View Full Version : Picture attachments issues

03-29-2005, 01:56 PM
Ok we are all aware that currently there is a slight problem with the picture attachment feature on the forum.
I currently do not have information to share with you as to why this has happened or when it will be restored to full working order so in the meantime this thread has appeared.

"Crusade mode" ;) If you wish to see AO continue it might be an idea to see what you can do for AO, lots of ideas were thrown around at the time TK retired but the Forum still costs money to host and the attachments increase this cost because of bandwidth etc.
To drop this cost and ensure that all your pics can be seen it would help you (as you can see them) and AO (for the drop in the hosting costs) to find an alternate place to host these pics "Crusade mode off"

Many ISP's provide you with free webspace when you use their service so many of you already have this space but just don't use it. If you are unfortunate enough to have an ISP that will charge you for webspace then....

You can get FREE accounts at the following


Now these two are "free" to a point one has a minimal cost per 8 week period, one has a cost if you go above a usage figure.

This is now where you guys come in I have listed two hosts. Now post away with your hosts....remember TOTALLY FREE is what we are looking for or as close to FREE as you can find.

**edit** It also might be a good thing for each user to go to their user control panel and select Attachments to see how much space they are currently using on AO...I didn't think I posted many pictures and found I had nearly 6 meg uploaded..they are now deleted as they were all on old threads and certainly not currently needed..take a look I think more than one or two of you are in for a shock!

03-29-2005, 02:12 PM
I've been using www.tripod.lycos.co.uk for the last couple of years and have never had a problem. they give you 50mb of free space and they allow hotlinking so posting cross links here is no problem. I'd recommend getting a decent ftp client such as smartftp (www.smartftp.com) so you can easily login to your server anywhere at anytime.

03-29-2005, 02:34 PM
I use ImageShack... I'll find the link and update this post

no signing up or logging in... and they give it to you ready to use in forum format as a thumbnail....

04-02-2005, 01:06 PM
www.photobucket.com is pretty awesome. Have your own albums, easy to organinse everything and post things on other sites. easy to upload too.

04-04-2005, 09:01 PM
may i ask what has happened to our sigs? it would have been nice to mention that they were deleted/ moved/ disabled due to this whole server space issue.


04-04-2005, 09:05 PM
Sigs where switched off a while ago..nothing to do with this server problem. If you have a signature it still shows in Your Profile.
An announcement was made by Tom when it was done.
