View Full Version : Dead Emag

11-20-2001, 10:47 AM
First casualty of my three emags has just been sent into Airgun designs for a once over. I never thought
it would happen but as far as I can tell... it's dead. It won't fire in eMode nor will the warp stop spinning. Not sure if there's any connection other than the interlink cable but. It's all dead. Gun and warp. Dead package. I've returned it with RA# 84762. And I'm hoping it can still be saved. If not, it's one expensive RT with a broken warp. It turns on and all but it's just not firing in any of the eModes. Worse thing is, it was the one that had worked best for me ever since. Let us bow our heads and pray that AGD can resurrect my baby. From my past experience with AGD this should be a walk in the park. But it just kills me waiting on it and following it's progress. I'll keep you informed as information becomes available.


11-20-2001, 12:21 PM
Humm, sounds like you popped a transistor. Don't worry we always bring 'em back alive!


11-20-2001, 12:25 PM
Hey Ho resurrection time Don!:cool:

11-20-2001, 05:20 PM
Thanks so much for the support. I still wait in eager anticipation for the return of my marker from it's deathlike sleep. Although it was working impeccably before this incident, if it can be made to purr as it was intended, I'm sure they can. I'd trust no other.


11-20-2001, 07:16 PM
Mine went choppy choppy choppy. Sent it to AGD and they took all the chopping elves out!!!! Now it is an instrument of paintball death that even scared the Angel guys at Top Gun this past saturday while playing speedball! THANKS AGD!!! YOU DA BEST!!