View Full Version : Tech Tour Official Feedback Thread!!!

11-18-2001, 12:59 AM
i just got back from it... literally... i had the best time ever!!! gosh tom really over did it today, thanks so much tom it was great. im glad i had a chance to meet some AO members too

11-18-2001, 01:04 AM
i think tom said he was selling stuff, did u pick anything up, what did he have for sale? i wish i could have gone, glad u had fun

11-18-2001, 01:54 AM
I spent a few pennies. :) I bought:

Retro Valve
Warp Feed
Super Bolt
and last but not least, 12" of stainless hose. ;)

Even got to try out the new stuff tonight. Just fixed the dwell on my Warp. It wasn't spinning enough the way it was set...so I was Mr Chop-Chop. Doh. But, that's all fixed now, thanks to what I learned at the tech class on friday. :)

A few Emags were sold, buncha warps, a warp Automag body, buncha superbolts, and lots of various parts.

11-18-2001, 02:07 AM
nice, i want a warp, superbolt, retrovalve, and maybe a flatline in the future but im too poor(no job) so im taking it one step at a time(christmas helps), i want a west coast agd tech class

11-18-2001, 02:19 AM

heheheh, it was all good. I am glad that you had a great time and even more glad that I met you and everyone else out there. It was great to see everyone having a great time. I am glad I was able to help you guys out with your markers and warps. Can't wait for the 2ND SUPER-TOUR (hint hint, Tom ;) ). Just remember guys, If you ever have any problems with your equiptment, you can count on me as well as everyone here at the factory, this also includes our satellite techs, to help you guys out ;) . I hope that you out-of-staters and my fellow Canadians make it home safely.

Take care brothers,


11-18-2001, 02:53 AM
the next tour.... i'm definetly flying down to join.

11-18-2001, 04:37 AM
I see you live in melrose park. I live right over the bridge in Berkeley. I didn't know anyone was that close to me.

11-18-2001, 11:54 AM
Yea, it was fun. Thanks AGD. Nutz, MagHappy, and I were dubed the "AO Orphans" by Tom Vale, us little kids there with no big mommies or daddies :D.. next time (hopefully soon) we should all pay a fee that covers food,paint, and transportation. we went thru 18 cases and 63 fills, plus all the cases people payed for themselves. Now all I want is a chrome intelliframe :D

BTW the intelliframe is FAST.

11-18-2001, 12:32 PM
superbolts are for sale?! when did this happen?

11-18-2001, 12:38 PM
Yeah... they went early, however. Some folks had to order them because they were running out of everything. :) By the time I got there, they only had 3 warp feeds left in stock. 3!!! (And none in the color I wanted, darnit!)

11-18-2001, 12:45 PM
Its sunday now (day after the tour) i was too tired to type anyting when i got home! It was posibly the coolest paintball experience in my life... Tom do it again! I bought myself a matte black inteliframe blade. GOSH I LOVE IT! :) most well spent upgrade i have ever put into my gun. its great! thats to all the AGD people who helped put this killer frame into action! Tom, thank you soo much! it was great!

11-18-2001, 02:39 PM
yea i cant wait to see all the pictures people took

11-18-2001, 05:51 PM
I am sooo tired. Thanks to Tom and the whole AGD crew. Also to the office gals, for putting up with us and all our orders. Tom in my opinion did more than I had ever expected. Thanks for one of the best paintball weekends ever.


11-18-2001, 07:18 PM
I must admit Tom went far and beyond what we all expected.
However MOST of you missed even MORE fun today at Fox Paintball. We played speedball for a few hours with TK, Kayle and Jon with a few more AO members today. I got to shoot the Blue E-Extreme (again) and I got to take on Tom, 1 on 1 with my newly rehabilitated E-Mag. :)
I was able to pick up all the annodized pieces that make up and e-mag and swapped all my internals out to it. It's a tie-dye red/purple/orange that has never been seen before the Tour. I couldn't resist the totally milled out rail and wikked looking colors.
I'll have to attach picts later. It's REALLY sweet.
Thankyou again Tom.

11-18-2001, 09:17 PM
The Canadians have 'finally' made it home

thanx again to all those members who came out and made it a good time

..and to jonAGD, thanx for all the help eh!

11-18-2001, 09:58 PM
didn't you post the exact same thing in another post?

just busting your chops

now for real, this was one of the best days I've had in a while. all the AGD folks were GREAT.

you are "THE MAN", as you said if you guys have been ignoring us for the last 5 years. I CANT WAIT to see what is coming at us in the next few mouths.

you said you had a 3 mouth production cycle? well the clock is ticking, please blow my socks off.


you are "THE SECOND MAN", sorry tom is still "THE MAN", you told me how to fix a problem I've been having for mouths now. in all of, well let see 2 seconds. thank you much.

ALL AO Members at the tour:

it was great meeting as many of you as I could. you were all great. I think we all handled the day with the utmost decorum and professionalism. tom opened up him home to use and we didn't "TRASH THE PLACE" so to say. we had free run of the place and you all handled it very well. my hats off to all of you.

To the two kids with the HOT mom that dropped them off:

did your mom really just drop you off and pick you back up at midnight? if so you have got one special mom there to trust you 2 with that kind of experience. I hope you 2 tell her how much you appreciated what she let you do. and you mite want to think abought doing something nice for her. I don't mean to sound sappy but moms love flowers. we need more parents that can trust there kids to play paintball.

well I have ranted for long enough. again this was one of the best days.

I couldn't help calling there mom hot. she was!

TOM you should give the office gals a RAISE after this weekend


11-18-2001, 10:06 PM
Hey data pimp! that was my mom you called hott! and i could not help but fall on the ground and laugh when i read that. yeaa i kissed up to her a lil bit.. i am glad she supports my paintball addiction/habbit/hobby/etc. she dropped us off in the monring and picked me and nutz (AJ) up at midnight as well. i also wanted to say that i totally agree with what datapimp had to say (except that my mom was hott!) eeeewwwww..... lol anyway.... thanks again to everyone that had anything to do with making the tour really great! :)

11-18-2001, 10:38 PM
hahahahahhahahahahhahahah thats funny.. i wonder who did call the cops, who ever it was must have heard us shoting toms extreme, hehe. o well i cant wait to do it again!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeee

11-18-2001, 11:32 PM
I had a great time, learned alot. Most importantly I love the Emag you guys put together for me on the spot, the blue one with the blue warp! Nothing beats having a cadre of AGD guys around to make sure it works right to start, and thay went WAY above and beyond in doing this. Tom, next time please kick us out before 4am. After Fox today I was just about dead. In fact I just made it home now. Three days, three hours of sleep a night...

11-19-2001, 12:02 AM
Maghappy ,
I am so disappointed in you . After all I have done for you.
You mean to tell me you have a hot mom and didn't even introduce me .........

( and thanks Datapimp )

11-19-2001, 01:29 PM
I just about p|ssed myself after reading what Kayle and Datapimp had to say about my mom! sory kayle, shes married... yess.... i have a dad! lol. thanks for everything kayle and all the AGD members! and kayle, maybe it was because u called me an AO orphin! lol. me nutz and irbodden are the AO orphins..... well.... not much more to say as i sit in school board now.... boo! later all

11-19-2001, 01:32 PM
Well you know what they say Maghappy...its kinda not normal to think your Mom is hot...well..."cept" in Alabama that is...:D

11-19-2001, 01:33 PM
ok now i'm realy pissed i didn't get to go j/k slushee (i was so close) so when's the next one. if i see the post more then 1 day before the registration ends i'll go. :)

11-19-2001, 01:56 PM
You guyz crack me up. lol. when im feeling down i go to this forum and im feelin :)! yyyeeeeeeehhhhaaaw! (im not a hick im from chicago) anyway... i dont think my mom is hott! i never sayd that... dont make me puke noww...... ***GAG*** later all.....

11-19-2001, 02:01 PM
Ok Maghappy... I tell you what.. post us a pict up of your Mom and we will all vote on it. "Hot Mom"...or..."just a nice Mom to Maghappy". Hows that?

And tell her she is anyway. She deserves it from what I hear she did for you.

11-19-2001, 02:35 PM

It is Monday and I can't believe it's over. I talked for 17 hours on Friday and we hung out until 3:00 am in the shop. On Saturday day I toured everyone through the "AGD Complex" and that night we shot each other up at Country Club. Even LATER that night we did runs on the gun dyno testing stuff, 3:00 am came again. Sunday started with the hour drive to Fox River Games where beautiful weather let us shoot it up again in the speedball fields at FRG.

Needless to say I feel shake and baked!! The ONE thing I wanted from everyone at the Tech Class was FEEDBACK on how you liked it and what you learned. If you want to make my aching bones feel better tell me here what you learned or what you were expecting versus what you saw.

I am going to merge the Super Tour thread into this one so its all in the same place.

Thanks to everyone out there for making it a big success! We will do it again next year only during the summer when everyone is off school etc.


11-19-2001, 03:13 PM
I am just getting involved in paintball, (the guys I came to the class with have had mags for about 10 years now) and I learned that AGD provides the best gun for the money, and superior customer service....I'm sold...I'll be buying a gun in the next month or so for next summer's season..and I'll guarantee you that it'll be a mag of some sort...:D

I also learned it hurts when you get shot in the head 6 times in one night...time to look for a helmet...:D

11-19-2001, 03:24 PM
Sounds like some good times at the super tour. Enlighten those that didn't go about the police showing up?? I'm curious as to what happened. :confused:

11-19-2001, 03:34 PM
This is Muzikman reporting from Camden, NJ. It is Monday 11/19/01 at 4:30pm and I am beat!!!

To sum up the weekend...

The class was great.

Tom is a funny guy and an interesting artist.

The test was a little too easy if you ask me.

The talk until 3am on Friday night was interesting.

I never got the formal tour that every one else got, but I think I saw enough.

They didn't have what I wanted in stock, so I had to settle to have it shipped.

What I ordered: Emag (Wine/Blue fade, LH WF body), Clear Warp, SuperBolt, Flatline.

Play at CCP was cool (except for when I fell flat on my face in the sawdust).

Almost missed the bus back to AGD.

The dyno tests of the Angels and the Palmer Stab where interesting. Really wish I had taken a pickture of the results. You people would be amazed. And I have even that much more respect for AGD and even Palmer now.

Flew to Philly for work instead of back home to Pittsburgh. Needless to say, US Air lost my bag, so I have been wearing the same clothes for two days now (ICK!!!!)

It was great meeting every one.

Oh well..enough from me. I will be there next year!!!

11-19-2001, 04:07 PM
Stabilizers are sort of a lost secret among paintball players, possibly because of the lack of "flash". But they
work great. I've found they will noticably make any gun more consistant, and that is why there is one on my Angel, and on my Mag.
One question for any one who might know: The stock Angel reg looks remarkbly like the old "K.C." regulaters from years ago, with the same adjustment method. Are they one and the same, or closely related?
Brent Jackson, PFB.

11-19-2001, 04:41 PM
Very cool to put on the tech class and tour for all of us that came.
Friday was LONG.. but VERY informative and educational. The main test could have been updated better by having some of the old/confusing questions deleted. The Warp / Flatline / And Emag tests were good.

Saturday was cool. In addition to the guided tour, you could basically wander around the place. which i did of course and played with all Tom's stuff.
The cops showed up because they had a report of a "man with a gun".
i told the officer that yes there are about 50 people with guns, but they were all paintguns!! he basically rolled his eyes and left. We were very suprised the Wheeling cops dont know AGD was there? We had to tell them.... oh well.
Also, i have to say i was planning to buy a WARP on saturday, but i was told by others at the tour that AGD had been selling them at major tourney's for less than what AGD was on saturday. Sorry...AGD missed mine and a few others $$$ on a WARP. :(

Overall, Tom reaffirmed my confidence in AGD as THE BEST paintball marker company, and why i will NEVER buy another marker! Regardless of the tech test saying everyone will own both a cocker and mag one day anyway. Tom that is false!!!

AGD did a great job and we are all fortunate there is a stand up guy like Tom in the business.

11-19-2001, 05:18 PM
i still cant believe i actually played for free hehe..... its now monday and im dead tired (almost didnt make it through school today) hehe, i cant wait till the next one, haha the cops showing up was pretty funny, they had to call off the 5 other cop cars on the way when they found out it was only us crazy paintballers in the area. i have to thank tom again! and every one must spread the word on how good agd is!!! especially the rt recharge!!! wooohooooo!

11-19-2001, 05:40 PM
Tom, u r a God,

im already gonna sign up :)

11-19-2001, 06:37 PM
Maghappy better not introduce your mom to any of the guys next time around. HAHAH... It was pretty fun, saw a bunch of guys from the forum, Xzion, Slushee(Have a good time ehh...?), HappyMag, Nutz. I got too talk to Adler for a while as well, have fun with your new Emag.

ALOT of people showed up, it was crazy.

Special thanks to the ladies in the office, they were pretty busy all day.

11-19-2001, 08:58 PM
tom I want a hat you ran out out hats make more hats !!!! thanx again by the way for everything the weekend was great sorry we had to leave early but canada is a long drive I think slushee acually fell asleep on the way home ( he was driving)

11-19-2001, 09:07 PM
oh yeah I almost forgot Darren you kick major bootay and will I can't wait to go to Anarbour to get a "parking ticket" haha:D

11-19-2001, 09:18 PM
It was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Tom is Willy Wonka!
Except nobody, I hope, turned into a blueberry.

The tech class was very good. I would've preffered RT valve information over flatline or maybe warp. Made sense though. Teach us the new gear, there are plenty others that know the old stuff.

Your support staff is amazing. They all deserve a new shirt (preferably not denim) and a raise.

Keep it up. And let me know whenever you need someone to test fire the 'G-Mag.' <--- My pet name for Tom's Guv'ment Paintball Gun.

Thanks for the mousepad too.

11-19-2001, 11:03 PM
well wilddog,

ill forgive you it was a long day, but my name is Will

and it is Ann arbor. but you come on down here and we will show you a great time.

don't forget about the MICHIGAN MONSTER next summer. 2500 people for 2 days, there is nothing like bum rushing a bunker with 100 other people.

11-20-2001, 05:19 AM
Well, I found out about the tour the day before. Which blew goats. Majorly. Messaged a few of my brewtown AOers whom I have never met in a desperate gamble on getting a ride with em (didn't realize I needed to register/sign up either). Got no reply, which is not a big deal. My beef is this is something we shoulda maybe be mailed about. If I'd have been emailed about this tour I'd have been like the first guy sitting around waiting for people to show up the AGD building. Heck, I'd have camped out on the door step of the main entrance.

All I wanna know is, WHEN THE HECK IS THE NEXT TOUR!?!? Please hold another one soon! I'm DARN RIGHT BEGGING!!!
The other crappy part was the tour was 2 days before my birthday. That woulda been my birthday present and party to myself. *sigh* Maybe next time. DARN IT! MAIL ME ABOUT THE NEXT TOUR!!!! [email protected] I WANNA GO SEE COOL PAINTBALL STUFF!!! I wanna be even more proficient at fixing mags, heck, I wanna be certified to fix em!

Anyways, those of you who went, yer some lucky dogs. If every dog has it's day, when's mine?

11-20-2001, 07:57 AM
well all i can say is

"Some days you're the dog; some days you're the hydrant."

11-20-2001, 01:01 PM
Loved the Tech class, a little long but informative none-the-less. Have to agree with Skipdogg, you may want me to buy a cocker, but I never will. And more chicks need to show up...too much sausage.

You know, I was hoping to see some of thoes Gas or pepper spray paintballs in action. Tom, I thought you would shoot off a couple of smoke ones at CC.

I was hoping to get a Warp too, but even the special prices weren't that special. That's ok, eventually I'll get one.

11-20-2001, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Shaft
It was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Tom is Willy Wonka!
Except nobody, I hope, turned into a blueberry.

I might as well have, what with all the pizza I ate on Tom's tab...

11-20-2001, 05:10 PM
I'd like to thank all the people who helped me clean up Saturday evening, especially Skeeter and Jake. Your help was greatly appreciated and made my life a bit easier. And, of course, a big thank you to Kayle who made just about everyone's life easier!

11-21-2001, 07:38 AM
Man I wanted to go to that sooooo bad. It must have been amazingly fun, and now there's a bunch more techs to help out with questions. Must feel good to have Certified AGD Tech in your signature.

11-21-2001, 07:40 AM
Technically Tom said not to use the word certified, but trained. Since we don't actually work for AGD.

11-21-2001, 08:40 AM
Could someone elaborate on the dyno tests that were done on "Angels and the Palmer Stab"?


11-21-2001, 11:10 AM
Well ifyou check deep blue we're working on a thread that covers our informal regulator testing. BTW it was my stabilizer we tested ;-)

Other than that, I agree with Muz, the test was almost too easy. Tom was an EXTRORDIANRILY good teacher. He made sure everything was clear to everyone. And answered any questions put before him. The hospitality we were shown was incredable, I can't imagine how much this cost agd... But also what it will pay back in loyalty.. :-)

I trusted AGD's testing before. but seeing the actuall rig, and getting to use it (heck on my own equipment even) Sealed the deal. I'm duely impressed, with everything AGD has done. All I can say is that I pray this keeps up. And with events like this, AGD will build an even more devoted following.

This weekend set a new target for my electrococker project.... The question is can a cocker keep the bolt open long enough to feed paint... but that's something for another thread, another time.

I know I'm rambling, but it's wendnesday now... And the events of the weekend still have me excited. I can't reemmber the last time I had that much fun playing with paintball equipment.

Once again, Tom was the most gracious host.

AGD forever.

11-21-2001, 12:49 PM
Just think, if it wasn't for me popping into #Paintball and telling you about this thing, you would have missed it completely:)

11-21-2001, 12:51 PM
Yes, muz, take credit where credit is due ;-) thank you for informing me of this.

11-21-2001, 12:59 PM
lol nerobro i remember i shouldnt give u any ideas, but have u tryed the rt reg on ur cocker yet?? hehe

11-21-2001, 01:01 PM
WE need to get tom to make a few ;-) as I said in deep blue.. I will be the first to buy one.

11-23-2001, 02:13 AM
When are the plans for the next one? I really wanted to go but I was out to sea. I am really interested. Perhaps early next year....

11-23-2001, 09:55 AM
Tom said someplace that he is thinking some time next Summer. I don't think this will be something that happens more than once a year.

11-23-2001, 10:04 AM
Even once a year is alot, I am sure it costed a bundle.

11-25-2001, 11:51 PM
Well... There was the $1500 in paint on saturday, Several hundred dollars in food, at least two hundred dollars in pop, and then the whole staffs time on friday and saturday. Bus rental... and a few other expensive things I'd venture to say it cost tom on the order of $4-6 grand. As well as several nearly sleepless nights.

......... but one has to imagine the returns this is going to give him. That should encourage ALL of you to do what tom asked, and spread the word.

11-26-2001, 07:41 PM
The tech. class/Tour was awesome; it was one of the best weekends of paintball info in my life. I can't believe how smart Tom is. Whenever I had a question it was always answered, AND it made sense. Tom’s collection of markers is second to none. I got to see lots of new stuff, ULE- it's going to be the best marker by far, can't wait. Butterscotch Yo is cool. Office ladies are super-cool, note they can be bribed with diet Pepsi. Kayel, Jeff, Jon, Saul, Brain, Marsha and Joanne are the nicest and most helpful people I have ever meet at a company. Tom= cool. Free pizza, chicken and pop for everyone, even at midnight. I could go on and on.

The Michigan Tech. boy,

Andy Hills

P.S. Thanks a lot Tom and AGD!!!!