View Full Version : Anyone ever use this paint?

03-28-2005, 08:54 PM
http://www.actionvillage.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/BrowseCatalog-Start;sid=gyPkXrIKsinkhvBCMIkk9risvRC7Vh2l8lY=?Cat egoryName=paintball-paintballs-and-paint-grenades-fuego-paintballs
Its called Fuego. I found it for 34.50 a case. I was hoping it would be good for practice paint. Any experiences with it? How does it compare to gap, hotspot, zap spank or zap tork? :confused:

03-28-2005, 09:00 PM
Check out XO Vein for 39 a case at firstcall.

It shot very well for me, super bright shell and fill, seamless... overall awesomeness...

03-28-2005, 09:13 PM
it's a nice paint, but if you're gonna play something like a tourney or something i'd go with something a little more high quality, not that this paint is bad though. But like you said, you're practicing so i say go for it!