View Full Version : i need to vent.

03-18-2005, 10:56 PM
ok well i got my mag not too long ago that had been sitting... well now i cant get my banjo bolt out the barrel spins it now leaks and doesnt have a safety!!! :mad: well i find someone who says they will fix it free of charge i just pay for the parts... well thats and awsome deal and the gyuy has good feedback.... thanks yogster for offering..... well i bring this up to my mom..... u might get ripped off....... and blah blah.... like im not dumb mom and my real question is..... why cant she jus let me do it?? its my money? like its like shes afraid of all humans she doesnt know...... im sorry but i needed to vent it...... sorry for my continuos *****ing......

thnx arrrrrrg :mad:
u know what i think this has ever been done before im so mad im gunna put a banana to cheer me up..... :dance: ahhh thats a little better

03-18-2005, 11:10 PM
My "excellent shooter" emag had to be immediately shipped off to be fixed.

Life sucks, but its the first time I've been even partially ripped off in dozens of online transactions.

wtg crappy internet sellers

03-18-2005, 11:40 PM

This day and age, I think every-one here and every-one that does dealings online.Worries about getting ripped off.Hopefully having a thread of Feedback and being a member of a group for some time creates a better feeling for the person your dealing with.Your mom is just looking out for ya maybe because of the past experience you've had.

Maybe somebody closer to you can meet up with ya and have a look at your mag and get your baby going the way it suppose to work.Good luck hope every thing works out for ya.My offer still stands if she changes her mind.

thxs Yogster

03-19-2005, 12:26 AM
im not sure where dresden ont. is but i imagine barrie is closer than buffalo ny...
or else i'd offer as well...
perhaps you can figure out what's wrong and fix it yourself?
if you go to the tech section...theres always lots of people willing to walk you through anything you need to do
it's where i learned how to tear down my retromag
i've learned a whole lot from this forum
and it wasnt too hard

03-19-2005, 01:22 PM
^ wow grammar and punctuation is your friend :wow:

not to bag on you or anything, but that was really hard to understand.

To be on topic, I had the same experience while buying my mag a few weeks ago. The pics sent to me were taken from a webcam so they were none too clear, so I really couldn't see if there was anything wrong. I got a minimag for $150 shipped which wasn't bad as the valve still has 4 stars but when it arrived it was in pretty bad condition. There was built up crud(still not sure what it is) in all the little crevices of the rail, the spring was covered in a purplish brown sustance, doesnt look like rust but I cant take it off unless i sand it, random brown blotches on the stainless steel body (i didnt think it was possible to rust the body, guess I was wrong), paint bits everywhere. It was just pretty horrible. Took 3 tubs of water and bout 2 hours to do the first run through cleaning. the day before playing, took it all apart to clean again and took another hour to scrub it out with a toothbrush and such. I managed to get basically all the crudtaculur stuff out and thankfully the valve was in fulll working condition.

So ask for specific, as high resolution pics as possible before buying. Maybe ask him to be honest bout what's wrong with it and what the true condition is by offering $5 extra if you do decide to buy it on the big purchases like markers or tanks.

03-19-2005, 01:27 PM
I tend to like to buy anything online from ebay so if there is a problem there is proof to back up your agurment if something went wrong.

03-19-2005, 09:20 PM
Sorry next time I Will have my english teacher proof read it for me.
i know that i dont use punc and grammar like ever but read it a few times and you should be able to understand it
Why would anyone bother to read through crap like that?

Learn to type or no one will care what you have to say (I didn't make it past the first line, hopefully no one else did either).

03-20-2005, 04:14 PM
Why would anyone bother to read through crap like that?

Learn to type or no one will care what you have to say (I didn't make it past the first line, hopefully no one else did either).

its cool no one cares what i have to say anyway i do know how to type i just get so excited about what i am doing that i dont double check anything

03-20-2005, 04:36 PM
Why would anyone bother to read through crap like that?

Learn to type or no one will care what you have to say (I didn't make it past the first line, hopefully no one else did either).

No one wants to read crap like you posted...no one cares what you think of his grammar. This is a forum, he titled to it, and if you don't like it, just dont read his posts.

EDIT: Hey man...sorry, i meant to come here to post, but got alittle distracted. That really sucks. My parents used to be like that, and still kinda are. My gun wasnt working right so, i had to pretend i sold something, and was waiting to get something i ordered a long time ago, so i wouldnt raise suspicion that my gun wasnt working. (they said this was my last gun, and that if it didnt work, i had to sell it and quit paintball...now i couldnt let that happen could I? :p )

03-20-2005, 08:37 PM
i hope my rogue mag isn't a dud out of the box... I'll be f**ked where I am.

Creative Mayhem
03-20-2005, 08:39 PM
i hope my rogue mag isn't a dud out of the box... I'll be f**ked where I am.

Rogue mags are never duds... if you do have a problem, hit rogue up and he will hook you up. Or if you don't want to deal with border/cutoms anymore, then drop me a PM, and I will help you out.