View Full Version : National Youth Leadership Forum Technology

03-28-2005, 11:14 PM
Im sure everyone else has gotten crap like this before, the only thing is that this looks different.

no, not because the speakers are the producer of star wars galxies, and director of Xbox Tech group, it seems.... interesting. (that and they have gold envelopes!! OMG !!! oneone!!#!#!$!@%)

one of the things is called "network challenge lab"

-10 levels of security breaching opportunities
-Those who pass, create the next 10

so anyone go to this thing or know what its about? i got an idea,but im just curious if anyone attended one of these things

03-29-2005, 12:38 PM
"National Youth Leadership Forum Technology"---

WTF? Sounds like hitler youth for nerds... ;)

nah, never heard of it in my life.