View Full Version : BKO or 2k4 Bushmaster?

03-15-2005, 12:36 AM
I'm kinda confused about bushmasters... I remember a few years ago they retailed at about 550.00... now I check out paintballgear.com and they are only around 250-300. what happened? Whats better, the BKO, or a 2k4 Bushmaster? What are the differences? Its really hard for me to decide to shell out the money to buy a DevilMAG or upgrade my mag to a devilMAG when I can get a bushy for under 300.00

03-15-2005, 02:39 AM
The bushys come with a P.O.S reg, so add that on too the price.

Big Weapons
03-15-2005, 03:46 AM
Price dropped, 2k5 line is coming out and the Ion is kicking everyone's *** in resale.

Do a little search on other forums about differences between the BKO and B2K. I say definately get the B2K4 w/ PDS. They're a steal at their current prices, especially brand new.

03-15-2005, 08:40 AM
The B2K4 is technically the 'better' marker.

The primary difference is that the BKO uses a partial pneumatic system. It has a ram that is controlled by combination of air feed from an electronically controlled soleniod and the second part of it's stroke is simply a return spring. This has an effect on the Max ROF, the amount of timing control and a minor effect on consistancy and long term stability.There are other minor things as well.

The B2K uses a complete pneumatic control circuit and operates very much like an Angel,Intimidator,Impulse etc.

Both are great values, especially at thier current pricing, and can hang with most any marker well above thier price range (w/ PDS).

barrel break
03-15-2005, 09:56 AM
I'd go for a b2k4 with eyes.

03-15-2005, 10:02 AM
Out of the B2K4 and BKO, I would get the B2K4 w/PDS (not the standard one you can get at PBG for $290) and as a matter of fact, I should have my own in a few days. :D You can find them new for $320 shipped, including here in the Dealer's forum. The PDS system makes it worth it, especially when you consider the price of installing separately if you get the standard B2K4.

That said, the B2K5s look pretty stunning and pre-orders are available for only $460. They're supposed to be out soon, but I would seriously consider waiting a little longer and saving up the extra dough to get an '05. I'll probably pick up one of those when prices drop, too. :ninja:

03-15-2005, 11:18 AM
how do you stalk death???

03-15-2005, 02:07 PM
Considering that the BKO is the less expensive version of the Buchmaster and these days you can get a "tricked" Bushmaster pretty cheap, I'd go for the Bushmaster.

03-15-2005, 03:01 PM
if you can wait, the 05's should come out sometime soon. I think even the 05 BKOs are going to be around $300 and come with eyes.

03-15-2005, 03:09 PM
bko is a partialy electropneumatic gun. the bushy is fully electropneumatic. the bushmaster is better

03-15-2005, 04:27 PM
if you can wait, the 05's should come out sometime soon. I think even the 05 BKOs are going to be around $300 and come with eyes.

yes i would wait if you can otherwise get the bushmaster know

im not a big bko fan myself

btw my bushy regs were ALWAYS fine...i don udnerstand why everyone sayd their crap...they do their job...gun was never more than +/- 2 fps, maybe i was just lucky(i also added anew cup seal)