View Full Version : Feed tube questions

11-19-2001, 03:55 PM
I was wondering or shortening the feed tube on a Classic would help feed problems. The only thing I can think of that it will help is profile. I shortened it about 3/4 of an inch. It looks pretty nice. Let me know if this was a good or bad idea. I think I really need a revvy. I know the Warp would be better, but I don't have the money. I really need something to fix my feeding problems.

11-19-2001, 04:38 PM
to tell you the truth, the main purpose of the lonmg feed tube on the classic feed is so you can't stick your fingers down to the bolt. the more balls stacked on top of each other, the less blowback you will get. so keeping it long is a good idea. shortening it a little won't hurt though.