View Full Version : mexico paintball

03-19-2005, 03:49 AM
Sup all you southern california area paintballers. just wanted to throw an idea out. I have just discovered a field being run just outsinde of Tiajuana in Baja mexico. its about a 15 miniute drive past the boarder. From what i hear and the pics on their website, the palce looks unreal. I want to plan some summer AO trips to there. I also have 2 summer houses about 25 more minutes south, right on the beach 1/2 way in between Rosarito and Ensenada. We could stay at the house and drive up to the field. Seems like a great summer weekend. a little international paintball, some sitting on the beach drinking mexican beer, some clubbin in rosarito. what more could you want. let me knoe if anyone is interested. heres the website for the field in mexico.


check it out