View Full Version : New to Forum, MicroMag Questions

11-19-2001, 08:36 PM
Hey all, I'm new to this forum, but not new to paintball. I've already registered an account over on PBStar (under P41nt Fr34k), but I felt that coming here for Mag questions would be better.
Currently, I do not own a Mag (all I have is a tricked out Spyder), but my friend is getting a Classic for Christmas, and I was definitly thinking about getting a MicroMag RT, if I ever get the money.
I was just wondering how many bps you guys can get off of your Micro's or Automag RT's on average. I know it varies from player to player, but I can hammer out a lot of paint for a TL+ trigger. I also wanted to know how accurate it is: I play the front, so accuracy isn't that important, but I still want my gun to be able to fire accuratly to some extent.
Some of you might think I should get an Automag RT or RT Pro over this gun, but I need something extreemly compact, and from what I gather, the aformentioned guns are a bit long.
even if I don't manage to save up for a Mag in the near future, I will still be around to ask about upgrades for my friend's Classic (he doesn't have the Net). I'm also planning on entering the FantasE-Mag Contest (thankful I have Photoshop at the moment), for a chance to get a Mag if I can't save up for one.
Any help on the MicroMag questions would be appreciated, thanks!

11-19-2001, 09:02 PM
Well, your questions will be best answered in the Tech Forum. But i do know I can usually get my Micr0Mag RT going 10-12, because sometimes i shoot out my 12vl Revvy that feeds 12bps.

11-19-2001, 11:01 PM
10-12 is pretty freakin' fast for a non-electro! I was going to post this in the tech forum at first, but I had other non-technical things in the thread, so I decided to post it in the main forum.

11-19-2001, 11:59 PM
The Revvy can feed 12bps, but your finger working the trigger working the bolt will NOT go that fast. There is a bit of "bobble" with every shot, as the bolt stops the flow of balls from continuing to flow into the chamber. This bobble will cut down the feed rate of the Revvy and gun to about 9-10bps at best with finger manipulation.

This is going to Tech Forum too.:cool:

11-20-2001, 12:17 AM
I see, that's still fast enough for me though. Aren't there bolts made to cut back on blowback? I also wish that I could get a slightly longer feed neck (vertical), for a few reasons related to short ones. I'd also like to know how reliable the gun is, just so I don't end up paying $700 for a non-functioning gun. I know AGD is more reliable than PTP, but if I've got local airsmith's and my own limited knowledge of the gun, would I be able to maintain it well?

11-20-2001, 06:36 AM
I'm a recent convert the mag family (couldn't afford one before) when I bought a secondhand RT. I have played with a Piranha EXT for a year wich is basically the same as your Spyder TL+ for all intents & I must say the mag is just sooo waay much better. I have played every weekend since I got it and haven't had a single problem, unlike the Piranha where I constantly had to buy new o-rings & ball-detents. I was running the Piranha on air wich did cut down on o-ring wear a bit. Also the mag is probably 5 times as acurate with the stock barrel as what the piranha was with its stock & armson 14" stealth & a variety of paints of tried.

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