View Full Version : Smokers...

03-14-2005, 10:40 PM
A few questions: just wondering how many of you regularly paintball and smoke cigarettes, how many of you feel it hinders your game, how many of you have succesfully quit...and how. Your input would be greatly appreciated. What is this like my 8th post? It's funny, I've been reading/posting on AO for only a matter of weeks, and the way you all handle yourselves, being mag owners (with everything that entails), is very refreshing, and somewhat of a rarity in this sport. I've been paintballing for about 4 years on and off now, and have definately noticed some changes that bother me, mainly at the corporate end of things. I've been smoking for about 8 months, and have noticed that I'm beginning to get that "urge" for a smoke now. While this post may seem out of place, I feel quite the opposite, this is a great community. I don't know, I just feel comfortable posting here, and in the next couple days, will be a proud owner of an AGD/Rogue mag...can't wait to show it off at Velocity paintball in Ramona, CA.

03-14-2005, 10:53 PM
Just realized, this might have been better suited for the meet and greet forum, my bad.

03-14-2005, 11:04 PM
...or friendly corner...darn.

03-14-2005, 11:05 PM
smoke what? :ninja:

$ is $ place it where you choose.

03-14-2005, 11:14 PM
i am not a smoker (only 14) but i see the signs outside of the gas stations and i am assuming you mean cigaretts and it's like 2.50 a pack right? i would try to quit and spend that money on paint... but that's me... and i don't know how it is or how hard it is to stop, but my 93 year old aunt stopped smoking after 60 years of doing it, and i bet since she can you can...

there is my 2 cents... cool :cool:

welcome to AO
a dancing bannana for you :dance:

03-14-2005, 11:19 PM
"just wondering how many of you regularly paintball and smoke cigarettes". Regular old tobacco cigarettes. Anyhoo, even though that was kinda funny, some real answers would help.

03-14-2005, 11:28 PM
I've been smoking for about 8 months, and have noticed that I'm beginning to get that "urge" for a smoke now..

oh ok, it sounded like you were still smoking... eugh... gj quitting
since paintballing basicly kills you slowly and painfully, i think it would be better not to. 'sides, it makes it harder to breathe, and my goggles fog up enough without huffing and puffing.

also, i actually hate it when ppl smoke in the staging area. it forces the rest of us to breathe it and choke on it. the last thing i want after a game when im sweaty and coming back to refresh/refill is to be smothered in tobacco smoke.

03-14-2005, 11:30 PM
my bad, i read master_alexander's post and thought it was you again.
yeah, quit if you can, otherwise, plz dont smoke in the staging area

stop doing this :mad: !

Will Wood
03-14-2005, 11:50 PM
Since the games are relatively short and allow you to catch your breath afterwards, you'd have to be a pretty heavy smoker and really out of shape for it to effect your game.

As for the money issue, that's not really an issue IMO. You're still spending money, just someplace else.

03-15-2005, 12:00 AM
Damn $2.50 a pack ain't bad at all. In Philadelphia it's like $4.25.

Anyway I've been smoking for about 3 years and I haven't noticed a huge difference in the way I play paintball. And while it is one of the stupidest and moronic things you can do, I still enjoy it thoroughly. So I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon. What people should do is tr to walk away from the crowd when they are in the staging area, as a courtesy.

Try playing ice hockey and being a smoker. :cry: Now that kills you. I was in shape and out of shape at the same time. :tard:

03-15-2005, 12:03 AM
well, i dont smoke so i dont know, but since i play woodsball alot (i ref at a woodsball field) and im running up and down hills all day, even when im reffing, sometimes my legs start to burn. and im not in bad shape, im 6'2" 170 pounds. I'd say any little bit of edge can help.
Also, i wouldnt really enjoy shortening my life any earlier than it will anyways.

03-15-2005, 12:37 AM
I was a regular smoker/paintballer and just quit 5 months ago. I will still have 1 maybe once per month just to verify that it tastes horrible. I have a lot of friends/family who do so stopping wasn't the easiest thing. Quitting, well, thats all in your head. I feel that the easiest way to quit is to NOT buy them. At $4 a pack it's easy. I always felt like a mooch bumming smokes, so I just stopped. Quitting now is the best way for YOU to successfully quit. If you just started, then your body isn't addicted. Stop while you have a chance.
While paintballing, I didn't notice any effect. Like Will Wood said, games are relatively short and allow you to catch your breath afterwards. Being in somewhat good shape helps, although there are some very good overweight paintballers.
#1 reason to quit smoking- all the extra paintball goodies you can afford.
$4 a pack times a pack a day. $1460 a year or 42 cases of paint($35case), enough paint to last a year for an above average player. Think about how much MORE paintball you could afford to play. :headbang:

03-15-2005, 12:40 AM
Yah, I guess this was just my pathetic attempt at getting some support. I don't smoke near staging areas, I smoke by my car, or my buddy's car. Anyway, I've pretty much decided that I need to quit. I'm still fairly young (21), I've never really felt my lungs burn like this before. Oh, and compared to soccer, ice hockey is a cake walk (with some full body checking and fist fights). I guess the best thing to do is to just flat out quit. Sure, it will suck for a week or two, but from what I have heard, it gets much harder the longer you've been smoking. If you join the Navy or any other service, don't let the fact that you're away from your family and friends be an excuse to be weak and start doing stupid crap like smoking "to pass the time". Do the best you can with what you have, save up your leave, then go home and see how much you've improved yourself. In my mind I've set myself back 8 months, I really think that's true...just more motivation to better myself I guess, only thing I can do now.

03-15-2005, 12:42 AM
That's a good point 123

03-15-2005, 01:22 AM
im 20 years old, and was a smoker for about 2-3 years, i dont really remember. This past year I smoke pretty heavily for my style and for my wallet.

My friend had to quit due to heart problems and we decided to quit together. That was around the new year. Have had two drags since and just dont have hte urge anymore. I have the occasional black n mild just for fun every once in a while.

I do dip once in a while though, well more I guess.

In terms of making you worse at paintball, not really - less you are playing xball.. then it still isnt that big of a hoot.

If you wanna quit, just do it. there is not a patch, gum, or drug in the world that will make you want to stop smoking. you have to want to stop smoking. If you have a craving, man up and resist it. I did it, you can too.

Or you can smoke a pack in about an hour, throw up all day long, and the next time you smoke a square you will be ripping it outta your mouth and crushing the pack it came from :clap:

03-15-2005, 03:05 AM
ive been smoking for oh... about a year and a half now, quit once and i dont know why i started again, i guess it found it as a relief from hard days of schooling, etc etc, not to mention the fact, that it can be enjoyable some times. this being said, it doesnt effect my paintball game, the fact that im out of shape, does a bit, but as most will attest, i still hold my own.

You need to quit on your own, and if you arent enjoying it, then quit, its really the best thing for you.

03-15-2005, 03:09 AM
Whatever it is, smoking is expensive and not good for you. Dipping my not affect your lungs, but it will definetly cause other problems. Not an alternative to smoking.

I've never tried smoking or dipping once in my life and never will. I'm smart enough to avoid it in the first place. No matter how many times I've been offered anything, I've never had the urge to try. I don't need more problems.

Why would I want to pay to die? I call them cancer sticks.

03-15-2005, 08:25 AM
I call them cancer sticks.



03-15-2005, 08:50 AM
I smoke. I tend to smoke more at the field, i.e. in between games. No shame about it, doesnt affect my game, though I am not really accomplishing any great feats of athleticism...

03-15-2005, 08:59 AM
The way I look at it is smoking is a social thing. If people do it alone or something that's kind of sick. Try smoking clove cigs. They aren't addictive and are fine for just smoking when you're with some friends once in a while. Just don't do it all the time, they're not that great for you. Worse than regular cigs. But they do taste good. I couldn't justify smoking anything other than those, cigars, or a pipe to myself. Something that gets you hooked and wastes your money when you could be spending it on cool stuff is useless to me. I'm a 17yr old working as a cashier in a supermarket. I need all the money for paint I can get!

I also don't relish the idea of cancer or not being able to walk up a flight of stairs. I've got a friend/acquaintance at school that smokes menthols all the time. He's hooked and he admits it. I used to be able to tolerate him, but now he just stinks and is a useless, lazy bum. He tried to quit but ended up trying to lick the niccotine off the patch instead. He's the last thing I'd want to be. He also used to be a great lacrosse player. Can't do that anymore.

Basically, even if smoking cigs doesn't do anything bad to you, it doesn't exactly do anything for you. So why do it? Need to relax? Have a beer.

03-15-2005, 09:58 AM
quit while your ahead. It's not worth it.

03-15-2005, 10:15 AM
also, i actually hate it when ppl smoke in the staging area. it forces the rest of us to breathe it and choke on it. the last thing i want after a game when im sweaty and coming back to refresh/refill is to be smothered in tobacco smoke.
Just a few comments on this side of the fence. If, at the staging area, I must be subjected to people blasting their stereos, kids dry-firing (I go hoarse from yelling at children, not smoking), people barbecuing, yelling, throwing paintballs, trash, barrel condoms off, sore losers, cheaters bragging about how awesome they are, people taking over the bench you were using to stage from with your car parked less then three feet from it, thieves, and countless other annoyances, I really don't think smoking in the staging area is such a bad thing.

As far as smoking and playing goes, I think my current out-of-shape body is more a hindrance to performance than smoking could ever be. I know quite a few athletic people whose only vice is smoking and they are satisfied with their own abilities. If you are into or get into competitive paintball, you will probably reach a point in your playing experience when you realize quitting smoking is the next best way to improve your game. I myself only play rec, so I really don't think paintball itself will ever be my motivation to quit.

03-15-2005, 10:36 AM
Try $6.15 a pack in Jersey, thats why I quit about a year ago. Since smoking effected my running....even going up stairs....it played a major role in my paintball game. I would quit before you get seriously addicted, im a half quiter....I stopped smoking but started dipping, now im up to a tin every 3 days. Im old enough to realize tobacco is bad, but too young to care :D

03-15-2005, 11:03 AM
i dont think too many paintballers smoke...i know a couple but there old any way....one time i saw my friend rick lite up and go into a game ...he dropped to his knees koffin 5 min later...it was hi-larious

03-15-2005, 11:24 AM
quit now
I dipped snuff for 15 years and it is very hard to quit, it took me like 3 months to get over it and to this day I still want to dip.
Best way to quit, tell everyone you know that you are going to stop. Set a date like the 1st of next month , make sure you tell every person you know that you are going to stop. This does 2 things, everyone will know if you cheat, and you need to tell them you are going to be a butthead for a few days.
I used the gum to get off and it worked, only bad thing I gained 30 pounds in 3 months, but I worked them off later. It has been 2 years and no dipping.
Good luck and if you need some support PM me

SS :headbang:

03-15-2005, 11:28 AM
Smoking can influence your game - if you are that physical pinnacle where each small thing makes a difference. Few of us are in shape enough for casual smoking to really effect our performance in paintball as we know it now.

That being said there are a multitude of reasons not to smoke, and if you are smoking to quit. I am sure you have heard all of them, and know it. For those who say its idiotic not to stop - I can also point to you a multitude of reasons why most of America's sugar intake is ridiculously high. And yes, sugar does effect you, its just most of us are used to the effects. I had a few high sugar "treats" this weekend after not having for some time and there is a noticeable high and low from it.

There are also a number of things that most of us do that we should not... and some would argue that subjecting yourself to the strain on your body of paintball - the repeated trauma of bruising etc is dangerous. It may be.

THe point is it is a personal decision. I smoke about twice a year for social reasons. Done in moderation its effects are likely negligible, and science supports this Most things done in moderation... tempered, are not that bad for you.

03-15-2005, 11:42 AM
i am not a smoker (only 14) but i see the signs outside of the gas stations and i am assuming you mean cigaretts and it's like 2.50 a pack right? i would try to quit and spend that money on paint... but that's me... and i don't know how it is or how hard it is to stop, but my 93 year old aunt stopped smoking after 60 years of doing it, and i bet since she can you can...

there is my 2 cents... cool :cool:

welcome to AO
a dancing bannana for you :dance:

double that price and add 50 cents here in michigan.
thanks god i dont smoke.

03-15-2005, 12:55 PM
I acutally used to smoke IN games. I'd squeeze the stogie between the vents in my xfire. Had some really nice pics from a Splat-1 Tourney in Knoxville. Refs were :rofl:, couple of my ex-teammates got pretty annoyed about it, but they were already eliminated so it didn't matter.

But smoking over a long period of time will affect your playing. It reduces the oxygen flow through your veins and starves your muscles. It makes you far more prone to cramping during and after a game even with large amounts of Potassium. That 10yd sprint from bunker to bunker becomes like a 15 or 20 after time passes as well. If you are going tourney ball, quit now. If you are just rec-balling, quit now. After about 3 months, you'll gain your wind back, you'll not breath as hard and you'll feel (depending on how long you've smoked) years younger.

As far as supplements to help you quit smoking...they don't work. They subsidize the nicotine, and are supposed to help ween you off it. What you are actually doing is trading one dependancy for dependancy in another form. Cold Turkey it and chew gum and toothpicks/drinking straws. Fair warning, you'll be a prick for about 2 weeks, REALLY on edge, high strung, very irratable. If you have a GF/Wife, warn her first, then your teamates, and don't be afraid to ask someone that is smoking nearby to move, or just move yourself...that smell makes it 10 times harder.

Hope this helps

03-15-2005, 01:46 PM
I smoked for almost 20 years but quit a couple of years after I started playing paintball. I'm definatly glad I quit.

03-15-2005, 01:58 PM
Fair warning, you'll be a prick for about 2 weeks, REALLY on edge, high strung, very irratable. If you have a GF/Wife, warn her first, then your teamates, and don't be afraid to ask someone that is smoking nearby to move, or just move yourself...that smell makes it 10 times harder.

Hope this helps

I remember those weeks after i quit. i just about punched a hole through walls.. and almost lost a few friends based on my attitude.. all is well now htough

03-15-2005, 01:58 PM
I quit smoking cigarettes 10 years ago. Now I notice that young people smoking looks like little kids playing dress up in their father’s clothes. My friends and I always laugh when we see a bunch of teenagers trying to look cool with their smokes. I wish I could go back in time and not have looked so ridiculous.

I’d tell myself “Nice try buddy, next time bring a chick to the field if you want to look cool.”

03-15-2005, 02:06 PM
There use to be a guy in the NU paintball club who modified his mask so that the cigarette would attach to a tubing so he could continue to smoke while playing. Of course the guy would also play in a hawaian shirt, shorts and flip flops.

03-15-2005, 03:16 PM
Smoking for social reasons??? What the heck is that supposed to mean? Does it mean that if I smoke, I'll have more friends??

yeah right....

03-15-2005, 03:31 PM
No jewie, its more like... a social smoker is kind of a person who will light up a ciggarette at an even if offered... not to do it just to be cool, just to be social.. like drinking a glass of wine at a fine restaraunt..

03-15-2005, 08:20 PM
After seeing my grandpa need to take 5 minute breaks after walking up the stairs and eventually getting to the point where he just couldn't breathe from emphysema, that is a good enough reason for me to NEVER smoke.

paint magnet
03-15-2005, 08:58 PM
Why smoke? There are a lot of less expensive, not to mention less painful ways of killing yourself.

03-15-2005, 10:25 PM
Thankyou for all the input. Of course I already knew the facts of smoking, who these days doesn't? That being said, I love these forums, and I can honestly say that I'm not the least bit surprised with the responses you all gave me, nor the fact that you all took the time to post some support. My last cigarette will be tonight. Tomorrow, we'll see how it goes, either way I'm done. Who knows, maybe with a little luck, by this weekend I'll be edgy/annoyed/agressive enough to have the best day at the fields in my life. New mag (coming friday) + irritable should = satisfaction on the paintball field right?

03-15-2005, 11:20 PM
Given the current state of America, what with everyone all the sudden becoming yes-men patriotic conservative anti-rebels, I think im gonna have to start chain smoking cigars. Hey, someone needs to maintain a balance...

03-15-2005, 11:34 PM
I started playing paintball 6 years ago I am now 15 years old. I started smokeing a pack a day 2 years ago anddidn't know why. I always thought it was the stress of school whatever gave relief. At that time i only had a small team with a nuch of young people like myself and i told them if i ever caught them drinkng, smokeing, doing drugs they're off the team and there parents woould be notified. Oh yea genius me started doing the thing that i threatened death for upon my team, so after one year of doing it and seeing my skills and money going own i said enoughs enough and tryed quitting it was hard but i forced my friends to take my money whenever i had any and put it in a box for when i quit so that i had no money for anything let alone smokeing which really gets o yea after a while. Wellonce i quit i got this box back and it turns out i had over 250 dollars in it, oh boy did i buy myself a new mask and paint :D. #1 reason for quitting:all the chemical put in your body #2 my team needed me.

and to whoever said that a pack of smokes for them is 4 bucks a pack, HA i top yeah at 10.50 a pack try doin that for a half a pack a day habit.

03-16-2005, 06:26 AM
Charlotte NC has reasonable prices... You can get 2 packs of Salem Full flavors for like 5.12... you ca get Djarum Blacks nextdoor at the Tinder Box for 5.00.... Mmmmm cloves

Given the current state of America, what with everyone all the sudden becoming yes-men patriotic conservative anti-rebels, I think im gonna have to start chain smoking cigars. Hey, someone needs to maintain a balance...
Rock on :D I agree

03-16-2005, 12:26 PM
States where tobacco is a cash crop, smokes always run way cheaper. TN, VA, & NC being the big ones. My GF lives up north and runs about 5$ a pack. You can now buy smokes online from these states and pay the way low prices. Even with shipping it comes out about 10-20$ less a carton.

03-16-2005, 01:35 PM
I smoke a lot... but when it comes to playing paintball, i use what i call "Burst Energy".

Ya figure games only last (tourny anyways) 5-8minutes depending on game type... amt of players, field size, yada yada. Anyways, u have to adopt a "Burst Energy" mentality, in that realizing the games are so short, u can use ur full energy potential for the brief amount of time. After you have mastered this, you will become enlightened....

or go insane.... heh

But seriously, smoking greatly reduces the risk of you getting shot, and increases your performance :dance:

03-16-2005, 01:45 PM
Man, I was a dumb kid back in the day and used to smoke the wacky stuff while playing. Not a problem if everyone is doing it, but if you're by yourself it can make the game....odd. I used to run around lighting smoke bombs and just being far too silly. I could still own a lot of players though, which is surprising.

03-16-2005, 04:30 PM
I started playing paintball 6 years ago I am now 15 years old. I started smokeing a pack a day 2 years ago anddidn't know why. I always thought it was the stress of school whatever gave relief. At that time i only had a small team with a nuch of young people like myself and i told them if i ever caught them drinkng, smokeing, doing drugs they're off the team and there parents woould be notified. Oh yea genius me started doing the thing that i threatened death for upon my team, so after one year of doing it and seeing my skills and money going own i said enoughs enough and tryed quitting it was hard but i forced my friends to take my money whenever i had any and put it in a box for when i quit so that i had no money for anything let alone smokeing which really gets o yea after a while. Wellonce i quit i got this box back and it turns out i had over 250 dollars in it, oh boy did i buy myself a new mask and paint :D. #1 reason for quitting:all the chemical put in your body #2 my team needed me.

and to whoever said that a pack of smokes for them is 4 bucks a pack, HA i top yeah at 10.50 a pack try doin that for a half a pack a day habit.

You were 14 smoking 2 packs a day? And your parents didn't care? It is hard to smoke 2 packs a day and not smell strongly of smoke and do it without your parents noticing.

03-16-2005, 05:05 PM
here's another good point to keep in mind...
for the most part i see younger people replying saying it doesnt affect you during a game
and that may be true for people 15-25
but if you're smoking now, and you continue smoking into your 30's
expect it to have a noticeable affect on your game

a friend of mine is 30, he still plays paintball(we've probably been playing together close to 10 years now) and he says he's going to have to quit very soon... it hurts him to even make those short sprints

ultimately, paintball or not, you have to keep your future in mind....if you're smoking, quit soon.

03-17-2005, 12:01 AM
I am not sure what to tell you about this subject. I smoke and I have for about 7 years now. I love paintball and have not noticed any negative affects during my game play. I am the fastest fat man you will meet, no joke!
Between games, I love to smoke and dissect the last game with the guys that were on my team. I will sit and relax, smoke a sig or two, have a pop (soda for all you weirdo’s), and then gear up for the next go round.
However in my home live, my wife hates the fact that I smoke and I am currently tiring to quit for US. When I wake, I cough like there was someone standing on my chest. I can't really laugh without wheezing into a cough. I have to quit but just like most of the other smokers out there will tell you, I love to smoke!
Quit while it is still new to you! :nono:

Mike Smith
03-17-2005, 06:37 PM
In 1997, 1998, & 1999, I played PB Sam's big game every May, and I smoked {quit June 30, 1999}. After the first two games, I was beat. I stayed at or near our base for games 3 & 4.

In 2000 through 2004, I traveled between the bases all 4 games {they are about a half mile apart}.

So, yes... not smoking definitely helped me enjoy the Big Games and all the 26 hour scenario games I play.

I HIGHLY!!!! recommend quitting. I was a smoker for 36 years, and I am so glad I quit!