View Full Version : Spare nubbins anyone?

11-19-2001, 07:48 PM
i missed the cut on the new nubbins and I was wondering if anyone could spare any nubbins for me to try out. I promise i'll post my results on AO when I get it and try it out. Any kind hearted souls out there with extra nubbins? You can reply to this thread and i'll email you my address. Of course I wouldn't be so selfish as to do this for personal gain, i just think AO should have as many responders as possible to create a more accurate depiction of the nubbin performance :D Thanks to anyone that can help me out


11-19-2001, 07:57 PM
Call JoAnn, you might be able to get a couple. Its not exactly right to call people "greedy" considering each person only got 2-3.

11-19-2001, 08:25 PM
:confused: i didn't say greedy:confused:

I think everyone got 4, there were people in earlier threads that were volunteering to send 2 out, but i think they sent them out to people already. I was just curious if anyone had any spares.

11-20-2001, 09:57 AM
I got some plastic nubbins, I'll send you 2 - email me.

11-20-2001, 03:07 PM
Could ANYONE PLEASE hook me up? I will even send you 34 cents when it is all said and done!
E-mail me
[email protected]
Also could you put "plastic nubbins" in the subject???

11-20-2001, 09:30 PM
Steve, did you get the email I sent you with my address?

11-27-2001, 08:49 PM
yeah...I have 4 p-nubbins I would gladly trade for 1 or 2 plastic nubs.


11-28-2001, 09:28 AM
Yep, mailed it out last wednesday. Sorry, thought I sent you an email confirming it went out. Let me know when they arrive.

11-28-2001, 01:36 PM
would someone send me some plastic nubbins? I'll cover shipping, just e-mail me directly.