View Full Version : akaowners.org AKA-O

03-25-2005, 12:59 PM

Little FYI,
The AKA guys on pbn decieded to split from pbn, becuase we dont get our own classifieds. Anyways it has always been a great forum on pbn, kinda like AO but smaller and alot more positive. If you guys are intrested check out some threads and if you like it feel free to register. I will probally be spending more time over there than here. BTW I am just a plain'o member over there, user ID = turbominnow


03-25-2005, 01:16 PM
BTW I am just a plain'o member over there, user ID = turbominnow
You'll always be a pimp in my book GT.

/Gunny on AKAO

03-25-2005, 01:25 PM
Im going over too. The AKA forum on PBN was the only good thing on there. the other forums there are filled w/ smart mouthed children that always want to argue about stupid crap.

i will be trying to register now.

cya at AKAO

03-25-2005, 01:26 PM

thanks for starting this thread.

Part of the reason that I started the site was due in part to the AKA b/s/t forums being canned on pbn. I also wanted to start it to get more of a community feel for the AKA users. It seems to have taken off overnight, and I am glad it is going in the direction that it is going.

anyone from AO is more than welcome to come on by and post. I know there are some aks owners here too, and we would like you there.


03-25-2005, 01:34 PM
I didnt want to start this thread to create a divide bewteen AO and AKA-O. I just wanted the AO members, whom are also AKA owners, aware of the new location of the aka experts. For late breaking AKA, and I assume STD as well, news and any tech help, just head over and post.

You'll always be a pimp in my book GT.

/Gunny on AKAO

Thanks micro,
Just wanted AO to know that I wasnt running the site or bennifiting in anyway from increased membership, again not to take away from AO, just more of an FYI kinda thing.


03-25-2005, 01:41 PM
I just signed up, is the AKA Forum on PBN just going to be deleted then?

03-25-2005, 01:46 PM
It will still be there. Probably more like the PBN AGD forum. The regulars will move over. So it might not be as active, but I'm sure more quality.

03-25-2005, 06:26 PM
I just signed up, is the AKA Forum on PBN just going to be deleted then?

No. The AKA forums on PBN will remain where they are. The B/S/T sub-forum of AKA is being deleted though. I guess the AKA forum was given a probational tryout to have their own B/S/T forums (which lasted almost 2 years). As I understand it, other Marker forums started complaining that they didnt have their own, and Tony stepped in and said the AKA B/S/T forums were getting shut down.

This is part of what prompted me to start an AKA Owners group site (that, and the fact that there wasnt really one in existance). I like the ability to search the site without having to pay $14.99 or post an item for sale without paying equally as much for a few days. PBN must make money hand over fist with that. Meh. either way. I am using my own personal server to host the site, so, there are not hosting costs, the only thing you can do on the akaowners site is donate, which goes to fund the AKA OG teams at IAO.