View Full Version : Know it all's?

Masta Blasta
11-20-2001, 06:36 PM
Does every group of players have a know-it-all?? You know, the guy who tells you how to fix a gun but he's never even touched one? Or the type that tells you what to buy and what not to buy just because he says its bad?

I think every group of players has one of these!

What do you guys think?

Masta Blasta

11-20-2001, 06:39 PM
Oh yes....this guy i kno keeps tellin me whats the best, while he bought 2 PT extremes and is tryin to pull a james bond rambo thing, hes gonna fly through the air firing hit the ground and roll to safety while taking out 5 guys so he says...o and it will work because he says it will

Mild 7
11-21-2001, 08:27 AM
We got a friend who likes to downplay me and my friend's mag, and makes every wise comments every chances he get when we break paint or something similar....while he uses a Tipperman purchased in the early 80's. He's a good guy, descent player skill-wise and makes the best out of his antique.

You know what I think? I think he loves our mag, he's just too cheap to cough up the cash and too sour to see us shooting straight.:D

11-21-2001, 09:41 AM
My god yes - one of the first people I met in paintball is like that. At first I listened to him - but I quickly learned he was full of BS!!! And whats more - I now eclipse him on knowledge and he tries to still school me.

The most annoying thing is how he says he is working with EVERYBODY developing guns - like bob long, jerry dobbins, etc etc. He invented the Force 5 and the original smarts parts barrel etc.

What is super super funny, is that I get a chance to talk to these industry people and find out for a fact he is nothing but a non-stop BS talker.

11-21-2001, 10:01 AM
Yeah.. I have a friend who shoots a Tippmann 98.. its pathetic, i mean this guy is like 6'4'' , lurpy, and kind of clueless. he is trying to tell me how to keep my mag in working condition, and how to install various instruments such as a trigger frame. I don't think he should talk, seeing as though he still can't figure out how to put the barrel in....

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

:cool: :rolleyes:

11-21-2001, 10:23 AM
i know a person who follows EVERYTHING me and mag happy do, and then tries to tell us what to do. One time mag happy was deciding to buy a single or double bency, well this kid got the double before him. as soon as mag happy bought the single, this kid imediatly returns the double saying it sucks and buys a single benchy. i was laughing so hard when i found out. not to metion he talks like he knows every part of playing, and i steped on the field against him with a pump and managed to snap shot his hopper 4 times before he hit me. of course he didnt notice the hopper hits untill i pointed them out to him.

11-21-2001, 10:47 AM
Ther's a few of them around here, too :eek:

11-21-2001, 04:12 PM
Ni_cD is our local know-it-all, but he actually knows the stuff! He can fix guns he's never even seen before lol. He has fixed a few guys cockers, and he has never owned a cocker. Ni_cD IS A KNOWITALL!


11-21-2001, 04:19 PM
yeah, my friend with the "closed bolt blow forward" shutter is sort of like that. The thing is all the upgrades besides the booyah he has gotten, i have recomended. Now he thinks that his gun is much better than a mag and thinks i don't know what i'm talking about. I practically built this kids gun for him! Sheesh. I act like that too sometimes. With the people i play with most don't know how the gun works. A kid with a brand new cocker had no idea how to adjust the velocity. I see problems down the road for him...

Lone Gunman
11-21-2001, 04:54 PM
You know what Adam?

At least I don't put Loctite all over a mag's valve including the bolt to fix a leak!

How about you worry about getting a mag (which I recomended in the first place and you said was crap) before you go saying that I don't know anything. Or better yet, why don't you get a cocker like you said you were so I can laugh at you when it falls apart.

11-21-2001, 05:26 PM
whos adam?

Lone Gunman
11-21-2001, 06:15 PM
Adam is Masta Blasta.

11-21-2001, 09:06 PM
I'm a know it all excpet I know what I'm talkign about!! All my freinds are newbies so they rely on me for info on what is good and what is bad, I don't base my opion souly on what I hear but facts, thats what makes a good know it all!

Masta Blasta
11-22-2001, 01:19 PM
Actualy Lone guneman, I put loctite on the elbow of the macro line because it was leaking. I never put it any where else on the gun but the elbow. So I dont see how you got it that I put it all over the valve and.....on the bolt?
Ha ha now thats funny! WHy would i ever put loctite on the bolt?
Any way thanx for the replies guys

Masta Blasta