My quest is to shoot and hopfully own as many of these markers as possible. I want to be a well rounded player.

11-19-2001, 11:17 AM
hey magman007 show us a pic of your new cocker...

11-19-2001, 02:11 PM
i've traded my RT for a Cocker months ago though i continue posting here..,

007: don't try messing with the timming if you do'nt know what your doing. Just leave it as it is. If it comes out of box chopping, blowback, shooting after gun is cocked, or back block getting stuck, then i'd suggest you goto your local shop and ask them to do it for you while you watch and make sure you have them explain what they are doing so you understand next time.

Timming is acutally quite easy if u know how it works. When the trigger is pulled, you want the hammer to immediatly released and hitting the valve which opens the air into the bolt and fires. At that same time, while the trigger is pulled, it pulls on the 3 way shaft which releases the gas into the Ram. The ram cocks the gun. When u release the trigger, air goes into the opposite hose pulling it back and it's ready to fire again.

Here's a resourcfull Autococker site... http://www.cockerworld.8k.com/ It was made by someone i know.

11-19-2001, 07:26 PM
Well I considered getting a cocker...but there's no one around here to help me fix it. No one I trust at all to work on it, I don't even think to many people know how to time it or anything.

But some day I will get one, I would still want to keep my mag just in case the cocker breaks or won't work.

What video is that? That's an excellent idea, I never thought of trying to find a video or something.

Truth is, I am bored of my mag. I need something to be fixing and tinkering with in my time. And they are so customizable. The only thing is, you really want to get aftermarket parts. With AGD, stock is by far the best ones.

Well www.autocockers.org is pretty cool. When they get more members and stuff I bet it will be simalar to this one, it just takes some time.

I would really like a cocker, they are cool, I like the sliding trigger alot, very customizable, and quite fun to tinker with (If you know what you're doing :D)

Well I will see you cocker people sometime...;).

sir welt-alot
11-20-2001, 09:20 PM
i bought a coker last year and have loved every moment of it and i just recently turned mag owner wiht a micro e-mag and cokcres are greta guns..I just needed an electro because i am a extrem front player..but i;l tell u damn strait out when I play back I wil be usin my cokcer because it is more accuate then a shocker and gets the most distnace of any semi auto I have ever seen...horrible out of the box, but buy a ANS quick pull bolt, ans Gen-X reg, ans Front black and pnuematics and a boomy and a hinge trigger and you and ur gun r set for life!