View Full Version : Wireless Internet Connection + XP = Lose?

03-21-2005, 01:21 AM

You tell me..

10 days straight...

Played UT 2004, Halflife 2 Deathmatch, done INTENSE Word documents, and some Photoshop files... as well as some video editing and lots of uploading...

My system = teh stable? I unno... I haven't restarted it since I formatted... I still have 20 something days to activate windows... :D

03-21-2005, 01:24 AM
I have XP Pro (corporate edition) on my main PC and XP Home on my laptop.

I have had my laptop on for the past week w/o restarting and no crashes. I've had my main sytsem on for about 2 months w/ no reboots since I haven't installed any software that required it.

03-21-2005, 01:26 AM
I'm running the very original XP... first version, no service-packs, no windows update patchs.

Only version I trust...

Never. Ever. Use Windows Update.

I've seen a computer working PERFECT, then you do windows update, and it won't boot. Reformat, install this version, works PERFECT, do windows update, same thing.

I've had decreased performance and MORE spyware with the update.

Only time I get spyware on this version is if I go to "teh warez" sites or get it through emails/messengers.

03-21-2005, 01:28 AM
I get rid of the spyware thing by using FIREFOX.

The only time I use IE is if I need to click a link w/ an automatic copy/paste. Otherwise in firefox I hvae to right click the link, choose PROPERTIES and then copy/paste the link manually.

I rarely touch WINDOWS UPDATE. The only time I do is for specific patches. I dont let the auto-updater run. That thing is the devil.

Both my systems (well more if you include the junkers) are all running SP1. I wont dare touch SP2.

Oh yeah. I am running Wireless on my laptop w/ no troubles or packet loss. I think once I had a weird spike but other than that its been extremely reliable.

03-21-2005, 04:07 AM
I just don't touch XP :D

I only use win98, but it's a bit of a hybrid beast now with dlls and the like ripped from NT & win2K as well as 98 & 98SE...

7 days usually before a restart, providing I steer clear of JAVA

JAVA is teh evil! :shooting:

03-21-2005, 08:15 AM
I run Win XP Pro With Service Pack 2 on my home machine. I usually shut it down once a month with no problems since I've had it(Almost 7 months.)

03-21-2005, 11:53 AM
SP2 I don't think is something you MUST install - far from it. However, in general it works fine - with the oddball exception. I use it at home.

I used 98SE for a long time. XP was out for a while before I reluctantly gave it a shot. But I will never look back now. I see no benefit in using 98.

Java is not evil! It's how MS implements the use of it!

Firefox is not a cure for ad/spyware - although it is effective in preventing some ways that they can be contracted. That's not why I use it though.

03-21-2005, 12:08 PM
I use SP1 XP

I run windows update, microsoft spyware, spybot, and avast antivirus, and manually update my drivers every so often.

The keys to good windows performance:



Firefox. Saves you the space of IE updates. IE is slightly fsater, but there are plugins for firefox to alleviate this. A DNS cache makes a big difference with broadband.

Turn off the effects. Shadows and fades in your menus eat insane amounts of RAM and CPU, and I guarantee you won't notice. Right click the desktop.

Clean out your system startup. Idling programs eat RAM and coldstarts really aren't inconvenient.

Use Add/remove programs to get rid of anything extraneous.

03-21-2005, 05:22 PM
screw windows use Macintosh...unfotuanently ive got a lot to save before i get my powerbook :(
but yeah my computer has sp2 and well i either havent enough ram (256) or sp2 is the devil cause my programs like always go slow... and i have no spyware i use firefox ad aware spy bot microsofts spyware thing etc...so..idk whats wrong anyhow go with apple ;)