View Full Version : Super Bolts

11-19-2001, 06:33 PM
Just for the local guys to the Pevs Fairfax shop. I just got my Nickel Intelliframes and the Super bolts.

So come on down :)


11-19-2001, 06:48 PM
im so there.


i would be so there if i didnt have to go away to my moms house for thanksgiving and i had some money. Maybe i will drop by on sunday.

11-19-2001, 06:49 PM
Come on, you know you want to sell one to me. If so, I'll give you whatever you need.

11-19-2001, 07:27 PM
Sure, just tease us NON-LOCAL guys! :D

11-19-2001, 08:10 PM

i <3 pevs.

11-19-2001, 08:40 PM
yes..what happened to the online store...i swear i need to get a business license and open up an AGD authorized store in California because i never get anything new out here without begging for it..and don't ask me to talk about how the stores are so Mag ignorant..

11-19-2001, 08:47 PM
im with yopu Dirtybunny im sick of the cocker and angel full stores around here and no mag stuff. I can barely pick up a parts kit around here. The online store better be up soon, i feel left out.

edit: the stores arent mag ignorant they are just antimag haters owned by bud orr and his legion of elves.

11-19-2001, 09:32 PM
hmmm, wondering if the new super bolt would be an exciting new addition to a brand new Retro Valve, hmmm, just maybe! Hows for stopping by on Wed. , say, 1 pm? oh yeah!

New Retro- wondering if this can be tuned a certain way so that I can control the runaway...meaning if I really wanted runaway I could slam on the trigger and have it go full auto, but then still be able to snap shoot?

11-19-2001, 09:34 PM
wait a sec...Rob, do you have any of the groove triggers there? I really really wanted one on my Intelli, but was so ready to buy it that I bought it with the blade. Can we do a switch?


11-19-2001, 10:07 PM
Yeah MiniMAg i'm down in San Diego..in the middle of Angel/Cockerville...i'm just waiting for DYE to do a special DYE Extreme EMag...oh my god..that would make me sooo mad...all the little trendy paintballers would come running to AGD if that ever happened...god..i think i scared myself...

11-19-2001, 10:09 PM
No, I sold the only double I had today ( Nickel frame ) Ill be trying to get some extra double triggers for swaping out.

Next Order


11-19-2001, 10:14 PM
What exactly is the super bolt. and rob ill be in next sunday to order my new black body blue ano emag with blue warp. IM EXCITED

Major Ho
11-20-2001, 09:35 PM
Oh, Dave, hang around a bit, Ill see if I can run into you. Im sure ive met you before but my mind is much because of college. :D I swear i get dumber by the day. If a lil ho doesnt show by 1:30 I prolly wont make it.

11-20-2001, 09:51 PM
well ho, thats kinda hard to believe. last time i saw you, you were already very dumb---if you get any more dumb, you will slip into the negative :D

11-21-2001, 12:40 AM
gprep03 - Shoot for Saturday as I am not working Sunday.

I have a Blue/Black gun in stock now, but its a PF body. I can swap if you dont mind waiting for the body.

I have to talk to Jo tomorrow anyways.


11-21-2001, 12:48 AM
There are a whole lot of rich people in this town, so naturally there are alot of cockers and angels. In fact, Darin (the guy who runs the paintball/apparel/bike/tv/jewelry/any other damn thing that you can think of shop) sold 11 angels in one day.

He plays professionally and he does use a mag on occasion though. He sells a lot of RT Pros.