View Full Version : Who has had P-Type Wire Nubbins Gouge the barrel?

Spyder BC
11-19-2001, 02:04 AM
I just went through a lot of posts on nubbin problems, most of it non-constructive criticism and flaming, so I'm going to say up front - that if you aren't going to offer real advise, call someone stupid - no matter how moronic the post, or flame in general, please move on to another thread - I don't want to bother scrolling all day to find answers.

That being said - I gouged out my brand new barrel very severely today. On a factory shipped AA Barrel - orings and P-Type nubbin pre-installed, the nubbin was bent inside the barrel and the sharp end of the wire gouged a very significant slash into the soft aluminum barrel. The gouge is located from the oval-shaped hole where the nubbin typically sticks out and extends nearly one quarter of an inch diagonally up and to the front of the barrel. There is wear on the opposite side of the barrel - the finish is rubbed off, most likely due to the bolt being pressed against the surface from the out-of-shape detent. The Nubbin still operated though - I was not experiencing ball breaks, ect - thus I was NOT AWARE that the nubbin had been damaged during play. I had made no attenpts to modify this barrel or adjust the nubbin in any way. As far as parts are concerned it was a recently purchased (October) Minimag and Barrel - the barrel was the only other functional non-stock part, so the gun can be considered right out of the box. I used the P-Nubbin after breaking two V nubbins (one in my stock 8" barrel and one in my SS Lapco Big Shot) one week ago and today.

I am not aware if my Bolt is "Long Nosed" or Short - I have no other bolts to compare it to - and I have no Mag buddies around to compare parts with. I am assuming long based off of posts about most new guns being shipped with long bolts.

I will admit that I short stoked the trigger a few times today probally around 5 - I am still getting used to the Mag's Trigger. I have watched the video closely and feel as though I have installed all of my nubbins properly and competantly. Two of the three nubbin breaks were factory installed nubbins.

Alright - Questions:

1)What is the comonality of the wire nubbin breaking - how often should I expect this to happen? Am I breaking more than average (on average, right now 1 every other day of play)

2) Is there anything I can do to prevent V-Nubbin breaks and P-Nubbin breaks?

3) When P-Nubbins break do they normally cause a serious gouge inside the barrel?

4) Is it possible for someone to post a picture of a properly (by the book - no personal mods that work >>great<<) positioned nubbin from the inside of the barrel's point of view so I can see exactly how far the nubbin should stick out?

5) Does the Long-Nosed bolt seem to produce more nubbin breaks to those who have used both for any significant legnth of time?

6)Are the plastic Nubbins publicly avalible yet - I am now fresh out of nubbins due to breaks.

I'm hoping some of you guys with some history working on Mags can answer these. i don't want to bother Rob or Tom with what seems to be a pretty basic problem, and remember guys, please don't post unless you are stating facts related to this post.


11-19-2001, 09:47 AM
I dont use nubbins as I have a micromag, so I cant answer all of your questions. But, I do know that sometimes nubbins are pushed a little too far into the barrel and break when the bolt catches them. Maybe that is your problem.

11-19-2001, 10:14 AM
1. you are braking more then normal. your nubbins may be too far into the barrel.

2.don't use P nubbins if you can help it. make sure your V nubbins are installed properly. the video tells you how to adjust them I believe.

3.sometimes. it doesn't happen all the time but sometimes it does. if the nubbin was factory installed and fairly new you may be able to get the barrel replaced depending on where you got it. if not the a small file and some sand paper may be your only recourse.

4.sorry I use a micro mag to, I can't be any help in that department.

5. I don't relay know. sorry. however the way to tell if you have a long nosed bolt or a short nosed is if the part in the center extends out past the outer shell you have a shot nosed. if it's flush or recessed then you have a long nosed.

6. I don't think so but you can check with AGD.

11-19-2001, 11:12 AM
Here are 2 threads I started on this very subject...



With the barrel and bolt removed, insert the bolt into the barrel until it pushes the nubbins out. If the nubbins are pushing out too far, I found that the bolt applies too much pressure to the nubbin, because the nubbin would hit on he inside of the mainbody, and in my case would wear the contact area on the nubbin rather quickly, and the nubbin would fail. So what I did was to adjust the nubbin so when the bolt contacts it, it can travel out of the bolt's way, and not get bound up from contacting the mainbody.

I bend the nubbin at the "V", making a more obtuse "V". This has helped incredibly, as I haven't broken a nubbin since, and I got at least 4 cases of paint through the gun (maybe more :D )

Plastic Nubbins ---

I tried these this week. They worked OK in the sense that they didn't break, or cause any ball breaks. Once again I had to trim some material off the bump that contacts the inside of the mainbody, to allow the nubbin to travel out of the way of the bolt. I had to remove 1 O-Ring, the one nearest the breach, because it just won't fit into the mainbody without tearing and binding up the barrel. I put a gouge in the track that travels in the spring-loaded barrel lock, because the O-Ring got all caught up. I had a hell of a time getting the barrel out :mad:

I'm dissapointed with all this nubbin BS. The barrel on my E-Mag has the custom fade anno, and it's all beat up from messing with these damn nubbins. My only complaint with my E-Mag IS the nubbins.

Some people NEVER have any probs with nubbins. I wish I were one of them :(

11-19-2001, 12:19 PM
Hi, Russ. My name is Russ, too:D .
Some people NEVER have any probs with nubbins. I wish I were one of them I am a person who has never had nubbin problems. Please check out my post and the other posts in this thread http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12785 for some advice. I hope it will help.

11-19-2001, 09:49 PM
the very day I get my new 'plastic' nubbins, my p-style breaks and put's that same gouge in my AA barrel :(

I'm hoping to get to the field next week and see if it will still shoot paint .. or if now I own a blend-o-matic....

11-20-2001, 09:09 AM
I had that happen to my first freak back. Fortunatly the first one I had was defective and was replaced by smart parts, nubbin gouge and all, so I kinda got lucky. Lets just say, that was the LAST time I used the P-Style nubbins, I even went to the extent of bending a p-style nubbin into a V-Style to prevent it breaking again, now I use the new plastic nubbins from AGD, and they work GREAT! :D

From what I can tell, the problems occur when you use the 'long neck bolts' with the P-Style nubbins, the neck catches the nubbin and rolls it forward, where as the old short neck bolt used the extended nose to partially depress the p nubbins leaving the neck to slip by, but since the long neck bolts hit the nubbins with the neck first, they catch more of the nubbin and roll it forward into the barrel. so warning to Long neck bolt users! P-STYLES ARE EVIL! though, that goes to everyone to be on the safe side :D

12-02-2001, 11:54 AM
I just got a new mag with an aa barrel and a p nubbin.Your nubbin should go up in to the barrel the thickness of a match book cover,I was not having the problems you were but I was breaking a lot off paint all so I think my p nubbins were to long I moved it forward one break in two cases of paint I can live with that I like the p nubbins better than the V nubbins haven't tried the plastic ones yet but I did have to monkey with nubbin to get it were I wanted it. Loneranger:D