View Full Version : Level 10 problems

03-17-2005, 10:01 PM
I just recently received a used level 10 kit... i have been trying to follow the directions on the site, and here is what is happening...

at the moment, i have the long spring in, the #2 carrier, and everything else in place... I dont know how high my velocity is, but ive tried it in a varitey of different spots...

I had it into a position where it wouldent leak when I hooked up the air... but when i tryed to shoot it, it didnt... then i changed the velocity untill it would... and once it did... it would shoot about 4 or 5 shots... and then boom... it wouldent work...

I took it all apart, and found part of the post for the bolt actaully inside the valve... im guessing this is really bad... it fits right back on, and looks like its supposed to be able to come off... but i just cant get things to work... i would try calling the AGD tech-line but I cant right now seeing as they arent in, and I have things to do after school that prohibit me from being able to call when they are open....

if you have any idea of what might be going wrong, or other things i could try, please tell me... but im allmost out of air, because quite a few times i tryed it would just leak air.... Beleive me, i tried to follow the directions as well as possible, but it just dosent seem to be working....What should I do?

thank you for your help

03-17-2005, 10:39 PM
make sure you have all the correct parts in the correct order.

USE THE SMALLEST stock spring. you should NEVER use the silver spring.

also how many shims are you using. 1-2 should be fine.

use the largest carrier that doesnt leak then work your way down.

seems like your having alot of mag confusin lately ;)

03-17-2005, 11:10 PM
the problem is, the bolt flys apart... everything else seems to be fine.. it dosent leak, ill turn up the velocity untill it will shoot, it shoots five times, and then the bolt breaks in half... it keeps doing it... its the little pin type thing that comes off of the end of the bolt and slides up and down in the power tube... it just dosent make sense... it fits on the bolt but then falls apart in the gun... AHH!

Edit: on most of the tutorials they tell you to use the longest spring... is there something wrong with that?

03-18-2005, 03:30 PM
I think you probably have a defective bolt, mine does not come apart and I don't think that they are supposed too. Return to AGD and get a new one, they are really good at that.

About the spring, I use the cut off one from the old kit, the new kits have a middle one that's equivilant. The use of the longer spring is suppossed to make it even gentler on the paint but I've never had an issue and I shoot all kinds of stuff. The longer spring does take more gas to run and depending on your marker sometimes the pressure to get the bolt to cycle will be high enough to get venting out the back of the regulator.

Lvl 10 when dialed in just does not break paint but it can take some dialing in. After getting a good bolt, try the middle spring and see how it works for you. With mine a new o-ring generally works at 1.5 to 2 and I run 2 or 3 shims, over time I have to change the carrier down as the o-ring wears out and then once it leaks on the smallest carrier I start the whole cycle over again. An o-ring last about a year. I have not broken a ball in almost a year since I got it running right, that's probably more than 10 cases!

03-18-2005, 05:54 PM

what if i didnt buy it from them? I just bought it from someone in the classifieds forum... would they still get me a new one even if I didnt pay THEM for it? thanks for your help

a link to some pics is here:


03-18-2005, 06:10 PM
yes they should take it but no gurantees they might also charge a small fee.

yes the bolts is broke and WILL NOT work :(

btw do you live in st. louis or just using that place to host pics?
ifso where in stl you at and where do you play?

03-18-2005, 06:47 PM
I live in saint peters... its out a bit past st louis... I normally play at Gateway... Ive played at wacky warriors and bushwakers before... and some other place that was so bad it shouldent even be mentioned... of course ive played in a few back yards as well ;) but yeah, it would be cool if we could play some time... I really am not all that good yet... And im the only person ive ever seen with a mag other than this old guy.... and i didnt talk to him because I wasnt even looking into them yet.... anyway... thanks for the help, and ill call or email them soon... probibly tonight

03-18-2005, 07:09 PM
hey bro i put my level 10 in a couple days ago too and i couldn't stop the leak either...call the techs and they will send u new carrier/rt reg seat o-rings or grab an rt parts kit...they told me that some of the level 10 kits have just been sitting in shelves for years and those o-rings went bad... solved my "air leaking down the barrel" issue. my bolt never came apart tho. i ordered some extra shims too cuz those things are so fragile and i'm such a klutz.

03-21-2005, 04:20 PM

well... agd wont refund me the bolt... I told them i bought it from someone... and they just said, "well youll just have to buy a new one"

Im never buying anything from jaredP again... now to get a used level 10 kit i have to pay $80....

03-21-2005, 05:20 PM
there are definitely some advantages to buying certain things new.

03-21-2005, 06:55 PM
did he tell you it was broke or didnt function properly?

thats very unlike an AO'er to do.

btw i cant image how the bolt stem got broken.

i WOULD DEFINETELY at the elast give him BAD feedback on it assuming it was broke when you got it and that you didnt break it.

03-21-2005, 09:00 PM
well... heres the deal... Ill tell him that if he dosent pay 20 dollars to help with the new bolt that I will leave him a bad rep(because I want to give him a chance.... im really not out to hurt hid rep... I just want to get the problem fixed)

Yes, i told him it wasnt working right... im going to have to break it to him tonight

and I have heard that a verry early batch of level 10s had exactly the same problem...

the guy at AGD was just like "well, you could use red locktite, for a TEMPORARY fix. but youll probibly eventually have to buy a new bolt."

I swear im going to get an ulcer over this.... :cry:

03-22-2005, 08:14 AM
He isnt responding to my pms or emails :cry: