View Full Version : Millennium Series adopts 15BPS rules

Jack & Coke
03-23-2005, 12:20 PM

From: http://www.68caliber.com/news/tournament/story04812.php

Millennium Series adopts 15BPS rules
By Karlijn van Rongen
Mar 22, 2005, 15:14

For reasons of safety and in an attempt to nullify the effects of ‘cheater’ boards in the Millennium Series it has been decided to introduce a 15 balls per second cap on rate of fire. Also the Millennium Series has decided to alter the pre game inspection for the 2005 season to give a more reliable and repeatable set of tests that judges can perform and players can replicate. This should lead to a faster, as well safer, pre game check in. Therefore the following changes will be made to the rules and will be enforced for the first event of the 2005 season – the Maxs Masters, Germany. The new rulebook will be released Thursday March 24th.

read the details here:




03-23-2005, 01:43 PM
My only question/objection is why 15?

If the industry agreed maximum was 12 (13?) why not that? :rolleyes:

03-23-2005, 01:58 PM
Because then people will use Revs and NPS wants people to use Halos.

03-23-2005, 02:00 PM
15 is probably the fastest they feel can be safe. it may not be the MAX but is close anyway. gotta pick an arbetrary number

03-23-2005, 02:02 PM
The rules have nothing to do with NPS.

Ultimately we have the best and fastest loaders so we would want no cap. :)

Even at 13bps there are advantages to a Halo over a Rev or any other loader. Consistency is important when trying to work with any rof cap.

03-23-2005, 02:09 PM
Sounds reasonable to me. I like it... :cool:

03-23-2005, 02:10 PM
The rules have nothing to do with NPS.

Ultimately we have the best and fastest loaders so we would want no cap. :)

Even at 13bps there are advantages to a Halo over a Rev or any other loader. Consistency is important when trying to work with any rof cap.

But at 13bps there's also disadvantages to a Halo as well, like lower paint capacity and higher weight.

And yeah, I know NPS has nothing to do with Millenium's rules, and I don't believe that 15 was randomly pulled out of the air because it would require the use of a Halo/Reloader.. but are you saying that nowhere along the line someone related to NPS had their hand in the 15 bps rule, either in the NXL or any of the leagues which then went on to adpot a 15bps rule that followed?

Blah, just play the stupid game.

03-23-2005, 02:27 PM
Something about this announcement that won't really get talked about on here is how the test to the markers will be conducted also the panicing that is already going on with players worrying that their boards are incapable of adherring to the rules.
Well since the MROF can be set on an Angel from the LCD onwards...this is a no brainer, the only sticky point is early Angels don't have any debounce software so could fall foul of the rules in this aspect.
Revys or Eggs do not feed at a constant 15bps.
Most newer markers have an updated software to be released and until then using a Revy is the only option until this software is released, or setting the MROF with eyes off and using the marker like that.
Some software updates by major makers have been applied and do some seriously funky things when you stop pulling the trigger so back to the drawing board for them.
The only Americans this will effect will be Dynasty, XSV, maybe Philly Americans and the other few teams that will travel over to play the Millennium Events...regular American teams will not make the trip over so the rules being different won't cause any issues.
Also the Millennium has said NO to ramping...but again expect this to possibly change after Germany (next month) the rules have been written because of the number of different countries the Millennium visits...though why they are still going to germany is beyond me...I will explain, under German law to own a paintball marker it has to be stamped to be allowed for use, this is called the F stamp, one of the conditions of the F stamp is that you are over the age of 18, well the Millennium allows under 18's to play..in Germany this is against the countrys law. Several teams at the last 2 events have been stopped at the airport and had their markers confiscated, one team had to leave a team member behind to look after the markers and then a car journey had to done from their own country (a scandinavian one) and the markers and team player collected, the land borders are checked with a lot less vigour if at all, this is all to do with the European Union free trade laws. Trust me at least one team is going to fall foul of this again this year. I personally believe that the German event should be moved to another country because of this issue.
All things being equal I ought be able to let you know how this all pans out as I should be at the event.
The English leg of the Millenium caused very few markers to be removed last year other than for being hot, this wasn't the case in Malaga as we pulled a lot of markers adding shots certainly some were via bounce some well who knows ;)
As long as a global rate of fire can be applied to your marker of choice with eyes on or off this ruling is not a problem.

03-23-2005, 02:50 PM
But at 13bps there's also disadvantages to a Halo as well, like lower paint capacity and higher weight.

Not for ever there won't be...

And yeah, I know NPS has nothing to do with Millenium's rules, and I don't believe that 15 was randomly pulled out of the air because it would require the use of a Halo/Reloader.. but are you saying that nowhere along the line someone related to NPS had their hand in the 15 bps rule, either in the NXL or any of the leagues which then went on to adpot a 15bps rule that followed?.


I'm the most vocal person in NPS when it comes to the rules and being asked about them. I have consulted with the PSP and PA and Millennium rules commitee.

Never have I tried to make them choose 15bps over any other number.

I asked the other day, and we actually have very little to do with the NXL or any other rules commitee. I probably have the most to do with them, and other than trying to help them find ways to stop cheats I haven't had any discussions about rof.

Personally I'd like a pure semi auto and no cap but I realise that is not possible, so have been trying to help with the wording of the new rules to make it harder for people to brake them.

Ultimately I'd like to have a F1 of paintball, where safety equipment is optimised and we allow higher rof and special markers. I'm not working that hard on making it happen though. :)

03-23-2005, 04:13 PM
this rule needs to become universal. I am so sick of ramping.. it's disgusting. This ought to give SP a small kick to their already shriveled teabag.

03-23-2005, 09:35 PM
Not for ever there won't be...



03-23-2005, 09:44 PM
Ultimately I'd like to have a F1 of paintball, where safety equipment is optimised and we allow higher rof and special markers. I'm not working that hard on making it happen though. :)

Shooting rubber bullets at each other could be fun. :p

03-23-2005, 11:44 PM
I still have the question about shooting faster than 15, without software or bounce help. Since these rules are meant to nullify those cheater boards and such. If you can legally pull 16bps on semi only, does this mean you have to slow down, to stay legal?

03-24-2005, 04:17 AM
yes^ the only excemption so far was mechanical triggers which until a pnue trigger comes out i dont see a mechanical trigger without bounce hitting 16!!

Evil Bob
03-24-2005, 09:14 AM
Shooting rubber bullets at each other could be fun. :p

They got Reball fields :)

-Evil Bob