View Full Version : Drop Forward Help.

11-20-2001, 05:28 PM
I was hoping some of you, or any of you might give me a couple pointers on drop forwards. Like what's best. Is it all a matter of preference? Are there things I should watch out for?

You see, I've ran everything on remote ever since I started playing about 2 years ago. But recently have found that the pack with the tank back there has become cumbersome and makes it increasingly difficult to move and run. I am going to try to use my tank crossfire 88ci 4500psi on a drop forward on the gun from now on. I can only pray that I am prepared to make the shift to playing with the extra weight on the gun. I'm not a very big guy so that's why I'm worried. The gun may be bigger than me.

I was hoping to offset the weight of the warp and hopper on the left side of the emag by kinda tilting the tank at the end of the drop forward at the on/off... is this making any sense. Anyway, I'm not sure the best way to do it. And I'm just thinking logically not really from experience that I wouldn't want the tank hanging too far off the back of the gun.

Any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated.



11-20-2001, 06:11 PM
Well, it is a matter of preference. If you like the drop really far and low you get one like that, if you like the ballance of a short drop you get that.

11-20-2001, 06:40 PM
me and my buds all have our Drops and tanks backwards. It is nice enough to deal with. and we stick out by shooting mags, not to mention backwards tanks.

11-20-2001, 06:42 PM
Think NitroDuck has a drop forward (it may be specific to their tanks and regs), which will rotate right/left/down. I have seen a couple pictures of it.

I know what you are going through. I have a newly retro'd and hyperframe minimag that I kept remote. I also have an RT Pro with a drop forward. It takes a lot of getting used to... I tried my N2 tank on my minimag on the bottom line where my shoulder stock fits and it felt very heavy. On my RT Pro, I have a 7"forward/2"drop DF atttached, and it kinda balances very nice and will balance on two fingers from the bottom of the trigger frame. Most DF's are not this long.

Load SM5
11-20-2001, 06:43 PM
Are you talking about offsetting the tank a bit to the right to balance out the warp and hopper on the left? I know that ACI makes a drop that allows you to swivel the tank for left to right and I guess you could do the same with the Kapp Drop Zone 2. The Kapp drop will put your tank further forward since you are carrying a larger tank.

You'll find that the weight is'nt that big an issue if the whole setup is balanced well. Also you don't really notice any of it in the thick of the game when people are shooting at you.

11-20-2001, 06:47 PM
Does mouting the tank backwards work well?

11-20-2001, 07:07 PM
Never thought of mounting the drop backwards. Hmmm. What I've done so far with what I have, is mount an extension about 3 inches then a ballistic drop forward c/o one of the bros here on AO. Although it's dropped and quite forward right now, I don't have the option of offsetting by swiveling like was mentioned earlier in the thread. It is directly beneath the gun and actually is hitting the warp seveely. Might have to either get a new df that swivels or maybe try mounting the thing backwards.

Keep em coming! thanks so much guys for all the help. I also tried straight into the bottomline under the grip frame... damn heavy and excruciatingly unbalanced. Guess I got to start lifting weights again.



11-20-2001, 07:14 PM
Well, my normal tanks are too big to keep on gun. but when i use the small one backwards is nice. and odd looking. fits me well.

11-20-2001, 07:15 PM
Don, Rather than offsetting the tank to clear the Warp, do a 90 degree Warp Mounting Plate Modification. It is as simple as drilling one hole in the plate. I will explain it to you if need be. This puts the warp about 1/2 " further off the side of the gun, thus allowing more room for the warp to clear the tank. Also allows you to run the warp hose outside the hopper without drilling the hopper. I also like the Dropzone II drops, like the one thats coming one your new RT. I have been working on this gun for 2 days now and it is almost done. I will post the pics on the forum for all to see. Back to work...Bob:D

11-20-2001, 09:36 PM
Thank you so much Bob. I feel so easy asking what to others may seem to be overly simple or stupid questions. Thanks for putting all the extra time into the RT Tunaman, I'm sure it will live up to the other mags that have given you your reputation.

I will try to do the mod tomorrow.



11-20-2001, 10:34 PM
I run a MacDev Conquest, which has a 'Geddon rail, on my E-Mag. I like CP's flame drop, it puts the tank forward enough to fit me well (the 88/4500 is a long air system) and still allows the battery to be removed (barely!) I've been messing around with offsetting the tank to the right as well. Here's what I came up with. It's a KAPP DZII w/the 'geddon rail. I cut the hexagon bar at both ends, turned the whole thing 60 deg, and redrilled the mounts. It also allows easy access to the fill nipple. Here's what it looks like...

11-20-2001, 10:35 PM
and a pic of the drop, sans tank...

11-20-2001, 10:46 PM
...and 1 more, with the CP Flame drop.

11-20-2001, 11:13 PM
NICE!! Thanks Russ for the pics. I'm gonna study them further. Kinda short on cash tho so a KAPP might not be in my near future.

I was thinking of the other fellow's idea of running the drop forward backward. so that the tank butt is facing the barrel end of the gun. Is that safe? does anyone have anythihng to say about this one, coz it sounds sound but a friend of mine commented that if I slid into a bunker hard and htit the tank it could explode. Any thoughts anyone?


11-20-2001, 11:32 PM
I shoulder the butt end of the tank. With the reg facing backward, well, it just wouldn't work for me.

I find with the tank offset to the right, it's harder to get a good grip on the trigger frame, when firing the gun. The tank hits my wrist. Kinda uncomfortable. The gun balances really well, though.

11-21-2001, 04:18 PM
you hit the ground hard with your gun? ill take a hit before ill slam my gun around like that.

11-22-2001, 12:09 PM
90 degree warp mounting bracket mod done and she's sitting pretty and damn tight. Nice mod. Thanks so much. hose clears with ease and all it good. Even without offset, warp is cleard by the tank. As soon as I get my stuff back from AGD and another marker from Tunaman, I'm gonna set them all up that way. Thanks a bunch guys.
