View Full Version : Cussing+Bonus Balling+$1000 setups=???

03-26-2005, 10:03 PM
Today was as good as any of a day, except one thing, the field that I usually goto was swarmed by Two Teams that usually play on Sunday (I think it was Upstate Army and Some of the XSF ppl, they had attitude problems so I didn't bother to ask)
I could be wrong, but EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE had some sort of shocker, angel or, well, shocker. Mind you it was pretty cool to see all the different kinds, but when you are a rec baller, starting on the tourney scene and just wanna practice drills and scrimmage, a group of at least 20, although most were benched as their playing level, wasting through some 30-40 cases of paint on an X Ball field was a little stupid to me. I mean, if all that paint was used for a good purpose then yeah, but they LOST everytime (correct me if im wrong TAF). I donno if Upstate Army is accepting everyone and anyone, but there were pretty fat guys on their team, and for me, 270 lbs, 6 foot 3 inches(actually 6'3 and 3/4, but once your six feet tall, who cares) that is fat. Im pretty sure all the underlings (guys who didn't play but still had their $1000 setups were just podboys in disguise.

But the event that clued me in as to who these guys were was, as we were waiting to pay for field fee and all day air, i was watching their game. What I saw was one guy, in the snake, then two guys from the other team did a run through down the side. The first guy just picked him off on the pack, and the guy knew he was out. As he raised his hand to call himself out, the 2nd guy just railed(term me and my buds use; he lit him up basically) the trigger all up and down the guys leg. The guy proceeded to scream about 100 cuss words, then get in the face of the first guy that shot him. I personally do not bonus ball during practice. Its a waste of paint, and its mean. Me and TheActionFigure(Drew) almost considered playing with them just to see if they could actually use their $1000 setups until we saw their unsportsmanlike conduct and use of profanity

So we went along our day, doing 4 on 4's with some of the local rec ballers, and occasionally we'd watch a practice, but nothing major ever happened. The whole time we waited to use the xball field, being that none of us were in cfoa tourneys and had not played an xball field. Man, though when we did get to use it, it was COVERED in paint. Im all for shooting. We played around 10 games, and most of them i didn't carry enough paint, but i shot a good 4500 rounds. Of course the guy that shot me everytime said i overshot, but i was used to having 3 guys to shoot at so i can lay some real paint down.

All said and done, a lot of bunkers were rubbed up against, and my shirt was covered with paint and dirt. It was good practice, but i wish the profanity was at a minimum, because really, what does it proove? That you have no vocabulary so you have to say,"That game was s$%t," instead of that game was awful, or "what a P*#*#y" instead of "what a pansy"
It does nothing for your paintball status to say the f word except let ppl know you say the f word.

Any thought on the pod boys in disguise, or the profanity? Any glory day stories similar to Mr. Welt-leg?


03-26-2005, 10:10 PM
well, just to answer the thread title:
cussing+bonus balling+$1000 setups= 95% of paintballers

03-26-2005, 10:19 PM
Mobster, I know plenty of 6'3 270lb fat guys who could outrun, outjump, & pretty much out-anything you. Not only that but they get alot of bounces as well. Grow up, get over it, and get with it.

03-26-2005, 10:26 PM
By the way progidy, i know that was worded wierd, but that was MY height and weight

never was whining progidy, and i haven't bothered to try out, part b/c i dont wanna be a pod boy with mad skillz but no where to use them, and part b/c i basically see big teams a the "frats" of paintball. Gotta be in it to be a real pballer, and quite frankly, i dont care. The Upstate army was getting wasted, so why should i try out for them.

03-26-2005, 10:32 PM
well, just to answer the thread title:
cussing+bonus balling+$1000 setups= 95% of paintballers

I like being in the 5% thank you. That kind of play only puts you in the "I dont want to play with you" catagory.

03-26-2005, 10:46 PM
well, just to answer the thread title:
cussing+bonus balling+$1000 setups= 95% of paintballers

Haha, funny, considering 90% of paintball players are rec-ballers.

Go out to your field, out of the tournament players, count how many have 1000 dollar setups... compared to the amount of people there.

Most of the people with nice markers have the skills to back them up. But does it really matter? If someone can afford a DM5 right when they start playing paintball, why not? Why waste money on a tippmann, than a cocker, than a bushy, than a shocker, than a timmy, than a DM5?

Why not skip it all and get the "best" right away?

Just forget about it... and play paintball...

03-26-2005, 10:52 PM
well, just to answer the thread title:
cussing+bonus balling+$1000 setups= 95% of paintballersNo...actually, most paintballers are what we would refer to as "newbies". They own guns like tippmanns and spyders or rent guns. The answer to the thread would be 95% of all TOURNEY ballers.

Please dont take this as flaming. I'm just saying that most of the people that play the sport just play every now and then..

Mobster, I know plenty of 6'3 270lb fat guys who could outrun, outjump, & pretty much out-anything you. Not only that but they get alot of bounces as well. Grow up, get over it, and get with it. prodigy, shut the hell up. Don't come to this forum and start flaming a person just cause he plays rec. Go to friggin PBN to flame.

03-26-2005, 11:06 PM
Profanity is just evidence of your insecurities. Yes I use a few not-so-nice words once in a while, but there is such a thing as too much. I saw a lot of what you saw today.

03-26-2005, 11:20 PM
"cussing+bonus balling+$1000 setups= 95% of paintballers"


cussing+bonus balling+$1000 setups= 2 % of paintballers

I work for TAG Sportz (AKA The Angle Guy; distributer of the Predator board) and it has been said many times. Tournament players are just the ones who get all of the media coverage. Even then, not all tournament players are cussing bonus balling mongols.

03-26-2005, 11:44 PM
Apparently I 'bonus balled' some guy today.

I had no idea I did it. I was just snap shooting at his bunker. Then I see him start to walk off the field and I directed my attention elsewhere. Then he walks up the tape and starts cussing me out for shooting him after he called himself out.

It's possible he tried to call himself out and I snapped out and hit him with another stream, but I didn't see him raise his gun or hand or what not and I had no idea he was out until he started walking off.

Anyways, he was a real jerk about it, even after I apologized. I certainly didn't mean to shoot him more then once. I thought he was going to come throw some punches 'cause he just kept walking at me... Finally he let loose another stream of swear words and turned around.

It was funny. I was tempted to shoot him as he walked away but decided to just drop it. These 'tourny' type players really take rec ball a little too serious :p

03-26-2005, 11:53 PM
Apparently I 'bonus balled' some guy today.

I had no idea I did it. I was just snap shooting at his bunker. Then I see him start to walk off the field and I directed my attention elsewhere. Then he walks up the tape and starts cussing me out for shooting him after he called himself out.

It's possible he tried to call himself out and I snapped out and hit him with another stream, but I didn't see him raise his gun or hand or what not and I had no idea he was out until he started walking off.

Anyways, he was a real jerk about it, even after I apologized. I certainly didn't mean to shoot him more then once. I thought he was going to come throw some punches 'cause he just kept walking at me... Finally he let loose another stream of swear words and turned around.

It was funny. I was tempted to shoot him as he walked away but decided to just drop it. These 'tourny' type players really take rec ball a little too serious :p

You did the right thing letting him look like the jerk. If it had come to punches you let him take the first shot and let him get thrown out. I have no respect for such immature behavior and I am quite proud of the fact that it did not happen at the NorCal SoCal AO Day last year. I look forward to not seeing it this year

03-27-2005, 12:37 AM
One advantage to being in a fight in paintball... whoever throws the first punch is screwed because the other person has a gun ;)

03-27-2005, 12:46 AM
Most of the people with nice markers have the skills to back them up. .

No I don't. A lot of us with nice markers are trying to buy skill.. You know at one point last year I had four full Shocker setups at once, (ramping shockers (2 of them, 2 normal), crossfire tanks, victory boarded Halos)... it didn't help my game at all :D

03-27-2005, 12:52 AM
I was thinkin about this today. If you shoot some 13-15 year old kid out, then he just starts nonstop shooting you because he's pissed - can you go knock the kid out in self defense?

of course me being 22 :)

03-27-2005, 12:59 AM
I was thinkin about this today. If you shoot some 13-15 year old kid out, then he just starts nonstop shooting you because he's pissed - can you go knock the kid out in self defense?

Under MI law you may not escalate the level of force used in an attack to defend yourself. Keep in mind that you are going to loose in civil court regardless should it come to it. I am not lawyer, under MI law I cannot give legal advice, I can issue my opinion - and that is all this is.

For instance - I can justify brandishment, felonious assault, homicide, or unlawful wounding (all crimes if not justifiable) if a reasonable person in my position would have perceived a reasonable threat of immenient and serious bodily harm or death.

If someone punches me and I have the reasonable ability to end the situation without a gun, I have a legal obligation to do just that.

If someone is flailing and trying to hit me and I have the reasonable ability to restrain them without injury or something that could harm them (hitting or kicking) then I have a legal obligation to do so.

I have a legal obligation to use the minimal force to end a threat that a reasonable person would perceive as prudent - so it depends how much of an imminent threat to your physical well being him shooting you would be perceived as by a reasonable person (ie jury).

Head knight of Ni
03-27-2005, 01:00 AM
I was thinkin about this today. If you shoot some 13-15 year old kid out, then he just starts nonstop shooting you because he's pissed - can you go knock the kid out in self defense?

of course me being 22 :)

Take cover & aim low. :argh:

03-27-2005, 01:07 AM
You did the right thing letting him look like the jerk. If it had come to punches you let him take the first shot and let him get thrown out. I have no respect for such immature behavior and I am quite proud of the fact that it did not happen at the NorCal SoCal AO Day last year. I look forward to not seeing it this year

I was at the NoCal vs SoCal event in '03 I believe it was. Some tiny town called Los Robles or something.

It was a blast and I got to meet Tom Kaye. I was a total noob to paintball then (still am really) and I felt a little awkward, but I had a great time. That's pretty much how I got into automags. That and some help from my friend gibby :)

I thought it was really cool how Tom Kaye chatted with everyone for literally like 3 straight hours afterwards at the hotel. He really made an impression on me and I decided that AGD was a company I wanted to support.

Anyways, I got side tracked... When I was at that AO event, everyone seemed really friendly.

03-27-2005, 01:35 AM
Cussing+Bonus Balling+$1000 setups=not mature enough to play.


well, just to answer the thread title:
cussing+bonus balling+$1000 setups= 95% of paintballers
Reply With Quote the most innacurate description ever. even in the sarcastic sense.



03-27-2005, 01:45 AM
ApexAZ, its because most of tye people are friendly.

03-27-2005, 02:07 AM
I think after Electros first starting becoming mass produced, the true concept of "One Shot One Kill" ended. The political scene and need for new technology threw all the old ideas out the window.

I still remember my first time playing paintball. Was in the woods at a North NJ field... we had pump Tippman rentals, gravity only hoppers that held 50-100 rounds with slide open tops. Every individual shot was important. Most of all... playing the game was more important than how fast one could lay paint.

Those were the good ol' days.


03-27-2005, 04:04 AM
Profanity, while used in discouragement and direct at ones self, I don't see as THAT much of a problem since usually it's a brief spat then it's done and over with. Directing profanity at another player, reguardless of side, or an official is not appropriate and displays a lack of respect for that individual. Do I swear on the field? Sure, I don't scream it, but I do utter the occational explicitive when I've been shot out because I was doing something wrong. When speaking to other players or officials I very conciously avoid swearing unless I know these people and even then I still try not to, raising a voice, sure, but actually cussing someone out, no.

Getting bonus balled, depending on the situation, will get me a little hot under the collar, but so long as the "offender" is considerate about it after the game or when I talk to them about it, that's fine. When they aren't, or just think its part of the game, I have a problem then, but if they don't care I'll take it up with someone else (ref or other official). Bonus balling isn't cool, especially if the person doing it doesn't care about it.

Its all about being friendly with your fellow ballers, never carry a grudge onto the field, show kindness until given a reason not to, and be considerate of other players when you come off the field. The whole "Do unto others" thing.

Rec players generally are among the friendliest people I've ever met at a field (real fields anyway, the "locals" at renegade fields tend to be a might surly) especially the newbies. Tourney players are more hit and miss, part of it comes from the intensity they are used to playing at and the frustration of being eliminated. I think at some point paintball moves from being a recreational thing to a "job" or work for some people, either that or just emulation and amplification of what they've experienced before from other more experienced players.

As for the in cognito pod-boys, eh, let 'em be. I've seen some of them at tournaments and they're kinda fun to watch. Just remeber, when being a pod-boy, always be sure to dirty up your cleats, nothing's more of a dead ringer for a faux player than a full set-up and sparkling white cleats.

Evil Bob
03-27-2005, 07:54 AM
The big difference is rec ballers are usually there to "have fun" and tourny players are usually there to "win", major difference in the level of committment and competition.

Its a shame that profanity seems to be required, but thats part of the extreme sports persona bad boy image, ie. the tattoos, the piercings, everyone bringing their "A" game, its all part of the package. Some think its required to intimidate the other teams into making mistakes.

This is why you dont see rec ballers throwing their $1000+ marker on the ground when they get shot out or they're having problems with it, they go back to the stageing area and fix it or they go home for the day. I cant tell you how many times I've seen big name sponsored teams chuck their sponsor provided product on the ground either out of anger or out of frustration. I would hope that the sponsor gets word of such deeds and request that the offending member is removed from the team, but I seriously doubt it, I've seen teams change sponsors like people change underwear.

-Evil Bob

03-27-2005, 08:42 AM
I bet AO makes up about 3/4 pf that left over 5%. :p Glad I could learn paintball the real way instead of t3H AgG gatn3ss over at pbn. :rolleyes:

If everyone complains about bonus balling. They must not really know what bonus balling is. If you see some guy out of his bunker with your -.0011g trigger pull you're going to react and fire off a shot or two(or 3 hundred if you ramp). When I call myself out I kind of expect a shot or two my way. Dont complain, just don't get shot out and you have no chance to be bonus balled.

03-27-2005, 10:04 AM
wow, im suprised about how many people corrected me. Its a joke people, lighten up. Its hard to post on AO without 50 people pointing out every little flaw in your logic. Let me go to me field at count out every single person and write out a correct percentage so you guys can sleep at night knowing that everything i said was 100% accurate :rolleyes:

In my experience, thats all I see now. I live in chicago, and its ufll of good players but alot of fields that i attend are full of people with nice setups and bad attitudes. Now it may differ with you because you might play fields attended mostly by recballers, but this is my experience so lay off and stop being so anal about everything

03-27-2005, 12:39 PM
People say that like 90% of the people that play are rec ballers, but I can't really agree with that. Maybe its the fact that tourney players play almost every weekend, but on the weekends at the indoor field we have been playing at team practice from 8-12 has more people then they usually get from 12-8. At badlandz where I play, usually recball players and tourney players are equal, or rec ball are more just because there is a big tourney going on somewhere. I dunno, people just need to ignore the people that cause problems on the field. It is a select 5-10 kids at the field that want to start fights and cause problems.

I know sooo many nice guys that will never fight anyone.

Enraged Monk
03-27-2005, 03:00 PM
The big difference is rec ballers are usually there to "have fun" and tourny players are usually there to "win", major difference in the level of committment and competition.

Thats what it comes down to. Tourny players are there to win and usually will use all that they have to win. When they use all that, and still lose, they get angry. Their angry is not like a rec-baller losing, because they take the game way more seriously. They cuss, mostly because they are angry, and need to vent some how. As for bonus balling, im not to sure about them with that.


03-27-2005, 03:37 PM
its honestly just a matter of how you can handle yourself

The Action Figure
03-27-2005, 04:41 PM
you can be a "baller" without being retarded. I played with a kid named ronnie from upstate army, well he's a really good player (shoots a dm4, halo, 45/45) and he ended up bunkering me, and i was expecting him to light me up well actually 1 shot to the hat is all he needed. I called myself out, so when he ended up in the 50 dorito with me (hehe he had no clue I was there) i shot him once in the shoulder. you treat me with respect ill treat you with respect

03-27-2005, 04:55 PM
heres a thought on why most tourney players bonus ball. Most take the game extremely seriously and dont like to lose even in practice. Its not a big secret that alot of players are dishonest these days and dont seem to think wiping is wrong. Most tourney players know other tourney players wipe or play on so those extra hits either get them pulled quicker or cause enough pain to discourage them from playing on.

Lets say a player was to attempt a run through on the other team. If they get hit once on the run, they will most likely ignore it and keep going. If they get shot 9-10 times, they will probably stop and are less likely to try it again some other game ( if you got hit 9-10 times, i doubt you would be too eager to reattempt the move that got you those 9-10 hits).

Im not saying bonus balling is an ok thing to do, but i can see why some people choose to be a bit malicious and add a few extra hits when they can

03-27-2005, 06:40 PM
Mobster where in SC do you live?

The Action Figure
03-27-2005, 07:36 PM
we both live in greenville U?

03-27-2005, 07:50 PM
I'll be honest. I am a hothead on the field. Anyone can tell you that off the field I'd never start a fight or get angry (hell, for the 6 months I've been here at school, only one person has witnessed me getting truely mad). BUT, once I'm on the field, it's different. Once I walk off the field, I'm fine and will apologize to people up and down. But on the field, I'm a jerk.

BUT, I don't bonus ball. I only confront people who I know can take it. I don't cuss a whole lot. And most of the time I just clinch my fists and/or throw pods.

03-27-2005, 08:44 PM

03-27-2005, 09:32 PM
Greenville, but we play at Upstate Paintball in Duncan, SC
we're going next saturday, so if you wanna meet us there

03-27-2005, 09:35 PM
Haha, funny, considering 90% of paintball players are rec-ballers.
yeah, but they arent 'ballas if you get my drift (pbn crowd) :p

and i have to say that i swear alot while paintballing but i never bonus people or get in thair face or anything. its usually just a F###!! after i get shot out or somehting. not good but its self directed. overall i would say that im not one of the jerks of paintball.

03-28-2005, 02:36 AM
wow, im suprised about how many people corrected me. Its a joke people, lighten up. Its hard to post on AO without 50 people pointing out every little flaw in your logic. Let me go to me field at count out every single person and write out a correct percentage so you guys can sleep at night knowing that everything i said was 100% accurate :rolleyes:

In my experience, thats all I see now. I live in chicago, and its ufll of good players but alot of fields that i attend are full of people with nice setups and bad attitudes. Now it may differ with you because you might play fields attended mostly by recballers, but this is my experience so lay off and stop being so anal about everything

you ougta know man. the default vibe on AO it seems is "seriou/more seriouss disscusion" gotta have those sarcastic smileys ready unless you wanna get jumped on. that how it is, in this here parts

03-28-2005, 02:56 AM
Apparently I 'bonus balled' some guy today.

I had no idea I did it. I was just snap shooting at his bunker. Then I see him start to walk off the field and I directed my attention elsewhere. Then he walks up the tape and starts cussing me out for shooting him after he called himself out.

It's possible he tried to call himself out and I snapped out and hit him with another stream, but I didn't see him raise his gun or hand or what not and I had no idea he was out until he started walking off.

Anyways, he was a real jerk about it, even after I apologized. I certainly didn't mean to shoot him more then once. I thought he was going to come throw some punches 'cause he just kept walking at me... Finally he let loose another stream of swear words and turned around.

It was funny. I was tempted to shoot him as he walked away but decided to just drop it. These 'tourny' type players really take rec ball a little too serious :p

LOL!! He probably walked away after he realized how big you really are. You're not small boy that's for sure!

Anyway, to me, image is a big part of paintball...everyone seems to want to be the most intimidating guy on the field. Unfortunately, when they can't back up their game with how much they spent, they resort to the profanity.

03-28-2005, 02:57 AM
Under MI law you may not escalate the level of force used in an attack to defend yourself. Keep in mind that you are going to loose in civil court regardless should it come to it. I am not lawyer, under MI law I cannot give legal advice, I can issue my opinion - and that is all this is.

For instance - I can justify brandishment, felonious assault, homicide, or unlawful wounding (all crimes if not justifiable) if a reasonable person in my position would have perceived a reasonable threat of immenient and serious bodily harm or death.

If someone punches me and I have the reasonable ability to end the situation without a gun, I have a legal obligation to do just that.

If someone is flailing and trying to hit me and I have the reasonable ability to restrain them without injury or something that could harm them (hitting or kicking) then I have a legal obligation to do so.

I have a legal obligation to use the minimal force to end a threat that a reasonable person would perceive as prudent - so it depends how much of an imminent threat to your physical well being him shooting you would be perceived as by a reasonable person (ie jury).

haha, MI sucks!! lol

I think that if someone wants to swing at you, they open the door for a butt kickin!! That's just my opinion though.

03-28-2005, 09:41 AM
haha, MI sucks!! lol

I think that if someone wants to swing at you, they open the door for a butt kickin!! That's just my opinion though.

I have been told by a criminal defense lawyer because I have a black belt in Kenpo that my duty to attempt less than lethal force or less violent forms of defense may extend further than that.

BTW - you missed the kicker. In nearly every state you have a lawful duty to retreat (unless in your home) if reasonably possible without risk of serious injury before you can respond with any type of force.

03-28-2005, 02:38 PM
Thats what it says on paper...I know though that even here in Cali, most everyone I know has gotten into a defensive fight and whooped someone's *donkey* really badly. The police pretty much just arrest whoever threw the first blow or shove. I'm trained in something, but I don't usually tell people in case I use it. I guess if you're trained in combat fighting, you may be considered a deadly weapon.

I'm going to stop talking about this now!! :ninja: :rofl:

03-28-2005, 02:51 PM
Thats what it says on paper...I know though that even here in Cali, most everyone I know has gotten into a defensive fight and whooped someone's *donkey* really badly. The police pretty much just arrest whoever threw the first blow or shove. I'm trained in something, but I don't usually tell people in case I use it. I guess if you're trained in combat fighting, you may be considered a deadly weapon.

I'm going to stop talking about this now!! :ninja: :rofl:

Tough, your tyalking about it now.. we have hijacked this thread.

There is nothing on paper that I have seen that says combat training, martial arts, or other knowledge requires you to use less force. However, the way the law reads it involves the amount of force a reasonable person would have used given your situation - and your training is part of the situation. As such the jury may well be asked to take it into consideration.

03-28-2005, 04:40 PM
Thats what it comes down to. Tourny players are there to win and usually will use all that they have to win. When they use all that, and still lose, they get angry. Their angry is not like a rec-baller losing, because they take the game way more seriously. They cuss, mostly because they are angry, and need to vent some how. As for bonus balling, im not to sure about them with that.


So what about the tourney (or wanna be) players that play rec ball?
Should they bring a tourney attitude to rec play?
Besides win or lose in tourney or rec there is a little thing called sportsmanship.

03-28-2005, 05:34 PM
I hear the justification from tournament players about "we have to win"

BS... what is really at stake.. a hundred dollars, a few hundred? Unless your playing in pros (Im going to let them go for now) you're playing for fun. Get over it, it really doesn't matter if you win or loose. The need to win does not give you an excuse. Now do you cheat because you want to win - well at least you're being honest now.

03-28-2005, 07:14 PM
it's funny to see the two extremes. at pbnation they flame the hell out of anyone who isn't an agg baller. and here you flame anyone who doesn't shoot a pump and shake everyones hand after the game and compliment how good they are. the truth is these are the EXTREMES of the game. i know a lot of tourney players and very close to none of them are jerks who cheat and cuss and bonus ball people for fun. just because someone has new stuff and likes to shoot a lot of paint doesn't make them a jerk. if that's not your thing then don't worry about it. the truth is paintball is made up of mostly cool people and the teams that are actually good realize that it is just a game and it is about having fun.

03-28-2005, 09:43 PM
I'm proud to be one of those 5%. I don't ever find the need to swear or cuss or whatever when doing, well, anything, but specifically playing paintball. There are some idiots out there though that don't do it in one brief spat, but do it pretty much consistently all day. That bugs the tar out of me.

And the only time I bonus ball is with wipers. Man I hate wipers :mad:

03-29-2005, 07:23 AM
scatterplot, we are a lot alike
thanks for the input guys, i just thought it was a good topic to talk about, while sharing my story of paintball events

03-29-2005, 11:58 AM
i bonus ball ppl like crazy? i bbed a guy when i was using my friedns pump cause he thought i sucked?

slightly emoż :clap:

03-29-2005, 05:06 PM
Greenville, but we play at Upstate Paintball in Duncan, SC
we're going next saturday, so if you wanna meet us there

That be cool but i odtn got a ride and not sure how long but i know its atleast an hour plus.Might get up that way sometime.Id rather drive 15 minutes to PBC.Good field and good people.

03-29-2005, 08:07 PM
pbc, pm me cky