View Full Version : paintball and parents

03-27-2005, 07:55 PM
im having soem difficulties as of now with my parents involving paintball. my dad assumes that my rt ule custom mag with a single trigger frame is the best pball gun ever, literally. therefor im not allowed to buy anything else for it. and they always assume that i want them to pay for it. what!? i never even said anything about that. i use the money that i worked for in the summer, doing peoples lawns, leaves, stuff like that. im just annoyed. they dont have any problem with paintball, its just that my dad is so ignorant about the paintball guns out there. any of you AOers have this problem?

03-27-2005, 07:58 PM
Sometimes kids have problems with their parents not being familiar with the sport. Why dont you try showing them some videos or bring them to the field and show them what is better.

03-27-2005, 07:59 PM
When I was at home, not really, mom would shake her head and wonder when I'd spend a heap of cash on something, but it was my money and I could do what I wanted with it, within "reason" anyway.

03-27-2005, 10:27 PM
if it is your money use it as you would like to use it. Your parents might get pissed but hey you still live them and it is going to happen whether you like it or not.

03-27-2005, 11:19 PM
you could arrange a deal with someone on AO, and then go play at the field, and while you are there, meet them, and buy it. then not tell your parents. but if they find out, say that you got a killer deal on it at the field. then if they want to know more, give them a price, a bogus price. but one that would be a killer deal, and still not be a complete waste of money in their opinions.

i think that might work. i dont know your parents.

03-27-2005, 11:52 PM
you could arrange a deal with someone on AO, and then go play at the field, and while you are there, meet them, and buy it. then not tell your parents. but if they find out, say that you got a killer deal on it at the field. then if they want to know more, give them a price, a bogus price. but one that would be a killer deal, and still not be a complete waste of money in their opinions.

i think that might work. i dont know your parents.

worked for me.

i have the same problems you do. i knew i was not alone. but what i really hate is when we (me and my parents) agree to buy something that i "need" on AO then they change their minds and i have to back out. then i am like "aahahahah" because i don't want to screw annything up for someone else.

03-27-2005, 11:54 PM
im having soem difficulties as of now with my parents involving paintball. my dad assumes that my rt ule custom mag with a single trigger frame is the best pball gun ever, literally. therefor im not allowed to buy anything else for it. and they always assume that i want them to pay for it. what!? i never even said anything about that. i use the money that i worked for in the summer, doing peoples lawns, leaves, stuff like that. im just annoyed. they dont have any problem with paintball, its just that my dad is so ignorant about the paintball guns out there. any of you AOers have this problem?

I doubt he assumes there is nothing better, but I will bet he questions if you need anything better. Once in awhile, parents are right.

03-28-2005, 01:53 AM
Sell the single trigger frame and buy a new double trigger frame.

03-28-2005, 03:28 AM
lol i have nothing against my parents, my dad used to play on the AGD Lions and he still plays pball!:D

03-28-2005, 04:14 AM
yeah, my parents let me do what i want with my money, but my friend has the same problem. he got a job, and was going to get some $1000 gun, probably an angel fly, but his parents wouldnt let him. i dont have a job, saved up for like a year to get my emag, and could have had my car by now if i hadnt just spend 1600$ on paintball stuff. i know a car would give me a lot more enjoyment than my emag, but im hooked on pbing. i just love it. i almost wish my parents hadnt let me get any more pb stuff. almost.

i'd also like to point out that his parents still do have most of the final authority because they have a credit card used for buying stuff online, and since he is still living with them, i think it is safe to say that he does not have a credit card of his own.(sorry if that came out sounding mean, didnt mean to)

anyways, tips for getting your parents to let you buy stuff...
1. annoy the heck out of your parents talking about the benefits of buying your new upgrade. hey, it might take a week or so, but in m experience, if parents hear you talking about buyig something for a long enough period of time, they begin to see that you're serious about wanting it and its not just a fling.
2. sit down with your parents and explain to them what you want out of your gun, what you will get for how much, and ask if they are ok with that as long as it is your money.
3. invite your dad for a nice day of paintballing. bring your friends $43564 gun shooting 135 bps and give him your single triggered mag. then play a little one on one. see if he can get the idea of why u want a faster trigger...

03-28-2005, 04:56 AM
you could arrange a deal with someone on AO, and then go play at the field, and while you are there, meet them, and buy it. then not tell your parents. but if they find out, say that you got a killer deal on it at the field. then if they want to know more, give them a price, a bogus price. but one that would be a killer deal, and still not be a complete waste of money in their opinions.

i think that might work. i dont know your parents.
See, then you're creating a foundation of mistrust with your parents. If they find out that you lied, then they won't let you get anymore paintball stuff.
It's not worth breaking their trust and risk losing something that is so important to you.
Trust me. ;)

03-28-2005, 03:06 PM
i'v never done something like that, but at the time it sounded like it would work.
never thought of it that way.

03-28-2005, 03:18 PM
Don't worry about it, depending on how old you are, your parents will eventually lay off. When you get a job, you can buy whatever you want.

03-28-2005, 03:25 PM
I had sorta a duality going. My mom supported me playing paintball. She'd drive me to the field. Loan me a few dollars to pay for paint. She even encouraged me to go if I was having a bad week or something. She never actually paid for anything, which I never wanted her to do. I wanted my gun to be my gun.

My dad on the other hand, well, he was the opposite. He never liked the idea of paintball. He thought it was a waste of money. He'd even hold off on paying me until the monday after an open weekend at the field. I think some of it relates to the fact I never played golf and he always wanted me to.

03-28-2005, 04:32 PM
my dad was serious about not thinking theres anything better. he goes "your gun never chops" and i didnt ven say it did. then i cant say anything else casue hell claim im back talking so i cant explain. i mean that i want it faster. i have a few offers for hyperframes and i dont want to kepp those guys waiting much longer, its sorta rude. my dad designs guns for a living, i dont know why he is angry about upgtades and stuff. he knows what its like, when he is requested to make something lighter, faster, etc. i have $300 and i want to do something with it. ill get it right back, im not just saying this. i spent like $650 on pball stuff and i had no money, then wam i have $300 again. its almost spring, ill rebound more money anyway.