View Full Version : No idea what's the problem. Going mad.

03-21-2005, 09:58 PM
I just recently got this x valved mag with level 10 and ULT from someone on this forum.

I'm satisfied with it, but there are some things that really is starting to make me go crazy.

1. After I fire, there's this air sound down the barrel, maybe leak or something, and it'll kind of quiet down or stop after this KSSHT sound, like the sound that your gun makes when you gas it up. It still shoots ok, but I think that's the reason of its velocity spikes.

2. Velocity spikes of 230-290

3. Foamy won't stay on. I mananged to bum a foamy off a guy on the field on sunday. I krazy glued it back on, and now it's gone, again.

4. After I glued the foamy back on, I was testing it, and the level 10 wasn't as great as I heard it is. I placed the gun upside down and used my finger to put in a paintball half way. First time it pinched the ball a bit hard and got it juiced every where, Second time it chopped it in half and sent the other half into my wall. I got a nice piccasso in orange on my wall right now.
*note*Level 10 has 2 black (LX?) shims and 1 gold (ULT) shim, and a gold spring.

5. Wondering how I can make the ULT even lighter.

Please help my out, I like this mag, but I want to love it on the field.

03-21-2005, 10:57 PM
O and, how do you tell what size carrier you have in there?

03-21-2005, 11:43 PM

03-22-2005, 12:28 AM
I followed the guide, and I had my 1.5 carrier in there, it leaked a little, and did not leak anymore after I pressed my squeegee in there. So I added shims, 2 shims and it starts leaking, and when I press down with a squeegee, it changes tone.

What should I do now?
Is the velocity spike caused by this leak?

03-22-2005, 10:45 AM
Help. Anyone? Please?

03-22-2005, 11:24 AM
Make sure you are using the gold spring and no shims for the testing of different carriers.

If there is a slight leak down the barrel then you need to move to the next smallest carrier (manually check fit on the bolt first).

**Make sure there is plenty of oil for the level 10, as lube can make all the difference.**

Don't worry too much about the anti-chop from the level 10 at first because after finding which carrier is best (after wear in of o-ring), you can add shims and even change springs to give it the most delicate of touches.

Always check the Level 10 problem forum as another guy and I ran through almost every problem and solution there is for a level 10, check the last page.