View Full Version : Technical Colleges & Rochester Institute

03-21-2005, 08:01 PM

Well, im at a confused point right now.

ive talked to people who went to school for computer science, at places such as Suny Stony Brook, except when i check them out, all they have in that catagory is just computer science.

yet, when i look at like RIT, they have networking, engineering, and everything i can think of. so, is it worth going to a "non-technical" school for computer science?

any thoughts or anything will be greatly appreciated.

so far i have my heart set on RIT :D

03-21-2005, 08:31 PM
anyone? :dance:

03-21-2005, 10:36 PM
Well, as a person who almost went to RIT ( I thought I was going there, turns out it was RPI, whoops) I might be able to offer some insight. I'm graduating in May with a dual in Comp Sys, and Electrical Engineering, with a concentration in analog circuits. I actually did major in comp sci for a little while, then switched to comp sys, so I'm a familiar with this stuff.

At a school like RIT you'll be able to take more classes that your interested in. They'll have a lot more options, and probably better options. I know a lot of people who went to 'non-technical' schools for comp sci. They get a good education, but there is so much more at a purely technical school like RIT. At a school like RIT you'll have your generic classes that you need to take, and you'll have so many more options for your electives. Chances are, the facilities will be a lot better at RIT than some other school.

Not to mention, when your looking for a job, it jus looks good coming from a more technical school. If you had the option of going to RIT, or a non technical school, and you wanted to do comp sci, then the choice seems obvious to me. Go to RIT. Not that you wouldn't get a good education at a non-tech school, RIT just has a lot more to offer.

I was in the same boat 4 years ago. I had to decide between RPI and UNH. I'm glad I chose RPI.