View Full Version : ULT - not sure what to do...

03-24-2005, 02:49 AM
I'm getting bolt stick with my ULT every once in a while.

What do I do to fix it?

I have it in an X-Valve.

03-24-2005, 04:16 AM

03-24-2005, 10:13 PM

03-24-2005, 10:44 PM
The ULT doesn't cause bolt stick. If you are getting bolt stick, go to the next larger carrier with your lvl 10 bolt and oil the carrier o-ring. If you have lvl 7, go to a larger spacer. Also adjust your front frame screw and field strip screw to make sure they are both equally screwed in.
You may also not be getting bolt stick. The gun may just not be firing. The ULT can be related to this. If the gun does not fire, add shims.

03-26-2005, 11:42 PM
The ULT doesn't cause bolt stick. If you are getting bolt stick, go to the next larger carrier with your lvl 10 bolt and oil the carrier o-ring. If you have lvl 7, go to a larger spacer. Also adjust your front frame screw and field strip screw to make sure they are both equally screwed in.
You may also not be getting bolt stick. The gun may just not be firing. The ULT can be related to this. If the gun does not fire, add shims.

The gun does fire. Then it gets stuck. I can't go any bigger on the carrier, it's already broken in... I've been using the same o-ring for a year. It was already tuned before ULT. Before ULT I had no problems...

03-27-2005, 09:41 AM
Hhhmm, I see. Well then try adding shims to the ULT.

Andrew Cunje
03-27-2005, 01:33 PM
The ult can be pickey...im not goin to lie...i run 4 shims in my ult....and im also running a high input pressure of 1000...i used to get mad bolt stuick issues when my tank output was abotu 650-700...it was rated at 750 but never really was...

Spacers do nothing except tune when and where the Level ten will kick in in the power tube.

Check your tank pressure...when it gets low it can do that.

You dont ever really want to add oil to that o-ring unless its run through the gun because it will cause false frictions and solve problems that you will see again in normal game play.

What spring are you using? This could be a factor if your velocity hasnt been changed for it....the brass one will give oyu better effieiency and will require a lower input pressure...silver is the opposite...

You also might want to check your FS SCREW...its rare but i have had it cause problems when over tightened and under tightened...sometimes ill even get it to full auto that way :p

aight well check all that out...and get back to me with some more detail

03-28-2005, 02:15 AM
I have over 2000 psi in my AGD Flatline tank. I have the output set at 850 - 900 psi. When it gets low, I refill it using my high pressure SCUBA tank. I am using 5 ULT shims. I'll go check my front frame screw later. I remember tightening it pretty well with an allen wrench. Maybe too much.

Level 10 middle spring is what I'm using on the bolt. (Red)