View Full Version : building a home practice facility.

03-28-2005, 03:40 PM
Hey yalll, Im planning on building a little practice field in my backyard. Just enough space for some one on one drills. just 2-3 bunkers. my question is, do you think 45 feet is enough of a seperation distance between the bunkers to be safe? I can only get 45 feet out of my back yard....thats what you get for living next to the beach in southern california. hers a pic of the space that i will use. Any thoughts and opinions would be greatly appreciated. I want to get some feedback befor i go forward with this project. I also have already ran it by my neighbors and they are pretty cool. gonna have a signal flag that i will raise when i am practicing to let them know that im shoioting back there. My other question is where to get the proper netting to build my backstops out of. i plane to use 24' wide by 10" high backstops that pivot in the middle to creat a "V" behind the bunkers to block paint/ spray from going all over. so here are some pictures of the yard. each picture is taken from the corners of the yard, where the bunkers will be. once again the distance is a little less than 45 feet. So any suggestions about safty issues and building material would be cool..


photo view from bunker # 1

03-28-2005, 03:41 PM
view from Bunker #1 looking at bunker #2

03-28-2005, 03:42 PM
errr i mean view from bunker #2 looking at bunker #1.. sorry!!!

03-28-2005, 03:53 PM
4 divided by 2 is 22.5. I like to have about 10 feet between bunkers (Unless it's like a snake that goes into a dorito)... You could get away with more than 2 bunkers, though. I remembered when I tried to set up a backyard field.. It was all good until my mom came home and found out what I did while I was sick. :)

I haven't thought about backstops for netting (I live in Mississippi, and have a giant backyard). At my field, they use 15 foot tall posts and tie ropes between and drape the nets...

As for bunkers, wood palettes and some carpet scraps (To cover up the slots) work decently. Also, some big pipe isn't too pricy.


03-28-2005, 05:07 PM
just a thought, if youve got the money, you could invest in 1 or two boxes of reballs and never have to buy paint again(when playing at home). for another $150 you could get a scuba tank and fill station. if you've got the money, i would definately reccommend doing this because it would let you practice whenever you want, and you could probably get 5000 shots off each before having to go to the local scuba station and getting yor scuba tank filled for $4.
one thing i noticed, you're gonna want to put plywood over those windows.
small projectile moving at 300 fps=shattered glass=angry mom=no more paintballing :(
it looks like you've got a good place there. post pics when u get it up :bounce:

03-28-2005, 05:19 PM
lol Don't get airball bunkers. bouncy balls=unhappy neighbors ;)

03-28-2005, 05:26 PM
You can use those tires in picture one they can make pretty decent bunekers.And i dotn think a paintball would bust any modern window at 300fps i guess its possible but prolly not .
If you have a old army store any where neer you like the ones that sell all the old army shizzle i would check there for netting.

03-28-2005, 05:28 PM
yeah...im definatly not going to have air bunkers. maybe a air bunker with wood out front to break the paint, not bounce it. also im gonna have backstop like netting setup to cover the area behiend each bunker, ie to cover the house/windows from getting painted. As for the mom/parents situation its a non issue....im 23 years old. i hope to have it up soon. ialready have one backstop frame built, and just need to visit the local home depot for some netting and some more PVC pipe. Ill poast pics as soon as i get it up and running. maybe some cool overheas pics/video from up on the roof? i think i have a gold mine here.... :dance:

03-28-2005, 07:43 PM
Don't go the cheap route with the netting. You'll regret it. Spend a few extra bucks to ensure it's gonna last.

03-28-2005, 09:07 PM
Check into the legality of what you are doing, and how your neighbors will feel about it. Theres bound to be an errant ball or two from practice occassionally, so if they are not happy with you being there this can cause you serious problems.

03-28-2005, 09:28 PM
you know, as someone mentioned before, it's probably not smart to use air bunkers. Also, Lohman is right, you have to check with everyone that will be going by this everyday to see how they feel about it and if you can legally try it out. I learned the hard way since me and my friend tried to make a field on the island in the lake, but just 2 days after we made everything (we made the bunkers out of wood...don't do that, you slide, you die) a neighbor called the cops because technically it wasn't our "land"

03-29-2005, 01:49 AM
well its in my back yard and i have alredy ran it by all my adjacent neighbors, and we are going to work out time that would be good for me to be back there, so the neighbor/ legality wont be a prob. I also am building 2 huge net backstops, each 10' high by 24 ' wide. im sure that will stop most of the paint. I already have one of the backstops framed up an everything...hoping to be done by next week..I figure im only going to do snapshooting/ gunfighting drills. stationary stuff, not much movement due to the size of the area i have to work with....hopefully that will cut down on misfires and errant balls, ect... Im not trying to get games going, just a setup i can practice my skills with...also if yall have any good ideas on where to get the netting that would be great.

Mr. BoBo
03-29-2005, 02:14 AM
Check your municipal bylaws. The city where I live, it's illegal to discharge a firearm or air powered weapons within city limits except in authorized ranges.

Make a stop by the local PD before doing any more work.

03-29-2005, 04:28 PM
I wouldn't crank the guns to 300 in such an enclosed space.

Make sure your residence laws allow for projectile discharges of any kind on the premise.(usually illegal in urbanized areas)

4ply plywood would work perfect for bunkers. use those tires hold them up.

Invite the neighbors and thier kids for some fun.. and make a quick buck too.

Where do you get $150 fill stations?