View Full Version : please help

03-28-2005, 12:21 AM
hey i need some new gear desperly and i have no job and no money. its hard for me to get money and i cant bealve im sinking this low but o well. here it goes if any one wants to make a small donation. to Nothing here anymore that would be highly appriciated. every penny matters. and please dont give me any slack people about me being a bum even no i can see this coming but. what ever. thanks guys. and lets get this cash flowing.

03-28-2005, 12:24 AM
i was there!

and i know what your feeling, but i don't have any money either. hopefully you get some nice people to help. i'll see if i can find some change in the couch.

03-28-2005, 12:34 AM
thanks man evry thing counts even your good advice. atleast im not getting flamed here so thanks alot man lets keep this coming. every bit counts

03-28-2005, 12:57 AM
hey yeah can anybody send me free money too :rolleyes: ...man go get a job! Don't give me that i'm too young to work crap either...i started when i was 13 and have held a job ever since...so i am not flaming you but more like suggesting that you be proactive and find work.

03-28-2005, 01:13 AM
Even though a lot of us have been where you are, we haven't posted asking for donations. If you're sincere in your plight, then I feel for you, because I've been there; however, you are asking to be criticized by doing this. If you are too young to legally work for a company, then you can earn money by mowing lawns or taking up a paper route. If you are old enough to work, then there are plenty of jobs out there for those who want them. There is always a fast food restaraunt hiring--there's no shame in working at McDonald's.
If you are too broke to afford new paintball gear, then how are you going to afford to play paintball once you have the gear?
It sounds like you might need to prioritize a few things in your life.

Take this as either a flame or advice, or both.

03-28-2005, 01:16 AM
Even though a lot of us have been where you are, we haven't posted asking for donations. If you're sincere in your plight, then I feel for you, because I've been there; however, you are asking to be criticized by doing this. If you are too young to legally work for a company, then you can earn money by mowing lawns or taking up a paper route. If you are old enough to work, then there are plenty of jobs out there for those who want them. There is always a fast food restaraunt hiring--there's no shame in working at McDonald's.
If you are too broke to afford new paintball gear, then how are you going to afford to play paintball once you have the gear?
It sounds like you might need to prioritize a few things in your life.

Take this as either a flame or advice, or both.


03-28-2005, 01:21 AM
go mow some lawns..wash some cars..offer to help your new neighbors move in..dont mooch from us poor people. ;)

03-28-2005, 01:26 AM

dunno what that means. (am i really outta the loop already?)

but im agreeing.

go out, search the classifieds :D

your "lets get the cash flowing" certainly doesnt help either.

paintball is a expensive hobby to get into with gear, but its even harder to maintain. i dont know about where you are, but its $100 a case, so you can outspend on paint by a long shot then buying gear.

if you cant support yourself gearwise, maybe you should look elsewhere. just pointing out the facts

03-28-2005, 01:41 AM
Go back to school and work nights.

03-28-2005, 01:42 AM
dunno what that means. (am i really outta the loop already?)

but im agreeing.

go out, search the classifieds :D

your "lets get the cash flowing" certainly doesnt help either.

paintball is a expensive hobby to get into with gear, but its even harder to maintain. i dont know about where you are, but its $100 a case, so you can outspend on paint by a long shot then buying gear.

if you cant support yourself gearwise, maybe you should look elsewhere. just pointing out the facts

Quoted For Truth :dance:

03-28-2005, 01:46 AM
Even though a lot of us have been where you are, we haven't posted asking for donations. If you're sincere in your plight, then I feel for you, because I've been there; however, you are asking to be criticized by doing this. If you are too young to legally work for a company, then you can earn money by mowing lawns or taking up a paper route. If you are old enough to work, then there are plenty of jobs out there for those who want them. There is always a fast food restaraunt hiring--there's no shame in working at McDonald's.
If you are too broke to afford new paintball gear, then how are you going to afford to play paintball once you have the gear?
It sounds like you might need to prioritize a few things in your life.

Take this as either a flame or advice, or both.

What he said.

QFT=Quoted For Truth

I started playing when I was 16. Money was not the easiest thing to come by. You gotta earn it, not figure out how to get people to donate it.

03-28-2005, 01:55 AM
I'll tell you what dude. tell me what you need (not want but NEED) and I may sponsor you a little but you're gonna owe me later on.

03-28-2005, 02:20 AM
You could start recycling cans and newspapers.

03-28-2005, 02:25 AM
We're all poor.. My mom told me to sell my GX-3 so I would have money to buy myself an easter gift... AO is certainly not the place to ask for money...


Target Practice
03-28-2005, 02:43 AM
hey i need some new gear desperly and i have no job and no money. its hard for me to get money and i cant bealve im sinking this low but o well. here it goes if any one wants to make a small donation. to rugburn55@msn.com that would be highly appriciated. every penny matters. and please dont give me any slack people about me being a bum even no i can see this coming but. what ever. thanks guys. and lets get this cash flowing.

Shut. The. Hell. Up.

You haven't contributed to this forum AT ALL. Look at his post history, folks. You come in here, and crap up the classifieds with your crappy spelling and grammar. You suck. Due to the filters on this site, that's the only thing that I can say, but it basically sums you up pretty well.

Fake Edit: Isn''t this crap against the rules? If not, it goddamn well should be.

Real Edit: Because it's Easter, and I'm freaking stuffed to the brim, I went though his last 500 posts. I can I saw 2, coun't em 2, posts that were'nt in the Classifieds. Those were in the Angels forum asking about a problem with the Angel that he bought. Because, you know, he's poor and all.

So, to reiterate, you suck/should be banned/should be hit by a bus. You are part of the crap that makes this forum suck.

03-28-2005, 02:50 AM
WOW holy crap that was a kick in the nuts if you ask me.

but if its bothering so many people i guese you can close this thread if you want. and it didnt even make me a penny.

and holy crap target practice. im not mad at you but i think you should start to work in the law force. because you looked my history up and every tihng good job. and i no i desrved alot of what i got. and ill learn from my mistakes. but im just a broke kid that was trying to make some money the easy way. atleast i wasnt selling drugs. or somthing worse.

ps im not saying any one on here is or has sold drugs. so no one send me a bunch of bad pm's.

AND fishy from ao is giving me a job to make some money he owns burger king.

03-28-2005, 02:51 AM
Thats a big negative, jon mike.

Target Practice
03-28-2005, 02:51 AM
but im just a broke kid that was trying to make some money the easy way.

Goddamn, I hate people like you.

03-28-2005, 02:59 AM
I say work a little and get an Ion or something.

03-28-2005, 03:01 AM
lol now im getting kind of mad at you targer practice.

and yes fishy i no im joking.

and i have a marker set up i just wanted to make some money for a mask. but any ways. thanks for your support every one but just to let you no i dont care what you say it dosnt bother me. so your just wasting your time you can close the thread if you want. or keep it dosnt matter to me.

03-28-2005, 03:39 AM
lol now im getting kind of mad at you targer practice.

and yes fishy i no im joking.

and i have a marker set up i just wanted to make some money for a mask. but any ways. thanks for your support every one but just to let you no i dont care what you say it dosnt bother me. so your just wasting your time you can close the thread if you want. or keep it dosnt matter to me.
Well, thank you for wasting EVERYONE'S time. But don't worry about it, because you're just a kid who is trying to SCAM some honest people out of their HARD-EARNED money. No big deal... :mad:

03-28-2005, 04:02 AM
wow, could some mod do me a HUGE favor??? well, actually two huge favors?
1. ban this guy jon, or put some sort of restriction on him
2. close/delete this thread because its turning into a flame-fest

03-28-2005, 07:23 AM
guys give him a break. he's not scamming anyone here. he's poor and honest. he's not expecting anything from anyone but he's just testing the water. maybe if he lied about something or made up something that would make people want to give him money that would be different.

frankly I'd rather help the kid get into the sport than sit here and flame him. i don't see where the anger is coming from. not enough hugs at home?

03-28-2005, 08:17 AM
guys give him a break. he's not scamming anyone here. he's poor and honest. he's not expecting anything from anyone but he's just testing the water.

Waters hot :D

03-28-2005, 11:42 AM
lol thamks man. but im not poor i just dont have any money and cant think of any ways to get it. i no i can get a job but thats not working out. and i new this wouldnt wrk buy honestly i made this idea up because i had a dream that i did it and every one donated a dollar and i had so much money. and then every one started doing it and every one els got money to but i guese that dream isnt gonna happen. but o well.

amd if you wanna ban me im not gonna argue thats your choice but ao is my favorite forum i dont no how its going to be for me now but lets see.

and im not poor. but im not ruch eather

03-28-2005, 12:03 PM
ummmm, me so hungry. Dood, you are one of those little kids that borows a dollar and never pays the nice guy back that lent it too you(me). no you have never done anything to me, but i know plenty like you. I havent spent a single dime on lunch because i leave all of my lunch money home so that I wont spend it and have money to play. I know its hard to get a job. I have been to 25 places applying and still nothing. But i put other things down to pay for paintball..... look how much you spend on other stuff other than paintball like that candy bar and new shirt. im thinking thats what you spend your money on. My stomach pitties you. wow this was sad.

03-28-2005, 12:09 PM
accualy thats not me. but nice try

03-28-2005, 12:42 PM
Wait a minute.. this works?

Umm.. guys, since I bought my Devilmag, its barrel system, and my Ion and its upgrades, and my Max-flo tank, and my new Halo I'm kinda tight for money for new gear - and my Ion needs a barrel system... Anyone want to send me some cash

:D I'm joking, about the sending me some cash thing.. umm, unless you were gonna

03-28-2005, 12:44 PM
i dont care im kinda happy i made this thread it seems to be soooooo popular. lol its always at the top of the list.

03-28-2005, 12:56 PM
i dont care im kinda happy i made this thread it seems to be soooooo popular. lol its always at the top of the list.

Well reflect on your ways and get a job...begging is not allowed here on AO

Thread Closed