View Full Version : Increasing Bulldog II tank output

03-19-2005, 02:39 AM
I took my tank apart for the first time today. From what I've been reading lately, I figure the tighter the spring, the more output pressure. The looser the spring, less output pressure. If that's correct, can I simply purchase a washer the correct size and place it around the tube that the spring goes over? It wouldn't interfere with anything, it would only make the spring tighten up, thus putting more pressure out when aired up. If y'all say it sounds alright, I'll head over to Ace Hardware and pick up one. lmk, thanks. I can take it apart and get a picture if you don't have any idea to what I'm saying.

03-19-2005, 10:50 PM
Does anyone know? I'm going to go take a picture right now.

03-19-2005, 10:56 PM
ehhh, I wouldn't for a compairson, its like putting an unhardened bolt in your heads (more than likely its gonna break) spend the extra money and send it in to have it shimmed right, that way if anything goes wrong, you have someone to complain to!