View Full Version : HAHAHA laughin my hinie off after listening to my friend talk paintball

11-19-2001, 12:10 PM
this it his "gun setup" /me smells a rat ok all things in red are what he said, blue is me

whats your gun setup?

nuthing new and i got an Angel Auto with a 12 Hydro tamk setup and also a auto free hander but it wastes wayyyy too many paintballs cuz its an auto

a auto free hander ??? What the heck is that?

lol its another word for a swithch too auto on paintballs guns cuz it only exists on AUTO guns

oh, ok

hmmm im wondering what my friend is smokin, good thing this was over aim and not in person or i would have demanded to see it

11-19-2001, 12:24 PM
Does your friend ride the short bus to school?

11-19-2001, 01:13 PM
hey how about this one. a friend of mine said he got:

a gun (he doesn't know what kind)
that doesn't have an electric trigger.
can be switched for semi, 2 or 3 round burst.
and has a bunch of hoses and neumatics on the front.
and he got this about 6+ months ago.

now I don't know about you but it sounds like a cocker, but I don't know of any that can fire bursts with a mechanical trigger. and the cocker hyper frame is a bit newer then that.

oh and did I mention that whenever I ask him to show it to me he comes up with an excuse not to?

hmmmm.... boy would I like to have that cocker wouldn't you?

oh yeah he did show me his stock Avenger though

11-19-2001, 01:36 PM
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! im laughing at them and what i heard! someone i met on this forum that i was talkin to on AIM said that get a benchmark 2x cuz it wil reduce ball chops and shoot alot faster than an inteliframe! what a joke! i have had both and the inteli hauls benchy. he also said that intelis suck! what a moron!

11-19-2001, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by magman007

nuthing new and i got an Angel Auto with a 12 Hydro tamk setup and also a auto free hander but it wastes wayyyy too many paintballs cuz its an auto

that guy = not smart

11-19-2001, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by ProjectMag
Does your friend ride the short bus to school?
HE HE HE Tart Kart

11-19-2001, 03:14 PM
LOL TART KART! You guys are funny! Some kid in my neighborhood said he used to have a Shocker, and when we asked him stuff about it he would just say that he didnt know and stuff. His friend just said "That was a smart gun" LOL!


11-19-2001, 03:19 PM
isnt it fun to make fun of other peoples incompetence?

11-19-2001, 05:33 PM
I know somebody is going to say it so i'l just say it now and save a person the trouble, "we were all newbies at some point" saying that I can now make fun!!! I was at my local feild a few days ago and I heard a guy talking to a freind saying that for $130.00 he could get a Avenger and that was the best gun for that price, I just wanted to go up to him and slap um! Oh ya and a kid that goes to my school told me that he gets free air at the local feild becasue he bought a tank there, also there is another kid who said he could kick my butt in paintball becasue he has water gun wars, and I tried to explain to him that a water gun shooting a few FPS is not the same thing as a paintballgun shooting around 300 FPS.

11-19-2001, 05:38 PM
LOL! I wish I met idiots like that... Water gun wars you can get tagged 20 times in a row and it doesn't matter. In paintball, one tag, you're out. I guess he doesn't understand that...

11-19-2001, 06:30 PM
nuthing new and i got an Angel Auto with a 12 Hydro tamk setup and also a auto free hander

Hehe he said tamk? lol well theres this kid at my school who says he has a bob long bushy and i asked him if he was gonna get the new 6000psi nitro and he said yes!?!?! (there is no 6000psi nitro) ok i had my fun

11-19-2001, 07:12 PM
Haha...we convinced this rich kid at our school to get an Angel or Emag. He's got an Automag right now, but he's not so great, and he hasn't played that much. So for Christmas he's getting like an emag or something. We will put him on the team and then we can always play around with it :D.

11-19-2001, 08:29 PM
Im just deleting this post all together. Caffinee high that night. I re read it and I was waay outa line.

Its bad when you embarass yourself on a forum.

11-19-2001, 09:31 PM
there is this kid at my school that thinks because the spyder has a "low pressure chamber" on the front that its a low pressure gun and another kid that is gonna have is dad make him a 3 foot sniper barrel (not exegerating) and a "quick barrel break" so he can take off like 2 feet of the barrel while playin. i tried to explain that that long of a barrel was pointless and that it wouldnt make him more accurate and he was like yes it will your just mad that you wont have one.

11-20-2001, 12:05 AM
I used to want to make a 4foot long barrel out of PVC pipe :D!


11-20-2001, 12:11 AM
It's great listening to people ramble on about stuff that they don't know a thing about. During school, I had to sit listening to my friend talk about this kids Rocket (Ricochet) hopper, and his "sphere nitro", supposedly the tank is a perfect sphere. I don't know though, maybe there is a sphere tank.

11-20-2001, 12:13 AM
LOL! Some idiots... tsk on them! I've still never met an idiot that wanted a "sniper" barrel that was longer than 14"... 3' is just insane! The kid with the cocker sounding gun with semi, 2/3 burst mode prolly had a rainmaker. What the hell!?!? A sphere tank!?!? That is way unconvetional...no, wrong word... ineffecient... no, still wrong... oh, I got it! A SPHERE TANK IS WAY TO STUPID!!!

11-20-2001, 12:14 AM
no, no there isnt

that guy also ='s not smart

maybe hes talkin about a stub, not quite a sphere but kinda close


11-20-2001, 12:23 AM
Yeah, it could be a stub, but I've never seen it. The kid doesn't sound to smart, he actually says STO (AutoCocker) like it's one word (not single letters). I'd bet anything that he says Cap instead of KAPP too. It's pretty funny to listen to some of em', I'm just about the only one of my friends who can disassemble/reassemble their gun, and know how the actual thing works.

11-20-2001, 12:36 AM
LOL!!! This is funny, but wait a sec, I say Cap when I'm Talking about KAPP, its just easier, anyone else do that? Also, I ride the short bus to school:(
well I ride it from school to get home, because my school gets out earlier than all the other schools and the only bus at 2:00 is the short bus. So ya, I think I am one of these retarded people lol.

11-20-2001, 12:36 AM
Lol...hey I have a stow autococker!!! DURRR!!!! I say KAPP as cap just for the sake of convenience... I DON'T RIDE A BUS! I RIDE IN A CAR!!! MUA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ::GASP:: HAHAHAHAHA!

HEY! YOU CAN'T LAUGH! I already called it!

11-20-2001, 08:53 AM
yeah I say cap, it's just easier that way. and it's not a rainmaker he says there is no battery, no microswitch, and no board. also it would have to be a really old rainmaker as the newer ones don't have select fire. did I mention he also has a habit of... now how to put this nicely.... exaggerating.... yeah that's it, exaggerating....

hmmm... sphere nitro? is it powered by black holes?
and yes I was a newbie once... still am to some degree, just less of one now... however I didn't and don't go around stating guess and opinion as fact, I make damn sure I can always back it up.

11-20-2001, 10:25 AM
I think everyone says "Cap" when they are talking about KAPP. I've never heard someone go "Oh, you see that new Kay Ay Pee Pee foregrip extender?"

11-20-2001, 11:45 AM
Everyone says cap,and almost everyone I talk to says STO LIKE STOW,even Jeff Orr at the 2001 world cup.

11-20-2001, 11:47 AM
If someone came and asked me, "hey is that the new Kay A Pee Pee foregrip extender?" I would think they were new.

Really I wouldn't care.

Just don't call SOD, MOD or DRI sod, mod and dry. That's all I ask.

11-20-2001, 03:41 PM
Yep I say KAPP as cap also(so does everyone else I know). I don't call the STO Autococker the Stow Autococker though, I say ES TEE OH(zowee). So lets all forget our problems with a great big Manwich(SLOPPY JOES!)!


11-20-2001, 04:00 PM
heh, my friend who always talked about how good he was at paintball back in the NY, had a spyder SE, and he was gonna shoot me so i know what it felt like, i hadnt gotten my gun yet but i had done research, and in front of like 4-5 of my friends he kept swearin to me turning the cocking knob all the way right was the lowest velocity because it let less air inside the gun, i got shot and dam did it hurt, so i emailed spyder and asked em, and gave him the email, he was all pissed, it was rather funny

11-20-2001, 05:01 PM
I'm practically a complete newbie and I'm not an idiot... I've studied paintball too long trying to convince my parents...

11-20-2001, 05:03 PM
i knew he was wrong but i did it ne way...

11-20-2001, 06:40 PM
AAAHHHH, the jokes on me ;p! I never would have thought everyone says Cap, but now to think of it, I've never really HEARD anyone say it. I still think Stow is pretty funny though......

11-20-2001, 06:49 PM
I my self say CAP. its an abbreviation, arent you supposed to say cap? every person i ever talked to said Cap. Well which is it? Lets consult the polls!!!!

11-20-2001, 06:54 PM
i knew a ton of ppl that said stow and not S T O....its easier to say, rolls right off the tongue

11-20-2001, 06:55 PM
im sry guys i just had to....100TH POST WOOOOOHOOOO

11-20-2001, 07:23 PM
my friend thinks his spyder shutter is "low pressure" because it has an lpc... I explained to him that it wasn't, so he said "then why do i have a regulator?". I don't care if you don't know much about how the gun works, everyone started there, but don't pretend you do. This kid thinks his spyder shutter is much better than a mag. I think its mainly because his has a fancy anno job. I asked him if his spyder was closed bolt or blow forward and he said closed bolt... I told him what a closed bolt was and he still said he had one, then i told he didn't and he went nuts. He has to defend his gun cuz he dumped so much money into a booyah and armson stealth, a bunch of other crap. He is still using co2. Jeez. Can't wait to get my mag, then i can show him how it kicks his little shutters butt.

11-20-2001, 07:36 PM
oops! i really got to control that! Im used to the UBB forums that automatically take out those words! sorry sorry..

Anyways.. Alot of people I know have misconceptions about paintball. I try my hardest to correct them, and most of the time they get it. htye realize they are wrong and accept what Im saying. Everynow and then you get on of those people. They, no matter how much proiof you give them, still will not accept hte truth. Maybe htey got scwewed out of some money on their gun, or think they are better than you and dont want to accept the fact you know more. I had hte same problem with someon thinkign their spyder was a closed bolt. I tried and tried to explain the closed bolt system. I even took their gun, took off the elbow, cocked it, and pointed in the chamber and said "Look- see that? the gun is cocked and ready to fire and the bolt is OPEN." He still thought that since the powertube moved forward when he fired the gun it meant that teh gun was a closed bolt blow forward. arg.

But you just gotta live with em. sohw em up on the feild if you cant get through to them off it.

11-20-2001, 08:03 PM
off it? off what? i usually just kick their @$$es in a game and then they don't wanna talk to me for the rest of eternity. but that's their loss. :D

11-20-2001, 08:26 PM
my friend bought a mini-mag for his first gun. he had t bring it back to the shop to figure out how to take the barrel off.:eek:

11-20-2001, 08:51 PM
I have a friend who I used to try to convince to get something done to his stock cocker. I told him he should just have it Sandridged. He would tell me after I get my RT Sandridged, he would get his cocker Sandridged as well.:p He also thinks tricking out his Spyder Shutter was putting a new barrel on it. Something about those stupid Spyder Shutters gives the owner a false feeling of power. The marker isn't all that great. He also thinks that mags are no where near as fast as cockers are. I just laugh and smile.

11-20-2001, 09:08 PM
yeah the shutter just looks good. Everyone gets tons of compliments from people who go by looks also, so they feel thier shutter is king of the world.

My friend still believes his shutter could kick the *** of an automag. He doesn't realize they are a completely different kind of gun. I mean just look at the price difference! $200 for a shutter and $300+ for a mag without a barrel?? You don't get an angel for $50. Unless the seller is real stupid...