View Full Version : First upgrades for a mag?

11-18-2001, 05:22 PM
Hey everyone, im converting from my cocker to a mag, provided it sells and my parents allow me to sell it...but anyways im gonna start off with a Classic Powerfeed, I already have a good N2 system, a 12v revvy, and a decent drop forward...I should have about $100-$150 left afterwards so what barrel do you guys reccomend, Boomstick, Autospirit or All American? and your ranking of importance between: Vertical Adaptor w/ foregrip, New valve, or New trigger frame (z-grip).

All help is appreciated
Thanks in advance


11-18-2001, 05:36 PM
Hey, grats on hopefully getting a mag, and I think I can help you out. The barrel you get depends on what kind of paint you shoot - matching bore size, that's the key. Most people prefer a Freak barrel (or any other interchangable bore barrel for that matter) because you can shoot any type of paint and still have good shots with the same barrel. However, the Freak is about $200, and I'm not sure what the other barrels cost, so that may be a little out of your price range. If you can't get the Freak, try to find the bore size of the paint you'll use most often, if possible. Then, match it to the bore size of a barrel, and save up for a Freak! There is a site with bore sizes for both paint and barrels, I believe. I'll come back and post it later.

Now, as for the forgrip/valve/trigger frame question, you can pretty much rule out the new valve seeing as the 'Mag valve recharges enough for 11bps (I think, correct me if I'm wrong), so that should be sufficient. Personally, I use the stock AGD trigger frame, and I like it. If you prefer a two finger to one finger trigger, go for it - it's all preference, but most will say that two finger triggers allow you to fire faster. Now, if you held your Cocker by the regulator, a fore grip may intrest you, because that'll keep your hands in the same position as they were in your Cocker, so you'll feel more comfortable with your position. If you held the pneumatics (I think it's that crazy stuff sticking out on the front of the gun below the barrel that always screws up before a game... just kidding:) Then a vertical forgrip wouldn't instrest you, and you should be sufficient holding the barrel, or you could get an after-market barrel grip, but it's all up to you.

Hopefully I helped you out, good luck with your mag if you get it!!

11-18-2001, 08:06 PM
Hey, thanks for the reply
Yeah I was pretty much aware of the paint/barrel match concept, as of now i use a Lapco Autospirit with Marbz...works good for me

I left something out and I just realized it on the upgrades choice, I meant to put a venturi bolt in there as well, and could someone please explain to me the difference between a foamy and non-foamy?



11-18-2001, 09:52 PM
The general consensus around here is that changing bolts will give you no better performance, and may actually decrease performance.

I like a foregrip. It's how I hold the gun. Barrels? Ask 10 different people, get 10 different answers. I prefer my CP 10"

I suggest you just shoot the gun for a while, before making any changes (except for adding a foregrip ;) ) Get used to the Mag trigger.

11-18-2001, 10:31 PM
I dont think Russ emphasised that you have to get used to the trigger enough! If at first you chop paint, dont get frustrated! Just like a cocker, mags can be shortstroked and you will chop when that happens!

11-19-2001, 05:52 PM
hmm alright, thanks for the replies, my parents are being stubborn so i'm gonna have to work for my mag lol

so what exactly is the difference between foamy and non-foamy? In terms of performance, that is.

