View Full Version : Would it be possible to..

03-18-2005, 11:33 PM
Im sure it is but just wondering what all it would take.Is it possible to basically cut a E-mag battery pack in half or cut off the exces that extends out past the body?The Packs look good on Dallaras but i think if it didnt have all the extra overhang it would look better and prolly be a more comfy grip.So yea just basically wondering what all would need to be done and what tools would be needed?Also has anyone done/attempted this?

Edit: just relized this should prolly be in the workshop plz feel free to move it if it does.

03-19-2005, 12:57 AM
Buy an rtp rail so the pack doesnt hang over. It would be possible to cut it, but it would look like garbage.

03-19-2005, 01:05 AM
I think it could be done and not look bad just do it right the first time.I want one that would fit on a dallara body/rail. If you cut it off the back and welded a piece back on sanded it down realy well i think it could come out pretty good after you ano.I may attempt it in the future.
There is a special mounting bracker rigth? Well would the location of the bracket affect this modifictaion?

03-19-2005, 01:13 AM
The battery pack isnt suppose to be on a dallara in the first place...
The packs are hollow, you'll have better luck making a fore grip from scratch. And yes a special bracket is needed. You'll need to make your own bracket if you decide to make the battery pack smaller...