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03-17-2005, 01:01 PM
Lets do this guys, come play along side TB and I :shooting:

Blacklands Paintball


Texas Revolution XI

Texas Revolution XI: Red vs Blue

Start Date: Saturday, April 09, 2005 - 12:00 PM
End Date: Sunday, April 10, 2005 - 02:00 PM
Address: Mt Pleasant, TX
Walkon Cost: 60 $
Early Bird Cost: 45 $ - Postmark Deadline is Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 12:00 AM
Pre-Game Cost: 55 $ - Postmark Deadline is Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 12:00 AM
Case of Paint: 49 $
1/2 Case of Paint: 30 $
Side A: Red
Side B: Blue
Contact Telephone: (713) 690-4311

Follow this link to Blacklands Paintball

In cooperation with the creative team that has made it all possible, this year's event will be titled "Texas Revolution XI: Red vs Blue."

"Red vs Blue" is a story told in "machinima" videos created by the talented folks at Rooster Teeth Productions, and shown in episode format at redvsblue.com. "Red vs Blue" is produced using the popular HALO video game. Their site boasts over a million viewers, and over 110 thousand members. The fact that there are usually hundreds of fans logged in at any given time is a testament to their immense popularity.

"Machinima" is a form of movie production where the footage is created using video game engines, and then using actors to provide the voice-overs for the characters. The folks at Rooster Teeth Productions are masters of the art form, and their work has been on television as well as a popular feature at the annual Sundance Film Festival.

The staff at Rooster Teeth will be working hand-in-hand with Viper to produce the story and characters for the event, as well as providing the commanders for each side. The event itself will feature the new "Viper RTS" gaming format being debuted this year. "Viper RTS" is the integration of "Real Time Strategy" video game concepts with the live-action excitement of paintball. The result is a strategy-driven, fast-paced paintball event where the players control the action.

In an effort to encourage pre registration late and walk on players will not be eligible for any of the free gun drawings, although they will be able to win any of the other great prizes such as hoppers, packs, goggles, and more!

Register by the "Early Bird" deadline and you will have a shot at winning one of two complete ProSeries 5 Fin Value Cases from our friends at Hammerhead Paintball. These barrel kits have taken over the paintball world, outclassing and outshooting anything else on the market.

If you wish to register for the event you may print out the Player Registration Form and mail it along with your check or money order to
Viper Paintball
2743 Triway Lane
Houston, TX 77043


Checks and money orders should be made payable to "Viper."

If you are under 18 you will also need to mail in the Minor Medical Release.

All deadlines listed above are postmark deadlines, so be sure you get your registration in the mail by the deadline.

We will be giving away hundreds of dollars in door prizes, but only pre registered players are eligible for the many paintball guns to be given away, so register early!

03-17-2005, 06:58 PM

Lawrence TB Wright
03-18-2005, 05:28 PM
Yaaawwwnn? And yet you know nothing about this game. Is this some attempt to put yourself back into the spotlight?

03-18-2005, 07:16 PM
Back in the spotlight, you crack me up. I AM THE SPOTLIGHT BABY.
And the YAAAAAAAAAAAAWN was for one reason only, HALO games have been done to death. I mean, C mon, we held 2 HALO games last year ourselves and I know for a fact that there were at least 10 other HALO games played last year. Time to be a little more original.
Im not saying it wont be a good time and fun, just not very original.
TB, you need to relax and GET OFF MY BACK. Your the problem here. I put my two cents in where I feel it should go, I am entitled to MY OPINION. Im not here to bash, like you do. Go get a life dude.

03-18-2005, 10:16 PM
Oh please dude...TB wasn’t bashing anyone. What’s your problem? I see no other 'promoter' coming on here and bashing, making opinions, or trash talking another company, yet you have done it to MXS and Viper.
This sport already has enough drama in it, and you want to cause more. Let it be dude.
Ok there have been Halo games, so you have done some. Who cares, it’s a kick butt game that each promoter can do differently, thus why Viper is doing it RTS style.
Was yours endorsed by the makers of Halo? Viper was able to score the guys from red vs. blue and is completely endorsed by them. That’s pretty cool in my book...its not often you see a game that’s based off something and it’s actually endorsed.
jimbo just wanted to let everyone know about the game. Yea, there are 2 other posts about it. (That you have posted negative comments on as well) I really don’t see your reason behind all the negativity that you throw out.

03-18-2005, 11:24 PM
First off, JUDSTER, you need to get the full story here first. I posted MY OPINION, which I think im allowed. TB has given me nothin but greif here. Go back and look at any of my posts and youll see hes all over me, no matter what I write.
Second, you cant be more wrong regarding me bashing the other posts for this game. This is the first time I have seen it here.
I dont have a personal problem with VIPER. MXS on the other hand... You people are taking to many sides with certain promoters. As far as im concerned, NOBODY here has an opinion against me or my games until you actually play in one. On the other hand, everyone is entitled to their opinion regarding events they have played in, INCLUDING ME.
Ive played in soooooo many games with many different promoters. Ive got my favorite too, but ya dont see me smoochin up their tails now do ya. Kissin A** just tells people what kind of player (& person) you are.
You guys ned to grow up and get a life. Stop being so negative about EVERYTHING I WRITE HERE!!

Lawrence TB Wright
03-24-2005, 12:43 PM
The truth again is that you have no idea what you are talking about. Favorite promoters? Name one. And I have yet to dog you; I posted several things to your need to get on here and post untruths, rumor and speculation all in the name of trying to get ahead. And if you think I am going to spend the kind of money that I spend going to games to travel to one of yours, you are mistaken. I have seen nothing that would make me sit up and take notice. No posted rules, shoddy written storylines and more are reasons to stay away from your events.

I don't have to eat something bad to know that it is bad. I can see from looks and what other people have said. Since the looks are bad, and no one still has posted how good you or your events are, I'll stick with my original response and that is stay away from these games.

As for original storylines, if Hollywood can't come up with some, how do you expect scenario paintball to? The fact is some crackpot in Illinois can do a 60 player game based on Battlestar Galatica and then get mad when another promoter does the same theme (Different story, characters and maybe even different time frame). That is ridiculous. So once again, I invite you to stick to facts. And the more you try to step on others to make yourself or your company look good without facts to back it up, the more I will post your problems and the issues I have with your company and scenario productions.