View Full Version : DYE DMC Myth

03-27-2005, 10:26 PM
now that the myths been kinda busted, i was wondering, if DYE was to make an entry level marker directly aimed to compete against the ion, how many of you would buy it?

03-27-2005, 10:33 PM
so is the DMC Real or am i missing something? I just saw a site and they were 17 hundred?

03-27-2005, 10:37 PM
the jury is still out. theres two sites who have posted a number, but i havent heard anything directly out of dye yet

03-27-2005, 11:11 PM
the dmc is real, and will be out soon, it will be a high priced dm5, with a titanium and aluminum body. should be interesting.

03-27-2005, 11:13 PM
then the $1,699 price tag i saw was real

03-27-2005, 11:16 PM
well dye has not released a price, but it is rumored to compete price wise with thr angel g7 (not that there is much competition)

03-27-2005, 11:17 PM
a dye tech leaked the price,and i talked to my local stores dye Rep,he confirimed it will be more then a Dm5 at around 1650-1700..its not going to be an Ion competing gun.give it up.

03-27-2005, 11:34 PM
oh great another overpriced gun to make people feel better by compensating. just what the paintball world needed

03-28-2005, 02:43 AM
oh great another overpriced gun to make people feel better by compensating. just what the paintball world needed
Stop complaining and get a job.

03-28-2005, 02:52 AM
it'll be a sick gun!! I had a DM4, but it was too bulky. I bet the DMC will change a lot of ppls minds about Matrix's. THE ONLY THING IS THEY HAD BETTER MAKE IT MORE FRIKIN EFFICIENT ON AIR!!

03-28-2005, 03:36 AM
super lightened photo so you can actually see the gun.


03-28-2005, 03:42 AM
They can keep their FUGLY DMC. Dye should just stick to making over-priced clothing and barrels.

03-28-2005, 03:43 AM
:hail: all hail picture :hail:

03-28-2005, 03:48 AM
Stop complaining and get a job.

thanks i have one. also go to school. i sitll think its *** ugly and so grossly overpriced dye should be shot.theres is NOW WAY in the bloody balzes that gun is WORTH 1700 dollars. i can almost guarantee that the production costs were half that or less

03-28-2005, 04:40 AM
its worth what people pay for, and im sure they'll pay the 1700.

03-28-2005, 04:46 AM
its worth what people pay for, and im sure they'll pay the 1700.
And that's why paintball is so expensive. The quality of a marker can only carry someone so far. After that, it comes down to skill--and no matter how much money you have, you can't buy that.

03-28-2005, 05:15 AM
i think it looks pretty cool, i dont know about 1700 dollar's worth of cool but....

03-28-2005, 05:32 AM
super lightened photo so you can actually see the gun.



I saw a G7 last week at Impact.... it owns that thing.

03-28-2005, 08:18 AM
Stop complaining and get a job.


after buying my dm5 i am def a dye whore for life. this will be my next overpriced, compensating, why do i need to shoot so fast and pay so much gun. hey, it helps my self esteem, what is your lie? :rolleyes: :D
and skoad, i thought i was the only one who lightened the pic ;) thanks for helping everyone see more of the gun :cheers: i sitll have not seen a g7, but after the failure of the 05 speed i am backing away from angels for the time being.

03-28-2005, 08:44 AM
i sitll have not seen a g7, but after the failure of the 05 speed i am backing away from angels for the time being.

How is the 05 Speed a failure? They are incredible.

If by 'failure', you mean "not to your liking", than what you mean is that they just dont fit your particular tastes. Which, btw, there is nothing wrong with. I think the DM's all shoot awesome, but I can never see myself owning one. Just not for me.

03-28-2005, 10:10 AM
failure=i dont like it
sorry for whatever you thought it meant

bound for glory
03-28-2005, 12:36 PM
thats the problem with paintball. all the hype. i shoot emag #169 ule warp left and i think it really goes. but then theres always this super gun or that supergun coming out. now, i've been shooting adg guns scince cf 482 so i've been around(i'm 37).right now i'm contemplating haveing my emag converted into a devilmag.part of me says"you only play rec and scen. ball, why do you need it) the other part keeps saying"get the devilmag, it rules...sigh. thats how paintball stays expensive.too many high priced toys.

03-28-2005, 02:28 PM
i'm curious to how much this thing will weigh.

03-28-2005, 03:43 PM
thanks i have one. also go to school. i sitll think its *** ugly and so grossly overpriced dye should be shot.theres is NOW WAY in the bloody balzes that gun is WORTH 1700 dollars. i can almost guarantee that the production costs were half that or less
The production costs for almost all paintball guns are half the cost (or less) of the retail, not just very high end guns. If people like it, then it is worth the price they pay. Stop worrying about what everyone else is shooting at the field. If you want the absolute best, you pay for it.

03-28-2005, 03:48 PM
I think it looks nice.

I wouldn't pay $1700 for it, but it does look nice.

03-28-2005, 06:35 PM
i'm curious to how much this thing will weigh.

I second that. It should weigh less then a DM5, hopefully under 2 pounds.

03-28-2005, 07:06 PM
The DM5 body's dynamic contours and symmetric edges reflect elegant beauty

This is off DYE's website. It is part of the description of the DM5. I wonder how they will describe this one...

03-28-2005, 08:09 PM
they are turning into kingman more or less... slight tweaks to their gun, and alot in manufacturing, too overpriced, and well ya... quality is better though, right?

03-28-2005, 08:22 PM
thats the problem with paintball. all the hype. i shoot emag #169 ule warp left and i think it really goes. but then theres always this super gun or that supergun coming out. now, i've been shooting adg guns scince cf 482 so i've been around(i'm 37).right now i'm contemplating haveing my emag converted into a devilmag.part of me says"you only play rec and scen. ball, why do you need it) the other part keeps saying"get the devilmag, it rules...sigh. thats how paintball stays expensive.too many high priced toys.

I Totaly agree I shoot my emag #211 and i love it i even switch between my ule body and my older powerfeed hopper left body just to use the barrel i want. But I also own a proto matrix and it rips also i cant say i like it better bu ti know i will always own a mag

03-28-2005, 11:41 PM
Whats the problem with hype if it can be backed up? The DM4 I have now is better then all of the 5 mags I've owned over 8 years....

03-28-2005, 11:43 PM
Whats the problem with hype if it can be backed up? The DM4 I have now is better then all of the 5 mags I've owned over 8 years....


03-29-2005, 12:03 AM
Because if you dont have the skills to back it up you are just being cocky :p

03-29-2005, 12:55 AM
So no skills and a mag= not cocky?

03-29-2005, 02:25 AM
wow, what is whth all of the ao haters? Get over it. It is titanium and aluminum fused together, its going to cost more than an aluminum body. titanium for one is harder to mill.. much harder.

get over yourselves. oh its no better than a mag, or its all hype. geez. whiney little babies is all im seeing here.

Its going to be a damn good marker, with a price to fit. The g7 is all hype too, still shoots like an angel, what more can you expext?.

you people are over the top sometimes it seems

03-29-2005, 02:32 AM
If you suck with a mag, you suck.

If you suck with a DM4/5/C, you suck less.

03-29-2005, 02:39 AM
Its going to be a damn good marker, with a price to fit.

That may be but why can't they make a good looking marker (at least one I think looks good anyways)? I mean for the price tag there are much better lookers out there. There are Ripper Cockers, Highlander Vikes, A-5s, X-mags, Karta's, heck Chord milling could look awesome on that thing. Alternate the Titanium with the aluminum on the bumps. I mean, I honestly think the DM3 looks better... I see so much potential in an awesome marker, but the milling is horendous...

03-29-2005, 02:56 AM
the dmc is real, and will be out soon, it will be a high priced dm5, with a titanium and aluminum body. should be interesting.

wow throw some carbon fiber accents on their and that thing will be the exotic of paintball guns!!!

this gun will be hot noone but dye does anything with titanium and everyone needs to stop complaining!!! i bet everyone that complains about the price of guns drive civics or beaters!!

03-29-2005, 08:48 AM
yall are thread hijackers.

why dont you go complain somewhere else about getting a job or fondling your new 1700 agg gat. cant believe you would consider paying 1700 for something ... i would just shoot myself in the foot.



03-29-2005, 11:13 AM
That may be but why can't they make a good looking marker (at least one I think looks good anyways)? I mean for the price tag there are much better lookers out there. There are Ripper Cockers, Highlander Vikes, A-5s, X-mags, Karta's, heck Chord milling could look awesome on that thing. Alternate the Titanium with the aluminum on the bumps. I mean, I honestly think the DM3 looks better... I see so much potential in an awesome marker, but the milling is horendous...

thats a bit of an insult, saying a5's look better, but that is your choice. I personally think all of the dye markers are sexy as all hell. Its new, different, and it looks good. most of all.. it stands out in the crowd, which is what a company really wants to do when they create a milled marker. i mean heck, thats the point of milling isnt it?

Apparently you are partial to a.... Swoshy style of milling, and so is your choice, but i have recieved nothing but compliments on my dm5 about how beautiful it is, how nice the anno is, and how much they all like the milling.

03-29-2005, 05:14 PM
i killed this thread :D

03-29-2005, 05:36 PM
so uh nobody answered my question...but that's okay! i'll just say it again, IF and that's a BIG IF Dye was to make a gun to compete with the ION would you buy it?

03-29-2005, 06:18 PM
who in gods/alahs/buddahs name would buy a 1700 dollar paintball gun. That is

03-29-2005, 06:36 PM
who in gods/alahs/buddahs name would buy a 1700 dollar paintball gun. That is

lol, still no one has responded

though I enjoy watching people stupify themselves, I will answer the simple question. If dye were to compete for the low price market, I would buy one. Their service is up there with the best, and I trust their product over smart parts personal reasons.

03-29-2005, 06:37 PM
The production costs for almost all paintball guns are half the cost (or less) of the retail, not just very high end guns. If people like it, then it is worth the price they pay. Stop worrying about what everyone else is shooting at the field. If you want the absolute best, you pay for it.

its not the fact of what it costs. ive got a good wack in my gun. its the fact its one more overpriced piece of crap for everyone to yell"you get what you pay for"BS and tell me how good they are and how much superior there gun is. it get REALY old REALY fast.

03-29-2005, 06:39 PM
who in gods/alahs/buddahs name would buy a 1700 dollar paintball gun. That is

Amen brother........

**edit** illd be willing to buy something dye made to compete with the ion if i wasnt already in the process of building two custom guns.

03-29-2005, 07:00 PM
thanks for your input felony...

03-29-2005, 07:10 PM
first off if dye was to make one i would consider it. second i do not belive they ever will. dye is strongly focused on the elite marker group. if they were not then they would not have come out with a 1600++marker close to the time smartparts came out with a sub 300. dye is focused on being the elite name in paintball and for the most part they are or they would not have been around so long and have such a large range of products. this brings to mind proto . proto was brought about by dye to be there less expensive brand with out hurtung the dye name. so if there was ever even a thought of a lower end marker it would be a proto and not dye. they are owned by the same company but are two entirely diffrent entities. sorry to ramble. great thought though.

03-29-2005, 07:15 PM
i definitley think what you are saying inerwolf, cause when i first heard that DYE was making a 300$ marker i knew it was b.s. because, i mean, even their backpacks are overpriced! (okay, maybe not for you, but 80$ is too much for just a backpack) Also, that wouldn't be a smart business marketing move because that would just bring the value of their DM4/5/C's down. I was just wondering IF that happened, how many people would buy em.

03-29-2005, 07:20 PM
thanks for your input felony...

i honestly think these guys still dont get it.

but for what it is worth, if dye were to make a low cost competitor i would definatly stick with dye, as I have stated before.


03-29-2005, 07:20 PM
hey i just bought an ion and if some one anyone including dye came out with a gun equal or better than the ion for the same price id probally buy it but then again im a gun w**** :wow:

03-29-2005, 07:26 PM
haha inerwolf.

Used to be a gun w**** but i changed my ways..

and yes felony, i think that they just don't get it, do they?

03-29-2005, 07:32 PM
Inerwolf you took words right out of my mouth. :clap:

I think if DYE were to have a budget based marker it would be under the Proto label. Take example the rest of their products, masks the Proto Switch v. DYE Invision both great masks but there is a 20 dollar price difference in the mask. Not to mention the fact that the Invision has faded frames which brings the price up even more.

Proto is for the budget minded PB consumer DYE is for the more exuberant players.

03-29-2005, 07:33 PM
well as i posted in both my other post i do get it !! just put some info on why i didnt think it would happen.

03-29-2005, 07:49 PM
Inerwolf you took words right out of my mouth. :clap:

I think if DYE were to have a budget based marker it would be under the Proto label. Take example the rest of their products, masks the Proto Switch v. DYE Invision both great masks but there is a 20 dollar price difference in the mask. Not to mention the fact that the Invision has faded frames which brings the price up even more.

Proto is for the budget minded PB consumer DYE is for the more exuberant players.

that is silly from a business standpoint in my opinion..

I dont wanna touch proto gear. I have been playing paintball long enough to understand that equipment is generally the same and markers are pretty dang close.. but I have also been around long enough to know that dye puts their name on something because it is quality.

Yeah yeah proto is a division of dye. i buy quality products with a quality name. not quality products with new name cause I am on a budget.

If dye wants to make money, they need to make a marker that competes with the ion in every way, including price.

A cheap proto = corners cut, rushed to production
A cheap dye = looked at, cut the fat'n trimmings, good release.

my opinions anyway.


03-29-2005, 07:49 PM
u know, for about, i'd say maybe uh 60% of the pb population, they'd think that even though the proto is for the budget minded consumer, it's still overpriced. A lot of people just don't have 950$ to dish out on a proto matrix.

03-29-2005, 09:39 PM
who in gods/alahs/buddahs name would buy a 1700 dollar paintball gun. That is

tons of people did... remember the dye ironman angel? that sold for 1700 and sold out completely..

also, tons of people baught mamba angels/ir3/fly4's

all retailing for a cool 1700

please, insert foot into mouth

03-29-2005, 09:40 PM
i have heard from reliable source that dye IS developing a mid-range electro although the dmc is a 1700 marker

03-29-2005, 09:40 PM
yeah and I agree.

like SP, dye could make BANK if they made a quality low priced marker. Something that lacked key features to the dm4/5 series, but something that dye could produce on a mass scale, and literally make bank

my opinions

03-29-2005, 09:54 PM
so you guys would buy it, wouldn't you?

03-29-2005, 10:03 PM
heck no

03-29-2005, 10:08 PM
i would
if i had the money

03-30-2005, 03:37 PM
for the record, if dye ever did make a mid to low range marker, i would deffinitely buy one, as it would be of the utmost quality, and it would make an awesome backup to my dm5