View Full Version : Zues's

03-18-2005, 12:17 PM
I'm curious now that I have a Zues G1. How do you make it shoot straight? I mean 45% of the time it's not bad it can very straight! But It's the other 55% that gets to me. Also the manual says on CO2 can shoot 22 balls...i'm getting 14. False advertisement? Or defective gun? What if I got this 'Delrin bolt' would this help accuracy? Or do they come stock with em?
Also I'm looking to see if I can buy the quick load cap that g2 has, does anyone know where i could get one?

03-18-2005, 12:18 PM
you have a what? never heard of that on. sounds like you have a realy bad paint to barrel match

03-18-2005, 12:51 PM
Zeus Pistol I believe...

I have no idea about the efficiency - try turning down the velocity that will increase your gas milage

and go for a better paint to barrel match....

and remeber that CO2 isn't a very consistent gas, and consistency = accuracy

03-18-2005, 03:09 PM
Thanks guys, well I just was playing with the velocity and I found the sweet spot (G spot? hehe). Well paint to barrel matching is very tough round here. Slim pickings when it comes to paint. But it is a .68 cal. and i found a .68 paint...is that not right? Should I be using .679 or somthing?

03-18-2005, 06:32 PM
the paint will vary bye degrees from bag to bag even if it is from the same manufactuer so what they really mean is that you need to test the match with your barrel too loose and you will know and to tight and you really will know!

03-18-2005, 06:32 PM
The paint should fit into the barrel and just barely touch on two sides. That is the ideal paint to barrel match. If the barrel is not removable, then there isn't much you can do about it other than finding a type of paint that works well for you.

If the accuracy is bad, turning down the velocity can help. Start low and increase the velocity towards 300fps until you see a decrease in consistency.

A lower velocity can also increase your efficiency and shots per CO2-12gram.

03-18-2005, 07:26 PM
srry didnt think about expanding on my answer :)

03-19-2005, 12:44 AM
I have 2 of the Core ZX pistols, which are basicaly the same thing as a Zeus "G1" (down to the same logo on the grips).

These pistols are known for shooting hot right out of the box. I had to cut 6 loops off the hammer spring on my 03 ZX to get it to shoot below 300fps. So even with the velocity adjuster backed all the way out, you may not be able to get it below 300fps until most of the CO2 is gone. My 04 ZX came with a different spring then the 03, and could get just below 300fps with the velocity adjuster backed all the way out.

Once you get the velocity down under 300fps you'll start getting ~20 shots per 12g.

Also, these pistols tend to have a large bore, so stay away from the smaller paint. Mine do well PMI Premium.