View Full Version : Devilmag dropping value of used X/Emags?

03-20-2005, 02:46 PM
I would have to say yes definitely. Why would I spend $900-1200 on an Xmag when I could just buy a Devilmag for $900? I wouldn't, but would you? If you would, then why?

03-20-2005, 02:50 PM
I would have to say yes definitely. Why would I spend $900-1200 on an Xmag when I could just buy a Devilmag for $900? I wouldn't, but would you? If you would, then why?

I wouldnt necisarily buy a xmag...but i love the bodies (same with kartas).

EDIT: I dont think we will really see a drop in the price until options like pnuemag and mQ valve technology come out. (even then i dont know if it would be dramatic...or even completly noticable)

03-20-2005, 02:53 PM
I would have to say yes definitely. Why would I spend $900-1200 on an Xmag when I could just buy a Devilmag for $900? I wouldn't, but would you? If you would, then why?
I look at it just the opposite: why spend $900 on a Devilmag when you can get an X-Mag for $1200 or less? E- Mags, however, have been dropping in price for quite some time. You can easily find used E-mags in good condition for almost half the price of a Devilmag.

03-20-2005, 02:54 PM
E-mags probably, but I doubt X-mags, there is almost a status symbol that goes with them, they like the pinnacle of AGD. So yes other people will undoubtedly buy MQ valves, and DevilMags, and all that fun stuff. But the X-mag is probably not going to be affected as much as the E-mag.

03-20-2005, 03:19 PM
right now there just isnt enough devilmags out to see a huge decrease in resale. Maybe once alot of people get their devilmags and word spreads, there will be a difference but for now not enough people know about it.

03-20-2005, 04:03 PM
there was a time when if some one said hey i got an Xmag for sale it would be jumped on quickly and whoever was selling there x would not have any problem i think its ot just becouse of hte new developments that people are comming out with its just that the people who really want an x already have one or have had one and sold it as for the price being affected i dont see it hapening to much i mean come on its an X-mag

03-20-2005, 04:52 PM
sorry if this is off topic but what is this MQ valves?...just a fast vavle ?

03-20-2005, 04:58 PM
Ya...it doesnt use a sear, or solinoid, but is hooked up dirrectly to the frames board.

03-20-2005, 05:21 PM
Used E-mags can be had now at what I must say is quite a reasonable price. I like so many others am just returning to paintball after a 4 year break. I wasn't planning on buying a new gun untill my roommate found a used E-mag for sale for $350. I talked him down to $305. After buying a new on/off pin ($12 after shipping form AGD) and about one hour reading the thread about the level 10 and fixing what he did to it (the white plastic ring was on the wrong side of the carrier which caused the bolt to be too far foward to be caught by the sear) I had a fully functional E-mag for roughly $317(didn't need to ship as we don't live very far apart). I think that is a good price. Note: It has the old softwear and came with an all-American barrel(I like my boomstick better but the AA isn't bad at all). Funny now that I tried it I think the mech trigger feels better to me and I prefer to play like that but every now and then it is fun to use it in e mode.

I know this isn't really the topic at hand but since it came up in my reply:
What is the difference between the new and old softwear, how does one obtain it and is it worth it? :shooting:

Sorry I didn't mean for my post to go that long. :wow:

03-20-2005, 05:22 PM
the x/emag value has been dropping long before the devilmag came out. If you look, most emags are going for around 450-550 and most emags around 900 or so.

Major Ho
03-20-2005, 05:25 PM
Doubtful, There is literally 1 devilmag out to a consumer right now. After that there will prolly not much more than 2 dozen ish. And everyone else is right, their prices have been dropping by themselves already

03-20-2005, 06:01 PM
I know this isn't really the topic at hand but since it came up in my reply:
What is the difference between the new and old softwear, how does one obtain it and is it worth it? :shooting:

Newer software I believe has a higher ROF cap and fun stuff like that. Check THIS (http://www.xmagworld.com/software_001.htm) out. Now back to our regularily scheduled topic.

As to obtaining it, I believe Tunaman, BlackVCG, RRFireBlade, and AGD all do updates for around $30.

03-20-2005, 07:07 PM
thier age is what is killing resale, although if you part it out you can make a bit more. hard to build a 1k mag compete with some of the new gear that is comming out.

03-20-2005, 07:39 PM
WHOA! Hold on second. I highly doubt emag/xmags will signifcantly drop in prices for a while. Even with the High end gun with low end price thing going on now a days. They Xmag was Introducted in 2002 i Belive at a Startign price of 1500?? About that. Its only dropped around 200-300 dollars in the past 2 years. I'd say thats not alot. So expect to see these prices and guns around for quite some time. Espcailly with The Preadator Emags and new firmware with tons of new featurs coming.

Also custom Emag will always bring alot of money.

And No i definlty wouldnt get a Devil mag over a emag. You could get a emag for around 600 bucks or a Xmag for 1200-1000. Again new features with custom software and updates ect ect.... The emag will dominate. Fireware is coming with Uncapped bps. That like 32 bps on a rt/x vlave with out shutdown. So it would be the same with the DEVIL MAG. :rofl:

03-20-2005, 07:43 PM
There age and the ever looming question will AGD be here next year is going to hurt them. Further a lack of eyes is going to hurt them - the X-mag an exception but even those I have heard the eyes are not that great. That big bulky battery pack is annoying to a lot of people. There are issues with the e-mag, the DevilMag addresses a lot of them. The E-mag is loosing price because there are better markers out there that offer about the same profile (shocker) with more options

Please note, these are my opinions - all markers named I have either owned or have on order.

03-20-2005, 08:15 PM
Fireware is coming with Uncapped bps. That like 32 bps on a rt/x vlave with out shutdown. So it would be the same with the DEVIL MAG. :rofl:

Correct me if I am wrong but doesn't the E-mag/X-mag selonoid go bye bye at 22 bps? And isn't it very hard on the selonoid if you maintain said 22 bps? I thought I saw that info somewhere but maybe not...

03-20-2005, 08:15 PM
true, but shockers are mass produced and are not as high quality as emags. Emags really havent lost that much resale value in the past year or so. Also, shockers are FAR too common. Its nice to have a rare fast gun that nobody else has. Esp w/ DW bodies, they are so sexy.

Id still take an emag over some of the newer guns out there today.

03-20-2005, 08:24 PM
true, but shockers are mass produced and are not as high quality as emags. Emags really havent lost that much resale value in the past year or so. Also, shockers are FAR too common. Its nice to have a rare fast gun that nobody else has. Esp w/ DW bodies, they are so sexy.

Id still take an emag over some of the newer guns out there today.

I think if you don't realize that MOST the high end markers (including shockers and e-mags) lost a lot of value over the last two years you are mistaken

03-20-2005, 08:25 PM
true, but shockers are mass produced and are not as high quality as emags. Emags really havent lost that much resale value in the past year or so. Also, shockers are FAR too common. Its nice to have a rare fast gun that nobody else has. Esp w/ DW bodies, they are so sexy.

Id still take an emag over some of the newer guns out there today.

From what I've seen from when I started playing (a good two years ago), and when I joined this forum mostly (about a year ago), is that the price has gone down alot. It used to be that you couldn't get a stock emag below $600 or so, and about 7 months ago it was rare to go under $500...but now you can find them for less than $400...i'd say they are definatly loosing resale...probly because they are having trouble selling them. That means price is going down because lack of demand. So that means they will slowly become less, and less expensive, because like someone said about x-mags, they are getting hard to sell because everyone who wants one, has one.

Sorry for my responce for not having a very good structure.

03-20-2005, 09:03 PM
From what I've seen from when I started playing (a good two years ago), and when I joined this forum mostly (about a year ago), is that the price has gone down alot. It used to be that you couldn't get a stock emag below $600 or so, and about 7 months ago it was rare to go under $500...but now you can find them for less than $400...i'd say they are definatly loosing resale...probly because they are having trouble selling them. That means price is going down because lack of demand. So that means they will slowly become less, and less expensive, because like someone said about x-mags, they are getting hard to sell because everyone who wants one, has one.

Sorry for my responce for not having a very good structure.

i have seen the cheap emags to but what every one forgets to read is stuff like
no charger
1.37 software
and the one i saw for under 400
no valve
no charger
it sure wasnt ule body...

03-20-2005, 09:08 PM
i have seen the cheap emags to but what every one forgets to read is stuff like
no charger
1.37 software
and the one i saw for under 400
no valve
no charger
it sure wasnt ule body...

Ya but a year or so ago you couldnt get stock ones under $600 and now ive seen whole ones in the $400 range...and a few even cheaper (sometimes with minor problems)

03-20-2005, 09:49 PM
Doubtful, There is literally 1 devilmag out to a consumer right now.
why thank you for my introduction ho ;)

i honestly have seen people dumping xmags in favor of newer guns. even the almighty x cannot keep up in todays tourney scene. either people thinks it too slow (that another arguement that im not discussing here), to heavy, too finicky, or people jsut do not want to mess them up.
i hate emags, i really do. and the only thing that keeps me from hating the x is the nice body on it. the devilmag alone is not going to severly hurt the resale, but with mroe competition coming it will. emags have fallen off of the map in resale value, and the x has taken a dip. the is rarer, and obvisously worth alot more so it will never be dirt cheap.
in conclusion i believe devil>e/xmags=mehappier/unhappinessofmewithoutdevilmag. just shoot what you want to people, no single gun ever made will satisfy everyone. :cheers:

03-20-2005, 09:53 PM
why thank you for my introduction ho ;)

i honestly have seen people dumping xmags in favor of newer guns. even the almighty x cannot keep up in todays tourney scene. either people thinks it too slow (that another arguement that im not discussing here), to heavy, too finicky, or people jsut do not want to mess them up.
i hate emags, i really do. and the only thing that keeps me from hating the x is the nice body on it. the devilmag alone is not going to severly hurt the resale, but with mroe competition coming it will. emags have fallen off of the map in resale value, and the x has taken a dip. the is rarer, and obvisously worth alot more so it will never be dirt cheap.
in conclusion i believe devil>e/xmags=mehappier/unhappinessofmewithoutdevilmag. just shoot what you want to people, no single gun ever made will satisfy everyone. :cheers:

Pretty much. :)

03-20-2005, 09:55 PM
well, a devilmag is extremely competitively priced, and is a great marker.

ule body- 130
xvalve, level 10, ult- ~340
frame- ~175 cuz its custom milled
predator 2- 350

thats like about 1g. however, for 900 bucks, i cant find a better deal. but on the issue of price drops, think about what ur getting for a few hundred more.

03-21-2005, 04:09 AM
ok add up a devilmag and it comes to about 950-1000 bought seperatly now add on a karta(nicest non x body) and it comes in right at about 1150 which is danmed close to the xmag!! its not going to hurt the resale of xmags or emags!! also do realize that the biggest thing that cut the stock emags resale was the introduction of ule!! why buy a heave stainless steel gun when you can have ultralight alluminuim!!