View Full Version : Why???

adam shannon
03-22-2005, 11:51 PM
after a long nap i emerge from my cave with one question....WHY???

given the decline of paintball as a sport. lawyers and companies urinating on a what was once a fun game for the sake of $ and plain 'ol unadulterated greed. a tournament scene whrere once you see the inner workings of the politics you wonder why anybody is surprised at the next controvercial outcome of a finals game. no honor left among players where the biggest cheaters are worshiped for winning. a climate where small honest companies who actually want to innovate, instead of just making easier cheating cheater boards, are crushed. a community overrun with post whoring trash talking 14 year olds who dont even have a clue about what AO was originaly about. a game where those same kids saturate every playing field to the point that its not a game anymore its a constant struggle to find any enjoyment in what was once fun.

...so why do you still play?

03-22-2005, 11:52 PM
Because everyone is blowing everything out of proportion and I'm having the time of my life playing every weekend.

03-22-2005, 11:55 PM
like he said.....people will always try and find the negative.

I just enjoy all the positive that you can't take away. I love paintball and for as long as I still love it, I will play it.

03-23-2005, 12:20 AM
like he said.....people will always try and find the negative.

I just enjoy all the positive that you can't take away. I love paintball and for as long as I still love it, I will play it.

all in favor of this comment say I!

:) I :) I :) I :) I :) I :) I :) I :) I

03-23-2005, 12:55 AM
i'm confused...
if you are complaining about 14 year-olds spaming all the time, i dont understand why this thread was created. over the time i have been here, almost 4 months, i have noticed that a thread like this has been started almost every day, just complaining about paintball in general. in my eyes, it makes no sense; why would people that no longer enjoy paintball, post on a paintball forum, saying how much they dont like it and why its bad.
the first few threads about paintballs downfall had a point; now the threads are just repeating.(unless i'm not seeing something).

i've been playing paintball for almost 4 years now, and i love it. i love it for what it is, and i really enjoy playing it. it may be that i'm used to all these electros shooting a trillion bps.i dont know. i dont miss the old days of pumps, because i never saw those days.
if its just not challengeing for people with their crazy DM4s and such, maybe they should try a different style of play.
i used to shoot a BE. then moved up to a TES with all kinds of upgrades, and now i am useing a mag and a decent pump gun.
i think people are complaining because they are no longer challenged.
instead of everybody complaining, maybe people should try different styles of play, or cut down on the amount of paint people throw away at their target.
i just love paintball for what it is, and i dont plan to stop playing it any time soon.

sorry to hijack the thread, but i didn't feel like starting a new one and joining everyone else that is complaining. i just felt like getting this off my chest and showing people that they themselves are ruining this website, and upset about it.


03-23-2005, 12:56 AM

I don't pay much attention to the things you speak of. Yes they happen in some degree or another, but as long as I still enjoy it, I still play. Wich is why most people here play, I imagine.

nickee finn
03-23-2005, 01:04 AM
i agree wit liam 110% if you feel the sport is dclining you are not enjoying as much then challenge yourself more! also i see some ppl being really mean to noobs... do u rember hen you were a noob and how hard it was to fit in and play at some mean fields. that is another reason whyt the sport is declining y'all dont have god sportsmanship.


03-23-2005, 01:10 AM
First off, adam, im glad to see you back, we missed ya man. Also, we al hope you attend this years IAO, not for the torunament or the crappy politics, but for the sheer fun of being with people who consider you a friend.

And this is why i continue to play. I dont have many options to play any more it seems, college is keeping me busy, and i cant play nearly as much as i used to. I love playing though, going out, being with your friends, etc etc. The comraderie is what i love, and its why i continue to play.

Sure there are sour apples, but they arent any thing a few bonusballs cant take care of on the field.

in all honesty, i love going out with my friends, if i didnt have them, i probabally would take the route you did, and quit playing.

03-23-2005, 02:05 AM
is it that your annoyed with these kids and the companies which was an inevtability or is it that like most punks you wanted this to be your own thing not something everyone knows or has done!! your just like a gutter punk you shun the people that make the big bucks saying they sold out.. im sorry i know your old school but get a grip nothing lasts forever!! sorry this was just the last omg i hate this new stuff thread i could take no offense ment to you!!

03-23-2005, 11:02 AM
Because I still have fun. I don't run into very many attitudes. I'm not going back to one field because of attitudes, but there are plenty around here.

BTW, do you still have AOSEII DVDs for sale? I never got one... :cry:

03-23-2005, 11:21 AM
I really don't care what happened in Division 1 or X-ball game that was so controversial. I don't care if the players cheat, if they cop attitudes, or frankly about anything. To me the players in the "pro" circuits and the players I play with.

Fighting in the NHL - its cool to watch, but if I were to go play hockey with my friends, or even at a "walk" on league I surely would not expect to see it. Nor would I all the way up to college hockey, Only when we get into profession and semi-pro would I expect to even be exposed to fighting.

Does it bother me that the "pro" players cheat. Sure.. to some degree, but I really don't care. I care when it filters down to my level, but you know what, I trust the refs I play with and under to handle such situations. I am not a professional, I have the option to choose with whom, under what reffing, what rules, what enforcement, and if I play. I simply don't play with the attitude problems that detract from the game - and I don't think they are as nearly as prevelant as some people make them out to be.

Ole Unka Phil
03-23-2005, 11:24 AM
Because I still have fun. I don't run into very many attitudes. I'm not going back to one field because of attitudes, but there are plenty around here.

BTW, do you still have AOSEII DVDs for sale? I never got one... :cry:

I might still have a few somewhere... let me look around.

03-23-2005, 11:35 AM
that is because you are being negative about it. I dont see the sport as declining, but progressing. As for money. You give me one example of something that a company produces that is not for the almighty buck. There isnt one.

Stop whining. I dont complain either, and I play every weekend and have the time of my life.

03-23-2005, 11:48 AM
If you don't like the 14yo internet crap then simply stay off the PB internet sites for a while.

If you don't like the politics take a break from the tournament events.

I've just been going to rec. days and scenario events and it's really increased my enjoyment of the game in general.

03-23-2005, 11:57 AM
I totally agree. I went to the first rec field that i have been to in a long time, and I really enjoyed the day of paintball. I shoot a WAS viking and can rip about 14-16 bps easily, but I dont do that against ppl at the rec field. So you hate just because I shoot that type of gun. That is ignorance.

03-23-2005, 01:48 PM
Well I guess you can say the same about any sport. Why play baseball? Steroids have taken over the game. Why play football? Players are just about money, and team loyalty is a thing of the past. Why play basketball? The league is full of thugs and attitudes. Why play hockey? Well, er, where is hockey, anyway?

People play the above sports on a daily basis throughout the world, despite problems in the pro, ametuer, or best on the block ranks. Like Blazestorm said, paintball is fun, the above sports are fun, and people will continue to enjoy and play them. The problems of paintball aren't exclusive to paintball, they exist in all sports on every level. The best you can do is find the type of paintball you like to play (woods, speedball, tourny, scenario, etc., etc.) and play with a group of people you enjoy playing with. Ignore the rest, and promote a positive attitude and sportsmanship by your actions on the field.

I can't wait to hit the woods this weekend :D .

03-23-2005, 02:00 PM
I agree with much of what you said, and completely understand your fustration.

However,.. you get out of it what you put into it.

If you dont like the 14 y/o agg-monsters ... find another group of people to play with. I personally, care for the company of adults on the field. (Or at least running things)

My two younger brothers and two cousins play on a regular with me. It helps to ease the pain of the things you spoke about.

We are players... we have 'been there, done that'. We know where to go, and where to avoid to keep our blood pressure down. Of course, there are things that are out of our control...

We also have learned to AVOID TOURNIES LIKE THE PLAUGE. No offense to anyone, but they are just not our thing.

We also play woodsball AS MUCH as possible. We try to hit all of the big annual scenario games. (The West Point Combat Classics come to mind)

We try our best to make friends with and network with other players and store owners. I try my best to be a good customer.

We also keep our minds open to new things, dont bash players markers, and try not to beat up on newbs.

I enjoy the hardware, tinkering, modding or just teching paintball equipment.

I personally encourage anyone I know who shows interest to come out and play. When I get them out there, I do my best to educate them, and make sure they have an enjoyable time.

It is after all... only a game.


03-23-2005, 02:04 PM
I might still have a few somewhere... let me look around.

Who's this? ;)

Adam, wtf, where have you been?

Creative Mayhem
03-23-2005, 02:43 PM
after a long nap i emerge from my cave with one question....WHY???

HOLY CRAP!!!! Where the hell have you been man?!?!?!

I play cause I get to shoot people.. something that I couldn't do, even if in the Canadian military. :p

03-23-2005, 02:49 PM
I still have fun. I play Bandit ball. That way we control who is on the feild. ;)

03-23-2005, 02:49 PM
i have been in the sport before ramping was even a hotly discussed issue, and now i play with people who i know ramp, are willing to tell me that they ramp, and honestly, i dont care. As long as the marker stops firing when they stop pulling the trigger, i dont care if 1 ball or the whole hopper comes out in between. Playing against a team of all rampers, isnt terribly different from playing a team with legal guns today, markers and players have just gotten so quick legally, that, its just not a big deal. I think where ramping helps people the most is running ang gunning, which is when some people have trouble shooting fast/keeping rythm. Otherwise, theres not a big difference between shomeone shooting 15bps at you, or 23bps, it will have the same effect (you not moving) either way because face it, you cant snapshoot into 15bps and get away with it. I suppose it makes a difference off the break as well, but, over the last few years, it really hasnt gotten harder for me to get to where i need to be (in the front) off the break. I think alot of people blow ramping out of purportion (sp). And with more and more leagues turning to 15bps ramping, its not that huge an issue at all anymore.