View Full Version : Ramping Questions

MTU Paintball
03-18-2005, 12:10 PM
Answers to any or all of my questions are appreciated.

1. What is the relationship between trigger pulls and extra balls added? Is it linear, exponential, or does it simply adds a ball or two depending on pulls/second, aka, step functioning?

2. Is this hardware, software, or both?

3. What guns support question 2?

4. Are there different "amounts" of ramping?

5. What is required to turn ramping on or off?

This post is not to be confused with "opinions for/against ramping." Being that my college paintball club hosts tournaments, we would like to even the playing field by discourage/catch people ramping. So this is kinda a "know thy enemy" type post.

03-18-2005, 12:19 PM
1. Well I'll use PSP rules here. Under the rules, the first 3 shots must be semi auto. After that third shot, it can go full auto to 15 bps. After you let go of the trigger, it resets and you gotta fire 3 shots again. Other ramping(which is illegal) can be just about anything. Some have it go full auto when you are shooting faster than X bps. Some boost your dwell(and thus FPS) at a certain point. Others will fire more than one shot, but less than 2 per pull (like say 17 balls for 10 pulls). It's really complicated. All you really need to be concerned with is the PSP/CFOA rules.

2. It's simple software. Sometimes it needs a new board though. So both actually.

3. Anything under the sun has, or will have a ramping chip(s) available. Currently matrices, timmys, angels, shockers, etc have chips available.

4. Yes. see number 1.

5. It changes from board to board. Some have an actual switch. Some have an LCD menu. Some have dip switch settings. It varies.

03-18-2005, 01:47 PM
1.) Three different types I know of. Simply Adding shots, you pull anywhere between 5 and 15bps and it shoots 15.4 (PSP Ramping), Percentage ramping. You pull 10bps, it'll shoot 60% more, so 16bps, you set the starting point and the percentage. Then there's parabolic ramping which is just like the previous except it ramps according to the speed you're shooting. So if you shoot 10bps, and it's set to 100%, it'll shoot 20, but if you start shooting faster, it'll double what you are shooting, so 12bps = 24, 15bps = 30... etc.

2.) Software only.

3.) I think you mean 2, any gun can have ramping, the most easily modified is the DM4 w/ a removable chip.

4.) Yes, as I explained in 1

5.) Programmed by the software, could be a trigger pull combination, membrane, both. To turn it off players typically hold down the trigger for 1-2 seconds and it turns off. So if you're trying to catch someone don't give them a chance to press any buttons or pull the trigger.

03-18-2005, 04:58 PM
so far all are correct but there is a few others!

there is modified db where you hit a certain bps and db goes down to 1 causing the gun to bounce like mad at high rates of fire!

now there is also just a plain bouncy trigger where at high rates of fire the trigger will mechanically bounce often times adding maybe an extra 1-2 bps!

03-18-2005, 05:34 PM
Ramping is alot harder to control than something like Debounce... unless you have one of those machines that the NPPL uses...

Most of the time with ramping you can pull the trigger slowly and it will only fire one shot per pull... and you can burst it and it will stop when you stop... only difference is you could have only pulled 10bps and it could have went off 24bps... The most common type of ramping lets the user select a certain BPS attained and thereafter reaching that will drop the debounce, increasing the speed...

This is why the NLPL just said heck with it and came up with these rules...
Marker must fire one shot per pull
Marker cannot fire if the tank is bumped
Marker must stop firing after they burst it

It worked fine for the first NLPL event... just you could obviously tell that people were using ramping because of the fact that they were firing hella fast...

03-18-2005, 05:43 PM
on my angel i have to kinds of ramping

NXL ramping - full auto after 3 triggers pulls over 4bps ... MROF 15 ( you can find these easier because the sound is really distinct ..... pop..pop..pop... popopopopopopopopopopopopop, with exact spacing in between shoots)

and AFA. you set it to turn on at a certain bps ( i normaly set mine to 8 ) ... when you achieve that rate of fire it will drop the debounce all the way to 1, making the gun bounce alot. this is harder to tell.

oh yeah, i only use these on my guns for kicks, i dont use them with walk ons or at tournys.

03-18-2005, 07:10 PM
is this legle ramping now ..or is it only in some leages

03-18-2005, 07:43 PM
is this legle ramping now ..or is it only in some leages

PSP rules state that capped ramping is legal. Some leagues have taken it into affect. (NXL)

03-18-2005, 09:59 PM
PSP rules state that capped ramping is legal. Some leagues have taken it into affect. (NXL)

NXL...that mena they can use ramping?

is there a leage that doesnt alow ramping?

03-19-2005, 03:53 AM
nppl doesnt allow ramping mainly cuz they spent so much on that bot and it would be a waste to give up now!! xpsl is no ramp aswell.