View Full Version : Hey Tom, if you don't mind, I have a Q?

11-18-2001, 10:17 PM
I had made my order for the upgrade to the e-mag and I asked if I could get a SFL body and I never really got an answer or a price for how much it will cost. Should I call up the company and see if I can get a few answers so I know exactly how much I need to put aside? Or is there a e-mail address that I can write to to find out since it would be long distance for me to call and I don't know if my parents would like that too much. Or :) could you let me know if the SFL bodies will be available for the upgrade and how much it would cost? Thanks.

11-18-2001, 10:26 PM
In a word....no.

When/if the SFL is ever to be sold to us underlings, then Tom will announce it here first. Check the sticky posts whenever you come here for more info on the release date. :cool:

11-18-2001, 10:43 PM
Ok, so no SFL bodies yet :( . Is there still someway that I can find out about how much it would cost for a powerfeed body (which was my second choice went I sent in my order). I have lost all my e-mails (as I said in an earlier post) and I did not save them. So I do not know how much it is going to cost me or what I am even getting when I send it in. Is there a e-mail address that I can write to to get this info? I wrote to [email protected] and I never got a reply. Did my e-mail just not get through, should I try again?

11-18-2001, 11:25 PM
Here's the deal with the SFLs as I undestand it. The SFL bodies are milled and anodized by Shocktech aka BBT. However the guns are assembled and QC'd by AGD. You have to buy the SFLs from BBT so I'd call them up and see if they'll do an upgrade for you. They'll probably have you send your gun to BBT and then send it themselves to AGD to be upgraded. But I certainly wouldn't say it's out of the question. I think the Lansing store handles that kind of stuff, but I'm not certain. In any case call BBT, and I'm sure they'll be more than happy to upgrade your gun.

11-21-2001, 02:25 AM
Originally posted by adlar
and QC'd by AGD. You have to buy the SFLs from BBT so I'd

RSVP and be sure not to BBQ the PCB... RT valves are AOK, but IMHO id go 4 the SFL. :D

*be sure not to take me seriously at all*

I was just overwelmed by all the lettered names! ;)